
An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

author:History is a bit cold
An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people
An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Marrying a young and beautiful woman is the wish of most men, and it is really a beautiful thing to be beautiful on the side.

Kim Chaohan, a Chinese-American doctor, got his wish to marry a beauty pageant champion, but this is not a happy thing for Kim Chaohan.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Kim Chao-han's wife, Regina, is a well-deserved beauty pageant champion, but she is not as simple as everyone thinks. Behind the scenes, Regina lingers around many rich people as a call girl. And her husband Kim Chaohan had no idea about it.

Why did Regina do such a ridiculous thing? Is there an unspeakable secret behind this? What kind of story is there between Kim Chaohan and Regina?

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An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

The life of the spoiled wife of an American doctor

Doctor Kim Chaohan has a good life that envy everyone, his wife Regina is hot and delicate, and the two have a harmonious relationship, and they are a pair of real handsome men and beautiful women.

Kim Chao-han and Regina met in 2015, Kim Chaohan is a highly educated and high-status American doctor, and Regina is a beauty pageant who has just won the championship. At a party, the two met.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

A single couple of men and women were attracted to each other's appearance and temperament, and after some exchanges, the two were very close, and soon showed their intentions for each other, and it didn't take long to get to the point of talking about marriage.

Kim Chaohan and Regina are both well-known figures in American high society, so their relationship has attracted much attention in society. After months of getting along, they decided to enter the palace of marriage.

In November 2015, Kim Chaohan and Regina held a lavish wedding in the United States, which was comparable to the wedding of the British royal family.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Regina wore a private custom wedding dress studded with pearls and painted delicate makeup, and slowly walked towards Kim Chaohan with flowers in her hand under the gaze of everyone, and the groom, Kim Chaohan, also wore a couture suit worth tens of thousands of dollars.

The entire wedding cost millions of dollars, which made most American upper class people secretly smack. These are enough to show Kim Chaohan's favor for Regina.

After marriage, Jin Chaohan is also obedient to Jin Chaohan, after all, with such a peerless beauty as a wife, which man will be unhappy?

In order to give Regina a new life, Kim Chao-han repurchased a mansion worth nearly $7 million as a wedding home for the two. The mansion was designed by a famous American designer, with rockeries and swimming pools in the courtyard, and the total area was the size of a football field.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Kim Chao-han is responsible for making money to support the family, Regina does not have to work, her task is to look beautiful, and spending money shopping and playing every day is her main activity.

In the United States, doctors are complete upper-class people, real upper-class. Kim Chaohan is also a medical doctor who graduated from a prestigious school, and his status is even more unmatched. Kim Chao-han earns more than $3 million a year.

Since marrying Kim Chaohan, Regina has lived a good life as Mrs. Ko. Regina is playful and loves shopping, and Kim Chao-han spends money for her without reservation.

During their honeymoon, Kim Chaohan took Regina around Europe, and together they went to see the ocean, visit the century-old castle, and visit the art gallery. They go together to eat the special food of various countries and taste the different customs and customs of various countries.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Regina liked to buy luxury goods, so Kim Chaohan gave her an unlimited credit card and booked her a ticket to travel to various fashion shows.

Because Kim Chaohan was busy with work and could not be by Regina's side from time to time, Kim Chaohan felt even more guilty about his wife and had to double his material compensation.

Regina also felt the love and care of her husband Kim Chaohan, and in order to show her love for her husband, Regina took the initiative to change her surname to her husband's surname.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

In the past, when women in the West got married, they had to take the surname of their husbands to show that they belonged to their husbands and were loyal to them. However, since modern times, women's consciousness has generally awakened, and they have a sense of independence, so the behavior of crowning husbands is rare.

Regina took the initiative to change her name to Regina Kim, which made her husband Kim Chaohan very moved. Kim Chaohan bought a villa for Regina in Japan, just so that Regina could travel in Japan to relax and relax.

