
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Yesterday was originally written about Xiao Yaxuan, and I saw the news of Li Min's death near the end.

Turning to write Li Min, writing and writing, he found that Li Min and Xiao Yaxuan's experiences and states were so similar, and his heart clicked.

Let's talk about the recent gossip first.

Xiao Yaxuan's ex-boyfriend Huang Hao is married.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Say "former", the woman is definitely not Xiao Yaxuan.

Regarding the news of Huang Hao's marriage, the process of coming out is actually quite special.

The cause was that a girl posted on the little sweet potato, saying that the little brother of the next-door neighbor was a star, and whether he should continue to be moved. (Don't think too much, Li Xiaofeng already has Liu Kaiwei)

The girl said that she moved to Canada from China last year, and then met the neighbor's little brother, who is very handsome but a little indifferent. (Don't think too much, Fan Fan has already stepped on the sewing machine)

The first time they met, her dog ran to the other party's house to go to the toilet, the girl was trembling, the other party was cold and indifferent, but she still added WeChat because of this.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Later, the situation slowly changed.

Here comes the peach blossom.

Because the girl was busy with work, she once did not have much intersection with the neighbor's little brother, but her dog was a dog who loved to charge, and often ran to each other's house to defecate.

Then one day, the dog broke into the neighbor's house, and the girl went to catch the dog, and happened to meet the neighbor's little brother half-naked around the bath towel.

The excited girl shared the matter with her girlfriend, who recognized him as a star at a glance.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

The handsome star little brother is next door, what to do?

There is also no what to do.

The girl said that the other party was often not at home, and she didn't know if the other party had a girlfriend, and she was afraid of cultural differences, so she didn't think too much.

As a result, there was a turnaround in July 2022.

The water pipe in their apartment also charged for love - it burst, the neighbor's little brother's house was completely flooded, and her home was intact.

The girl moved and asked the little brother if he wanted to come to the living room to sleep, and the other party agreed.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

But the night was not very good.

Embarrassing chat, embarrassing chat, or embarrassing chat, talking until finally the little brother went back to his house to sleep.

Later, the girl invited the neighbor's little brother to dinner, but the timing was wrong and unsuccessful.

In the end, they slowly became strangers again, and the girls had some other suitors.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

What happened next?

The girl broke off.

After two months of sudden posting, saying that after posting, a lot of things and misunderstandings happened, and now it has been resolved.

She decided not to update anymore, not wanting to be said to be using celebrities to exchange traffic, and the story ended, she had given her account to her neighbor and entrusted her dog to his care.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

The onlookers looked confused.

Even if the story is made up, I hope that Xiao Tianwen can have an ending, and I want to know whether it is BE or HE. And there are a lot of question marks that are not clearly explained.

But this account did not answer again, but the neighbors were really using it, updating some videos of playing basketball.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

The post should have sunk into the sea until a few days ago, and came out with a very unexpected result.

Some netizens broke the news that a colleague and Xiao Yaxuan's ex-boyfriend got married, and the two were neighbors and had just recently received a license.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Remembering Xiao Yaxuan's ex-boyfriend, and then comparing the video of playing basketball.

Netizens locked, it was Huang Hao.

Yes, it is that Xiao Yaxuan has been in the relationship for a long time, talked for nearly four years, Xiao Yaxuan is a girlfriend and a mother and wants to be popular ex-boyfriend Huang Hao.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

I was surprised all of a sudden.

Whether it is the identity of the protagonist of the story or the speed of development, it is surprising, a few months ago he was still sharing his heart for the neighbor's little brother, and a few months later the two have obtained a license, saying that flash marriage is not exaggerated.

After the matter spread, Huang Hao claimed, thank you for your concern.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

However, the comments below are not too blessed.

There was a warning to him not to rub Xiao Yaxuan's traffic.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Some feel unworthy for Xiao Yaxuan, or regret this relationship.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Others play 25-year-old terriers, saying that their sister is free.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Just what do you say?

