
Arthur's very impractical equipment, novices as treasures, masters will not use

author:Vulcan Mumu

Everyone knows that Arthur is a very powerful hero in the glory of kings, don't look at him for free, but the real strength is not comparable to few heroes. Today I will mainly talk to you about how Arthur should choose the right equipment. I've seen many people who like to give Arthur the ice grip, mainly because they fancy the passivity of the ice grip. This piece of equipment can cause a 30% slowdown on the target after using the skill, so everyone feels that as long as Arthur has it, it can easily keep the other party.

Arthur's very impractical equipment, novices as treasures, masters will not use

In fact, you are ignoring one point, that is, Arthur's own speed is very fast, he can speed himself up by thirty percent after using a skill, and the next ordinary attack is equivalent to a displacement, how many people can keep up with such a speed? It is estimated that only heroes like Han Xin or monkeys can do it. It is precisely because of this that even if you have the grip of ice marks, you will slow down the other party, but it is useless, because no one can keep up with your speed to fight damage.

Arthur's very impractical equipment, novices as treasures, masters will not use

The most important point is that the defense power of the Ice Grip is not high, and Arthur is the kind of hero who plays a move or a set of skills and runs. So he is very afraid of being slowed down or controlled, once he is retained, and your defense is not good, it will definitely be the end of sending people's heads. So the equipment that is really suitable for Arthur is not the grip of ice, but the extreme cold storm, which is the equipment that the master Arthur should really choose.

Arthur's very impractical equipment, novices as treasures, masters will not use

Let's talk about why Arthur is suitable for extreme cold storms, first of all, you look at its passivity, after receiving a heavy blow, it can reduce the opponent's attack speed by 30%, and the movement speed by 30%, from this point we know that Arthur needs it very much. As we said earlier, Arthur is the kind of hero who runs with a move or a set of skills, he is afraid of being controlled by the other party, and if we are retained by the other party after playing the skill, it can immediately trigger the passive of the extreme cold storm. One is that it can slow down the opponent's pursuit speed, and the other is that it can reduce its own damage, so this is definitely an artifact that allows us to quickly get rid of the enemy at a critical moment.

Arthur's very impractical equipment, novices as treasures, masters will not use

Also, if we don't give Arthur the grip of ice, we can also choose the power of the Grandmaster for him. There are also two advantages to this equipment, the first is that after using the skill, the power of the grandmaster can increase the user's movement speed by twelve percent, and if it is combined with Arthur's skill, then this movement speed can be increased to forty-two percent. The second benefit is that the normal attack after using the skill can double Arthur's damage, and with these two points, it can become Arthur's core equipment.