The two spent five years of happy life together, and in the eyes of outsiders, Kim Chaohan and Regina are a model couple, the two often go to various parties and events hand in hand, and the look of affection makes many people very envious.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

With the help of his wife's identity, Kim Chaohan's career has also improved greatly, and he has earned more and more money.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Wife's secret

If Kim Chaohan did not discover his wife Regina's secret, then they could really grow old together.

Regina loves to travel and vacation everywhere, and each visit is ten days and a half month, and the money spent each time is far more than Kim Chaohan expected. In the first few years, Kim Chaohan was busy with work and did not pay attention to it, thinking that she just liked to play.

But after a long time, Kim Chaohan discovered that something was wrong with his wife.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

One day in 2018, Regina told Kim Chaohan that he was going to Singapore, and before going, Regina told her husband that she would go to play for ten days this time, but when the ten days came, Regina called her husband and said that she wanted to play for a few more days. A month later, Regina returned home.

What's even more strange is that Regina brought back several luxury goods that Kim Chao Han had never seen before, which were not given by Kim Chao Han and could not have been bought by Regina himself. Because the total value of these luxury goods has exceeded the level of consumption of Reggina.

Kim asked his wife why, and Regina said it was sent by her friend. Regina is a model, and her circle of friends is very wide, and most of her friends Kim Chaohan does not know, so Kim Chaohan cannot go to personally ask for verification.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Looking at his wife's deep and innocent eyes, Kim Chaohan finally felt that he was overhearted.

Out of trust in each other, Kim and Regina never checked each other's phones and computers. But since that incident, doubts in his heart have shrouded Kim Chaohan's heart like a lingering haze.

One day, Regina went out, but her computer was still logged into her social networking software. Kim Chaohan couldn't help but want to check, and this look, he discovered the secret hidden by his wife Regina.

On Regina's social software, there are chat records between her and nearly two dozen strange men, the chat content is very explicit, it is completely beyond the scope of ordinary friends, and there are many large transfers to Regina from the other party.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Kim also found evidence that his wife and multiple men were dating offline and vacationing together.

Looking at these conclusive evidences, Kim Chaohan trembled with anger, he couldn't accept that his wife who was so cared for and loved could make such an unscrupulous betrayal behind his back.

After the anger, Jin Chaohan felt great sadness again, thinking that there was a sincere love between himself and his wife, and he really treated his wife, even if she didn't love herself, how could she do something so hurtful to herself?

The happy life that I once spent together comes to mind like a movie screen.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

They exchanged rings in full view and made promises to each other; They walked hand in hand on the beach at dusk, confiding in each other their love for each other; Together they plan for the future, imagining a happy life in their twilight years.

It turns out that all this is a deception, all vows and promises are lies, Regina has never loved herself, she only treats herself as a wronged boss, a clown, wantonly conceals, deceives, this marriage has been a joke from the beginning.

After waking up, Kim Chaohan regained his senses, and his love for his wife had all turned into hatred at this time, and he kept a backup of all the evidence on his computer. Kim Chao-han wants Regina to pay for his actions, and he does not allow such a person who is unfaithful to himself to continue to be his pillow man. He is going to sue for divorce.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

In 2020, Kim Chao-han wrote a 300-page divorce petition with all the evidence that Regina had engaged in sex trafficking, and took Regina to court and filed for divorce.

In court, an angry Kim Chaohan constantly questioned Regina why he did this, but Regina did not say a word, just silence.

Kim Chao-han asks Regina to pay compensation to himself to make up for all the injuries he has suffered. Is Kim Chaohan short of money? Of course there was no shortage of it, he just wanted Regina to get the punishment she deserved.

But Regina said that he was unable to compensate, and the two were deadlocked.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

To everyone's surprise, a few weeks later, Kim Chaohan suddenly relented, he gave up the legal process, no longer asked Regina for compensation, and proposed to settle with Regina out of court.

