
Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Comedian Cao Yunjin has recently been frequently searched, relying on this wave of traffic to accidentally get out of the circle, and even received the support of many netizens.

Just as the so-called where there is Cao Yunjin there is Deyun Society, on May 3, he answered the question of netizens in the live broadcast room: My skills are indeed taught by Guo Degang, but I also paid tuition, and I have never regretted it.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

After saying this, Cao Yunjin continued to speak: There are always some people on the Internet who say that I have a bad life, and also say that I am very downtrodden after leaving Deyun Society, I am not poor, this is all nonsense, I have several companies, villa luxury cars, too content.

Seeing that Cao Yunjin is this attitude, many netizens are cold, the clown turned out to be himself, originally wanted to hold him for a wave, but did not expect to be deeply stabbed by Cao Yunjin.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Since he left the Deyun Society, why didn't he use his real name, and still used "Cao Yunjin", isn't this the word given by Guo Degang?

Cao Yunjin said that the "cloud" character in his stage name was given to him by Mr. Zhang Wenshun, and that when he took the name "Cao Yunjin", he had not yet joined the Deyun Society, which was still during the Beijing Crosstalk Conference.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Some netizens hit the nail on the head: don't change their name, don't say, but also keep rubbing the heat of Deyun Society, their skin is really thick enough, and they are embarrassed to show off their house.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

From Cao Yunjin's language, we can feel that he does not have the slightest remorse, but is quite proud, in the face of the abuse of netizens, his face is not red and his heart does not beat, and his psychological quality is high.

From a normal person's point of view, Guo Degang is a master after all, a master for one day and a father for life, he took you out of the circle, without Guo Degang where you are now, no matter when you must learn to be grateful.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Some time ago, Cao Yunjin's old partner Liu Yuntian restored everything back then, and some netizens turned black fans of Cao Yunjin, and even felt that Guo Degang was not authentic enough.

Cao Yunjin was the most straightforward among many apprentices, and at that time, he was not fully mature, and for the benefit of himself and everyone, he clashed with Guo Degang.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

In Cao Yunjin's opinion, Guo Degang would not refute his face on the birthday party, but Wang Hui's kneeling directly rewrote the situation, which Cao Yunjin never expected.

Knowing that he could no longer gain a foothold in the Deyun Society, Cao Yunjin left Guo Degang with a few people to find another way.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Some people have doubts about this view, feeling that Cao Yunjin has hardened his wings and wants to fly solo to earn more money. No matter what the reason is, his departure makes him and Deyun Society like fire and water, and they will never be compatible.

Subsequently, Guo Degang publicly mocked Cao Yunjin in many programs, and Cao Yunjin wrote a 6,000-word small essay to vent his unwillingness.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

After leaving the Deyun Society, Cao Yunjin relied on his fame to establish "Listening to Yunxuan", but because the power of the Deyun Society continued to expand, he was not an opponent at all, and finally he could only close his doors (also said to be relocated).

Whenever Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin are mentioned, everyone will always open the chatterbox, until Cao Yunjin starts the live broadcast, these old stories actually drive a wave of traffic for him.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

This year, who doesn't earn money if they have money?

After a live broadcast, 100,000 people stopped for 10 million likes, and the gift never broke, and someone estimated that Cao Yunjin's income in one night was about 300,000.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Cao Yunjin's explosion is unexpected, and more people only care about one question: why did he leave back then?

Cao Yunjin said very frankly, bluntly said that it was for money, at that time there were only 4,000 yuan a month, what was this enough?

For the question of whether he regrets it, Cao Yunjin said that he has never regretted it, he has a good life, there are luxury cars, mansions and companies, and his life is good.

People are emotional animals, usually sympathetic to the weak, Cao Yunjin is obviously not weak, let alone the slightest remorse, which makes the public dissatisfied.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Of course, if there is opposition, there is support, and some people have discovered the changes in Cao Yunjin, saying that he has matured a lot and has become more cultured and cultured, and ten Yue Yunpeng are not as good as half of Cao Yunjin.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

After all, if a slap can't make a sound, Guo Degang has no place to reflect?

Another point, Cao Yunjin's fans said: Jin Zi has been enduring, and he has at least two big moves.

First of all, if the matter of "sleeping" female reporters and Yang Xinhua is really exposed, Deyun Agency is estimated to be finished. This matter has been mentioned by Zhuo Wei, but it has not yet become a trend.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Moreover, it is rumored on the Internet that Cao Yunjin is a relative of Guo Degang's ex-wife, who divorced his ex-wife in 2000, but met Wang Hui in 1997 (met during Baoding's cave walking), this time period is quite delicate, and everyone makes up their own brains.

Cao Yunjin's supporters said that he did not say enough, people just eat according to their skills, and if they make people urgent, wait for the day when Deyun Society chickens fly and dogs jump.

Cao Yunjin bluntly said that he did not regret leaving Deyun Society, and revealed that he now lives in a villa and has a luxury car, and is living well

Although the two sides are incompatible, they have not done anything out of the ordinary, and Cao Yunjin is still measured. What do you think about the grudge between Cao Yunjin and Guo Degang? Let's discuss together.

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