
Yang Fanzhou moth - Clostera anachoreta

author:Shaanxi Shangju Biotechnology is limited
Yang Fanzhou moth - Clostera anachoreta

Yang Fanzhou moth

Adults: 13–20 mm long and 28–42 mm wingspan. The insect body is grayish brown. There is an oval dark spot on the top of the head. The tufts of gluteal hairs are dark brown at the ends. The forewings are greyish brown, fan-shaped, with 4 gray-white transverse bands, a dark brown triangular large spot at the apex of the forewing, and a black dot below the apical corner spot. The front half of the outer line crosses the apex angle spot, showing an obliquely extended double-toothed curve, lined with 2-3 melasma with rust red spots. The sub-terminal line consists of a column of inter-veined black dots, of which the point between 2 to 3 veins is larger and significant. The hindwings are off-white with a horizontal line in the middle.

Eggs: orange-red at first birth, dark gray at hatching, steamed bun shape.

Larvae: 35-40 mm long when mature. The head is dark brown. The whole body is covered with long gray-yellow hairs, the body is gray and ochre-brown, with a pale yellowish-green back, and each body node has 4 small ochre hairs on each side, arranged in a ring, with long hairs on it, and a larger melanoma on each side, with a bundle of white fine hairs on it. There is a large jujube red tumor in the center of the back of the abdominal segment 1 and 8, accompanied by a white spot on each side.

Pupa: Brown with forked gluteal spines on the tail.

Cocoon: oval, off-white.

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