
At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

author:Melon-eating aunt

"What kind of vicious environment is she in that makes her only thirty years old make a will early?"

In 1997, Diana faced a TV interview, and her eyes firmly revealed that her current situation was not very safe, and there were countless invisible dangers lurking around her.

At that time, Diana had just signed a divorce agreement with Charles, which symbolized her farewell to the royal family, plus she had a fight with her ex-husband, and there were villains who saw the wind and fell into the well, and were secretly calculating her behind her with a small throwing knife.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

I thought that witnessing my husband and Camilla's marriage was already the most heart-wrenching.

I didn't think that the torment after divorce is the real life is better than death, and the next second of panic and unknown will not encounter calculations and conspiracies.

She is not sure that she can retreat from the whole body, "making a will" is the only thing she can do at present, and her two children are her lifelong weaknesses, and she must plan for them in advance for a lifetime.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

Diana's greatest capital was the forty million pounds she received during the divorce and countless treasures in her name.

In case of accidents, her things are divided into three, two large heads for her son to divide equally, and the remaining small part to help people in need to get a fair life.

But she also knew that children were young, and verbal expressions and empty words did not necessarily work, so she painstakingly entrusted the burden to her guardians.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

With the support of their mother's assets, William and Harry should have been like a tiger, and the two would also take advantage of this bond to sublimate their brotherly feelings, become more and more intimate, and be willing to support each other.

But the ending is self-defeating, her jewelry gives the children confidence, but also tears the brotherhood with her own hands.

In 2010, William planned to propose to Kate, and Harry heard that he offered to take out his mother's sapphire diamond ring to let his brother boldly court.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

When they picked their mother's inheritance, all they ended up with was a ring and a watch.

Harry suddenly remembered that when he was in his mother's arms, the sapphire ring always hurt his back and made him squeak, and now that he thinks about it, this is the bond of coveting his mother's love again after crossing the ten-year timeline.

But he was willing to give it to his future sister-in-law, after all, if his mother had not divorced, the ring would have been worn on her hand until she ascended the throne and became the most orthodox and honorable woman in all of England.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

Isn't it fitting that her brother is destined to be the heir and Kate is a candidate for queen, and now she wears her mother's ring, and one day, that ring will accompany her and sit on the queen's throne together?

Harry chose to use the way of cutting his love to fulfill his brother's dream, which shows that in his eyes, the deep blood relationship with his mother and brother is far better than all the rare treasures in the world.

William and Kate have always kept Harry in mind, and naturally got closer and closer, becoming the indestructible "iron triangle" of the royal palace.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

Until Harry met Meghan, this is a vain, indifferent material woman, from the moment she married into the royal family, she constantly competed with her sister-in-law Kate openly and secretly.

Privately, she has always coveted Diana's inheritance, and when she saw her sister-in-law's sapphire ring, she immediately couldn't look at Harry's diamond ring set with two Botswana stones.

Meghan tried to get Harry to return the ring, after all, it was a treasure that Harry had carried in his pocket, and even if it was sent, it had the right to take it back.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

What's more, this diamond ring is not only worth 300,000 pounds, which is 50,000 more expensive than her wedding ring, and it also carries everyone's expectations for the "future queen".

Such a treasure, with a special meaning beyond vulgar money, may have belonged to him in the first place, why is it now worn on the ring finger of other women.

After the suggestion was fruitless, Meghan seemed to have been pierced in her heart, and the more time passed, the more jealous she became, naturally constantly blowing the wind, and occasionally making trouble with Harry.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

At first, Harry believed in the saying: when love and family affection collide and conflict, you must choose the latter.

But people's hearts change, and the longer they run with Megan, the more their thoughts deviate from the right track, and they begin to stubbornly believe that everyone regards him as a spare tire for his big brother.

Finally, in 2020, Harry completely hated all the royal family members led by his eldest brother, and let William keep him repeatedly, and he could not make Harry stop breaking with the family.

At the age of 32, Diana made a will to leave the jewelry to William Harry, but unexpectedly caused her brother to separate

Because of this insignificant piece of jewelry, the family fell apart and cut off their kinship.

I'm afraid this is not the result that Diana wanted to see after painstakingly arranging back then, she is in the spirit of heaven, and she never wants to see the two brothers estranged so far!

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