
Two mainland singers were shortlisted for the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards, but they left the stage before the ceremony, which is a meaningful move

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On June 29, 2024, the 35th Golden Melody Awards ceremony is about to be grandly debuted, but the two mainland singers Jude and Xu Jun, who were shortlisted for this year's Chinese singers, were absent due to "personal factors". Taiwan's Bureau of Culture, Film and Television also explained the incident.

According to the Culture, Film and Television Bureau, this year's Golden Melody Awards was originally expected to be attended by 26 mainland finalists and their team members. However, due to the conflict between the schedules of individual people, some personnel canceled their plans to come to Taiwan in advance. Among them, Jude and his team of 8 people were originally scheduled to arrive in Taiwan on June 27 and 28 to prepare for the award ceremony. However, this morning, the Culture, Film and Television Bureau received a notice from Yashen Music that Jude was unwell because he participated in the rehearsal and recording of mainland programs for two consecutive days before coming to Taiwan, and urgently needed to return to the mainland for hospital examination. As a result, Jude and his team had left the stage before the ceremony began.

Two mainland singers were shortlisted for the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards, but they left the stage before the ceremony, which is a meaningful move

In addition, Xu Jun also stated earlier that due to other work-related reasons, he could not temporarily adjust his itinerary, so he could not attend tonight's award ceremony.

Two mainland singers were shortlisted for the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards, but they left the stage before the ceremony, which is a meaningful move

In recent years, the once glorious Taiwan Golden Melody Awards have gradually declined. In the past, the Golden Melody Awards were hailed as the highest honor in the Chinese music scene, attracting countless singers and musicians. However, as time went on, the influence and appeal of the Golden Melody Awards continued to wane. Many of the top Chinese singers and producers no longer see it as a must-attend event, but instead turn to other more international or market-oriented music awards. At the same time, the changes in the music industry and the diversification of audience tastes have also questioned the evaluation criteria and award-winning works of the Golden Melody Awards.

Two mainland singers were shortlisted for the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards, but they left the stage before the ceremony, which is a meaningful move

In addition, the spectacle and freshness of the award ceremony have decreased year by year, and it can no longer arouse widespread discussion and attention. Although the organizers continued to try to innovate and reform, the results were not good and failed to reverse the decline. In this case, the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards gradually lost their former glory.

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