I feel that many people have misunderstandings about Xiao Yaxuan, and fans have stronger resentments about this relationship than Xiao Yaxuan himself. More or less looked up or down on her.

Around 2017, Xiao Yaxuan met Huang Hao, who was 16 years younger than himself and had just graduated from college, and the media said that he was his younger brother.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

After the relationship was exposed, Xiao Yaxuan generously posted a photo with her boyfriend.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

After that, her boyfriend entered Xiao Yaxuan's company and became her artist.

But this is not a good thing.

Huang Hao is an amateur with no experience in art at all, because he made a diva girlfriend and stepped into the entertainment industry.

He has luck, but he has no strength, can't sing and dance, can't act, can't be an idol, can't be an actor, the only work on the encyclopedia is to star in the four-leaf clover "cat poop coffee micro-movie".

A 5-minute mini-movie that looks more like a MV.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

In addition, it is to participate in the barrier-free variety show "Supernova National Games" that young and young artists like to participate in.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Or in the name of Xiao Yaxuan's boyfriend, on the "Spit Conference", the topic is still about Xiao Yaxuan, because there is only one topic to talk about.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Huang Hao's heart to enter the circle is obvious, and Xiao Yaxuan's heart to hold her boyfriend is also obvious.

But it's hard work.

The little boyfriend coughed up blood because of the pressure and went to the hospital. Xiao Yaxuan reviewed that he had too high requirements for Huang Hao, sent him acting lessons, danced, and told him to practice piano.

Identity, status and planning for the future are mountains that lie in front of the two, and in the end they are unhappy, losing the most basic happiness in love.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

If you are not emotionally good, it is easy to get rumors.

At that time, Xiao Yaxuan liked a cheating Weibo, plus she said in her fan base that there are big events in her life going to happen, hoping that fans will understand her friends at that time.

It was speculated whether it was a little boyfriend splitting his legs, but there was no follow-up to this later, and it may just be an oolong.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Later, the two went on variety shows together, and more problems were exposed.

Q: When was the last time the two quarreled? Because of what?

said that two days ago, Xiao Yaxuan wanted to cut Huang Hao's hair, but her boyfriend wouldn't let him.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Xiao Yaxuan: Fix it.

Boyfriend: Don't.

Xiao Yaxuan: Okay, whatever.

Boyfriend: Okay, you cut.

Xiao Yaxuan: I don't want to cut it.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Much like the little couples we see quarreling in our daily life, and finally the boyfriend compromises, not wanting to upset his girlfriend, in fact, there is still unhappiness in the heart.

He asked to the camera: Who will let Xiao Yaxuan cut his hair?

The implication, audience, are you going to let someone who is not a professional tony move on his head?

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Xiao Yaxuan was not very happy, saying that he was willing to have all five dogs.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

My boyfriend insisted: I don't want to.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Finally, the two looked at each other.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

The boyfriend won, Xiao Yaxuan urged to enter the next question, saying that otherwise he would quarrel again.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Boys are also very concerned about sleeping.

I wanted to sleep, but I was forced by Xiao Yaxuan to watch TV together.

Xiao Yaxuan: I couldn't sleep at that time.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Boyfriend: So what? That's selfish.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

The words came out with a smile, but in fact, he was very concerned in his heart, saying that Xiao Yaxuan would make him angry like this.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Xiao Yaxuan was surprised, it turns out that this will make you angry?

The boyfriend gave a speechless expression.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

The two do not agree in many places about this relationship.

The program group asked who is the dominant party in love?

Xiao Yaxuan thinks that they dominate each other, and her boyfriend thinks that Xiao Yaxuan will talk about himself.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Xiao Yaxuan explained that at the beginning, he was more dominant, and then he was mutual.

For example, at work, I will manage my boyfriend's style and hair color, but in life, I will not care, whatever.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

After speaking, her boyfriend Mune nodded mechanically.

Like obedience after a struggle: Well, you're right, but the belly is quietly slandering: You forcibly cut my hair, not dominant?

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Of course, then again, couples can quarrel with each other more or less over certain things.