Doesn't Kim no longer hate Regina?

Could it be that Kim Chaohan really chose to forgive Regina?

The true intentions are unknown, and Kim Chaohan and Regina did not respond to the public. Perhaps Kim Chaohan finally cares about his five-year married life with Regina; Or maybe Kim Chaohan doesn't want to cause himself more trouble because of this incident.

Whatever the reason, Kim Chaohan and Regina's marriage came to an end, and the two eventually successfully went through the divorce procedures.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

After the divorce, Regina continued to be active on her social platforms, and repeatedly interacted with political bigwigs and wealthy people on social platforms. He even interacted with Trump's son on Twitter many times and followed each other.

Maybe Regina is still continuing her career as a call girl, or maybe she's learned her lesson and is on track. But it all depends on her own choices.

Kim Chao-han devoted all his energy to medical research after his divorce.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

The once handsome men and beautiful women and the prosperous wedding came to an end, and this result made the onlookers who had witnessed their beautiful love can't help but sigh.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

A marriage full of deception

Kim Chao-han can be called a real high-quality man. His parents are both Korean and also high-wage earners.

In order to allow Kim to receive higher education in the United States, Kim's parents immigrated to the United States when their son was 5 or 6 years old and became American citizens.

His parents provided him with the top educational resources, coupled with Kim Chaohan's intelligence and studiousness, so Kim Chaohan's grades have always been outstanding, and he was admitted to St. Louis University and Washington University to continue his medical studies after high school.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

He has a deep research in medicine, especially spinal and scoliosis surgery, and is one of the top doctors in the world.

Not only is his education top-notch, but Kim Chaohan's appearance conditions are also very superior, he is about one meter eight meters tall, because of the habit of perennial fitness, he is strong and muscular. And his appearance is also very handsome, and he is the dream lover of countless girls.

Although Regina is beautiful in appearance, it is still far from the conditions of Kim Chao Han.

Regina won the Miss 2011 pageant title with her beauty. But her native family is not rich, and it is because of the title of beauty pageant champion that she has more ways to make money, and Regina is very clear about this.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Rich people love beauty. Regina is hot, beautiful in appearance, and very lively in character, so many rich people like Regina very much.

So, Regina took full advantage of her, left and right among the rich, engaged in sex trading, and made a lot of money.

In order to create a character, Regina lied to the outside world that she inherited more than $500,000 from her grandmother, and created a highly educated Bai Fumei character.

At a party, Regina meets Kim Chaohan, a handsome and golden-clad single man. Regina believed that Kim could be his next big customer, so he deliberately approached and established a relationship with Kim.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Kim Chaohan, who was kept in the dark, mistakenly thought that Regina had feelings for him, and mistakenly thought that Regina really liked him, so he launched a fierce pursuit of Regina.

Being a rich wife always has more status and prospects than being a call girl, so Regina agreed to Kim Chaohan's marriage proposal.

After marriage, Regina still did not give up contact with those rich and continued to wander among the rich people. At this time, Regina was already not short of money, and she chose to continue to do so, perhaps because she was addicted to being sought after by everyone.

But such behavior is too unfair for Kim Chao-han. Kim Chaohan just wants to grow old hand in hand with his beloved wife, but he doesn't want to be hurt like this.

An American doctor marries a beauty pageant champion, and after marriage, he discovers that his wife turned out to be a call girl and had an affair with many people

Since this marriage has changed its taste, it is the best choice to let each other go and end this marriage.

In the face of media interviews, Kim Chaohan did not say anything to slander Regina, the past is gone, I only hope that she can go on the right path and stop doing those shady things.

Appearance is indeed a plus, but it should not be the only criterion for judging a person, and Kim Chaohan has indeed made the mistake of only caring about appearance and ignoring the inside.

Marriage should be two people who trust each other to work together and progress together, and any deception will not be tolerated, not to mention that Regina has made such a serious mistake of principle.

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