
The White House has reached voluntary security measures agreements with seven AI giants to boost the development of artificial intelligence

author:AIGC Future
The AI industry has taken an important step towards responsible guardrails, laying the foundation for exploring new possibilities in the future.
The White House has reached voluntary security measures agreements with seven AI giants to boost the development of artificial intelligence

According to the New York Times website on July 21, the White House announced that seven leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies have agreed to take voluntary safety precautions for the development of the technology to ensure that the risks of these new tools are managed while competing around the potential of artificial intelligence.

The White House has reached voluntary security measures agreements with seven AI giants to boost the development of artificial intelligence

Companies participating in this voluntary pledge include Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, the metaverse platform, Microsoft, and the Open Artificial Intelligence Research Center (OpenAI).

The announcement comes as these companies race to launch various versions of AI. As AI becomes increasingly sophisticated and anthropomorphic, these technological leaps have raised concerns about the spread of false information, as well as stark warnings about the "risk of extinction."

The White House has reached voluntary security measures agreements with seven AI giants to boost the development of artificial intelligence

Content of voluntary safety precautions

These voluntary safety precautions are reportedly only early tentative steps as governments in Washington and around the world seek to establish legal and regulatory frameworks for AI development.

These commitments include testing products for security risks and using measures such as watermarking to ensure consumers can identify AI-generated material.

The White House has reached voluntary security measures agreements with seven AI giants to boost the development of artificial intelligence

Challenges and possibilities of AI regulation

However, lawmakers have struggled to try to regulate social media and other technologies in a way that goes hand in hand with this rapidly evolving technology.

For now, these voluntary commitments will not limit the plans of AI companies or hinder the development of their technologies. As it is a voluntary commitment, government regulators will not enforce these elements.

An important first step in responsible guardrails

The White House has reached voluntary security measures agreements with seven AI giants to boost the development of artificial intelligence

Nick Clegg, Meta's president of global affairs, said in a statement: "We are pleased to join others in the industry in making these voluntary commitments. They are an important first step in ensuring responsible guardrails are in place on AI, and they will create a model that other governments can follow. "

This shows that these voluntary safety precautions are an important milestone in the development of the AI industry, and also open up new possibilities for the future development of AI technology.

Editor: Wei Xiaobao

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