
The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu?

author:Tiger Sports


On June 28, Beijing time, in the group stage of the U18 Women's Basketball World Cup, the outstanding performance of a Chinese player became the focus of attention of basketball fans around the world. She is Zhang Ziyu, who is 2.28 meters tall, a young player with amazing talent, who is using her strength and potential to show the world the rise of Chinese basketball.

Zhang Ziyu, the young player who has been praised as "Yao Ming and O'Neal combined", has shown unparalleled dominance on the field. In this game, she scored 44 points and grabbed 14 rebounds on 20-of-22 shooting at an astonishing efficiency to almost single-handedly lead the team to victory. Her performance not only made the opponent Japan despair, but also showed basketball fans around the world that she has great potential to become the best player in the world women's basketball team.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu?

In the game, there were several scenes that were impressive, fully demonstrating Zhang Ziyu's absolute advantage on the field. When the center of the Japanese team, a player with a height of only 1.72 meters, was stuck with Zhang Ziyu, the disparity in height between the two made the Japanese center smile helplessly, and finally chose to give up the scrum. This scene seems to be the epitome of Zhang Ziyu's dominance, and her presence under the basket is like an insurmountable mountain.

The game entered the fourth quarter, and in order to stop Zhang Ziyu's attack, the Japanese team actually adopted the tactics of four-person encirclement. However, even in the face of such a strict defense, Zhang Ziyu was still able to find an opportunity to score a rebound, making the Japanese team's defense useless. Her strength is not only reflected in her height and strength, but also in her excellent basketball IQ and soft hand.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu?

After the game, Zhang Ziyu excitedly hugged his defender teammate to celebrate the victory, a scene that made the Japanese players feel deep fear. They know that the road ahead will be extremely difficult against such an unstoppable opponent.

Zhang Ziyu's stunning performance not only caused crazy cheers from fans, but also made the global media boil. The U.S. media even lamented that the young Chinese player could be the hope of ending the U.S. women's basketball team's world domination. Her appearance has given Chinese basketball a new glow on the international stage.

The American media lamented, Japan trembled, and the foreign media were convinced! How fierce is Zhang Ziyu?

Although Zhang Ziyu is only 17 years old, her physical condition and technical ability have made her a national treasure in Chinese basketball. Her height and strength give her absolute dominance under the basket, while her soft touch and excellent basketball IQ allow her to do anything on the offensive end. What's even more gratifying is that she's not slow, which allows her to pose enough threat on the defensive end as well.

The rise of this young player is not only the pride of Chinese basketball, but also a clear stream in the global basketball community. She used her strength and potential to prove that basketball is not just for strong male players, but also for female players who can create their own brilliance in the sport. Zhang Ziyu's performance undoubtedly set a glorious example for all girls who love basketball.

Zhang Ziyu's amazing performance in the group stage of the U18 Women's Basketball World Cup not only led the team to victory, but also showed the world the potential and hope of the Chinese women's basketball team. Her height, strength, technique, and basketball IQ all make her a future superstar in basketball. Let's look forward to her continuing to create more brilliance in her future basketball career!

Readers, what do you think of Zhang Ziyu's performance? Will she become the new leader of the Chinese women's basketball team? Feel free to leave your views and opinions in the comment section, and let's discuss the future stars of basketball together!

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