This does not mean that there is no love between them.

Huang Hao talked about seeing Xiao Yaxuan for the first time, there was light in his eyes, and Xiao Yaxuan was very special and stylish.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Talking about the most romantic memories of the two, his face was also full of smiles.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Including quarrels or something, Xiao Yaxuan said that he sometimes deliberately made his boyfriend angry, which is more interesting.

Her boyfriend also understands that Xiao Yaxuan is a little girl and needs to be coaxed all the time.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

It's just that the feeling at each stage of a relationship is always different.

It must be happy and sweet when you first meet and fall in love, but when you get along for three years, the most filtered time passes, and your career is tied together, and the friction will increase.

Throughout the relationship, Huang Hao's unintentional rebellion is like a boy's rebellion against his mother. "I don't want you to cut my hair", "I don't want to watch TV with you", "It's up to you to decide everything", this already means that he is tired and unhappy. Naturally, Xiao Yaxuan was the same.

A year after being on the variety show, pulling and pulling until July 2021, the two announced their breakup.

It can be seen that this relationship has made Xiao Yaxuan invest a lot, and she has been entangled repeatedly, but she is not a complete love brain, and she should be able to digest the frustration it brings, as she said, just love.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Compared with the emotional difficulties, Xiao Yaxuan's physical and mental state is more worthy of attention.

She hasn't been very good in recent years.

Previously, because it was silent for a long time, it was rumored that AIDS was reported, and it was only clarified after winning the lawsuit.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Immediately afterwards, the head was injured, several stitches were received, and the wound looked painful.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Fans said that during the time she disappeared, a person survived the torment of bronchitis, loss of voice, chest injury, and depression.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

I finally survived, and later because I was the boss, I was by the villains in the team.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Later, it was on the hot search because of its poor state, which attracted the attention of the public.

My eyes can't be opened during the live broadcast.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Eating movements are also slow.

The whole feeling is confused, tired and heavy, and without spirit.

Even fans saw it and guessed whether she had taken antidepressants and the like.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

These are the live states from three years ago.

A few days ago, Xiao Yaxuan spoke to fans live, looked a lot better, spoke strongly, and had a clear brain.

But luck is still fading.

It is said that his face was bitten by an adopted dog, and he had surgery on his hip in February this year, and he spent a lot of time every day doing rehabilitation, which was very painful.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

She was actually sad.

She wants to come back and doesn't want fans to think she's a liar, but she doesn't want to sell miserably about the pain of her own surgery, everyone can't imagine how hard she works, she works hard for her mother.

(Her parents are divorced, her mother took her and her brother alone, she is still a strong woman in her career, and her mother died of cancer in 2010)

And the reason why I say it now is that I don't want the media to write that she is not working hard.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Xiao Yaxuan said that when she won the Golden Melody Awards last July, she was walking on crutches, but now she has slowly recovered and can take a step with force.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Talking to the back, Xiao Yaxuan joked, saying that he is now single, go after her.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

Being able to talk about their vulnerability, being able to generously shout for people to chase, makes people feel a little relieved.

It shows that she is relaxed mentally and not so tight.

Li Min's death this time is estimated to be a blow to Xiao Yaxuan.

The agent said she was sad and had been crying, and later posted a post recalling that the last words Li Min had told her were: Elva, come back, singing.

Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min
Voice loss, surgery, depression, care for Xiao Yaxuan, who is highly similar to Li Min

It can be seen that what they are most worried about is the stage where they can sparkle and find their own value.

But God is very unfair to these two singing and dancing divas.

One is bright, the other is free, they all seem to love to laugh, who knows that behind them have experienced voice loss, can't walk, hip surgery, betrayal, depression and so on. No matter how strong a person is, in the face of layer after layer of blows, it is inevitable.

And the strong always seem to be like this, either strong or broken, and even more terrifying.

Fortunately, Xiao Yaxuan looks a lot better now, I hope she can take care of her body, relax her mind, and come back without hurry, and the audience has been there.

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