
No compromises! Big S's mother wants a deposit of 60 million, Zhang Lan: If you can't pick up primary school, you will wait for the university!

author:Melon-eating aunt

Wang Xiaofei really only dares to lose her temper with her mother!

A few days ago, Wang Xiaofei hummed a small song, happily went to pick up the child, and when the live broadcast began to scream again, saying that it was "Guangzong Yaozu".

As a result, in the middle of the night, Wang Xiaofei sat in the live broadcast room with a heavy heart, his face full of displeasure and sadness.

No compromises! Big S's mother wants a deposit of 60 million, Zhang Lan: If you can't pick up primary school, you will wait for the university!

His mother, Zhang Lan, tentatively asked him if there was any hope for him to take his children home for the summer vacation.

Wang Xiaofei was very angry and said that she did not want to talk about this topic again, and even interrupted the live broadcast.

Zhang Lan was very calm and asked Wang Xiaofei to stay in Taipei and spend more time with her children.

No compromises! Big S's mother wants a deposit of 60 million, Zhang Lan: If you can't pick up primary school, you will wait for the university!

Some netizens have said that Wang Xiaofei should not spread her anger on her mother, Zhang Lan is no longer sad to see her grandchildren, if she has the ability, she should go to Big S Theory instead of falling out with her family.

Wang Xiaofei's mood is understandable, he was full of joy and prepared to take the child home for the summer vacation, but he did not expect that Mother S blocked it and asked for a deposit of 60 million.

Such a request is really difficult, Wang Xiaofei has a high amount of child support, but can not pick up the child, this situation makes people feel helpless and heartache.

No compromises! Big S's mother wants a deposit of 60 million, Zhang Lan: If you can't pick up primary school, you will wait for the university!

Wang Xiaofei has always hoped to take back the custody of her two children so that they can meet their grandmother. He was anxious, but he also understood that he could not delay his children's studies because of adult affairs. Finally, the arrival of summer vacation gave him a chance.

On July 1, Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Linlin officially went on summer vacation. Wang Xiaofei went to Taiwan that afternoon, ready to pick up the children.

He happily opened a live broadcast communication with netizens, fantasized about his child's life in Beijing, and promised to take some photos of the child for everyone after arriving in Taiwan.

No compromises! Big S's mother wants a deposit of 60 million, Zhang Lan: If you can't pick up primary school, you will wait for the university!

However, after the live broadcast, Wang Xiaofei suddenly disappeared.

He did not share the photos as agreed and did not announce that he had returned to Beijing, raising concerns.

On July 2, Zhang Lan turned on the live broadcast, and some netizens asked Wang Xiaofei about picking up the child.

However, Zhang Lan's reaction was strange, she avoided the question, saying that her live broadcast room was positive and did not mention those obscure things. This made people wonder if Wang Xiaofei had gone wrong in picking up her children back to Beijing.

No compromises! Big S's mother wants a deposit of 60 million, Zhang Lan: If you can't pick up primary school, you will wait for the university!

Under the inquiry of many netizens, Zhang Lan revealed that her grandmother Huang Chunmei expressed distrust of Wang Xiaofei and her grandmother's ability and intentions, and was worried about the safety and care of her children.

It is understood that Mother S finally agreed to Wang Xiaofei to take the child, but put forward two conditions.

Mama S's first request was to let Mr. An, the legal representative of Ma Liuji, guarantee the children and ensure their safety and health. If the guarantee cannot be provided, some compensation will be paid.

No compromises! Big S's mother wants a deposit of 60 million, Zhang Lan: If you can't pick up primary school, you will wait for the university!

However, S Ma's second condition caused widespread controversy. She asked Wang Xiaofei to pay 60 million yuan as a bargaining chip for her children.

However, this request has sparked extensive discussion. Some people think that 60 million is not a big number for Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan, but others worry that such an exchange will become a bottomless pit, leading to more demands.

Whether Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan should pay this money has become the focus of many netizens.

The story of Wang Xiaofei's return to Beijing is actually a family dispute. In family disputes, adults should pay attention to the well-being of children and should not use them as bargaining chips.

No compromises! Big S's mother wants a deposit of 60 million, Zhang Lan: If you can't pick up primary school, you will wait for the university!

Family disputes should be resolved through reasonable communication and resolution, so that children can grow up healthy and happy. At the same time, we should also understand the considerations and dilemmas of all parties and seek fair solutions.

I have to say that in this incident, Wang Xiaofei became mature. He didn't argue with Big S's family or make a fuss online.

Now, at least he can return to Taiwan to visit his children from time to time. Despite the fact that the relationship had become deadlocked, he remained calm and did not act excessively.

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