
Embracing AI, Data Ape will visit the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in depth

author:Data Ape
Embracing AI, Data Ape will visit the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in depth

Recently, the Information Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government held a press conference to introduce the preparations for the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (hereinafter referred to as "WAIC 2024") and the High-level Conference on Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence. It is reported that the conference was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Association for Science and Technology and the Shanghai Municipal Government.

The WAIC 2024 Forum will be held from July 4th to 6th, and the exhibition will be held from July 4th to 7th. Focusing on the theme of "Promoting Sharing through Consultation and Promoting Good Intelligence through Good Governance", the conference gathered top experts, scholars and industry leaders in the field of AI from home and abroad, from Turing Award winners to internationally renowned scholars, from legal experts to scientific and technological consultants, and many of the world's top scientists, entrepreneurs, investors and other guests gathered in Shanghai to discuss the cutting-edge technology, industrial trends, good governance and development status of global artificial intelligence.

In this event, Data Ape, as a model for the artificial intelligence industry media, was invited as one of the official media to report on the conference in depth, focusing on industry hotspots, digging deep into innovation momentum, exploring development opportunities, and jointly promoting a new chapter in the development of the industry.

The countdown to WAIC 2024 is freshly released

Today, when the wave of science and technology is sweeping the world, the field of artificial intelligence has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities. According to relevant data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, since the beginning of this year, the in-depth evolution of artificial intelligence represented by large models has entered a new round of development acceleration period, and the mainland is facing rare development opportunities. By the end of 2023, the scale of the mainland's artificial intelligence core industry is close to 580 billion yuan, and three major agglomeration and development zones have been formed: Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta, with more than 4,400 core enterprises, ranking second in the world. With a week to go, WAIC 2024 is undoubtedly one of the hottest hotspots of the summer. So where is the WAIC 2024 heat? How is WAIC 2024 different? Which heavyweights will bring wonderful sharing on the spot? What kind of new sparks will the cutting-edge trends of artificial intelligence bring in 2024?

With these surprising questions, Data Ape's press corps will take the lead and go deep into the conference to bring first-hand information and information to the majority of readers. At the same time, Data Ape will also set up a prominent booth at the conference site to conduct in-depth exchanges and interactions with experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and technical elites in the industry to discuss the latest developments and future trends in the field of artificial intelligence.

Regarding the conference, let's first reveal a few sets of data: first, "1+3+10+X", 1 opening ceremony and plenary session, 3 main forums (global governance, industrial development, scientific frontiers), 10 thematic forums and several industry forums. This is followed by 9 Turing Award, Fields Medal, Nobel Prize winners and 88 domestic and foreign academicians confirmed to attend the conference, and a total of more than 200 important guests will attend the conference to deliver speeches. The third is an exhibition area of more than 52,000 square meters, focusing on the three major sectors of core technology, intelligent terminals, and application empowerment, focusing on key areas such as large models, computing power, robots, and autonomous driving, aiming to focus on the latest achievements of "AI+" innovative applications, and launch a batch of high-profile innovative products. If the data hasn't impressed you yet, then here's a freshly summarized conference from the Data Ape press corps, which should not be missed.

Sneak peek: The debut is the most ever. According to the latest news officially announced by the conference, the conference has been expanded and upgraded, and the scale of the exhibition, the number of exhibitors, and the number of new products launched are the largest in the past. The application of large models, intelligent robots, and AI are all highlights of this conference, which are worth seeing. The partners of the Data Ape reporter group will also witness the debut at star booths such as SenseTime, iFLYTEK, and Transwarp.

It is worth seeing: the central state-owned enterprise "AI+". The "AI+" feast of central state-owned enterprises is destined to become a highlight of this conference, so Data Ape listed the "AI+" of central state-owned enterprises as a must-have part of this conference. In the field of artificial intelligence, central and state-owned enterprises are forming a new force and a new joint force, sweeping in. China Mobile's "Jiutian Pedestal Model" and "5G-A×AI New Call", China Unicom's "Yuanjing '1+1+M' Large Model", and China Telecom's full-stack self-developed exhibition area will all bring "AI+" industry applications.

A must-see: global links activate the innovation industry ecology. The Global Link Pavilion is the first of its kind at this year's conference, and it is the first time to meet the audience. The Future Tech 100 Innovation Incubation Exhibition aims at a 100-person investment team composed of eight strategic emerging industries, injecting capital into innovative projects and accelerating the transformation of products from the laboratory to the market. The "Artificial Intelligence +" Application Scenario Comprehensive Zone focuses on building three functional areas: exhibition center, release center and matchmaking center, carrying out 20 procurement matching meetings and closed-door meetings of purchasing groups, and releasing nearly 200 actual procurement needs on the spot, so as to realize the two-way flow of supply and demand. In addition to the three high-profile highlights, WAIC 2024 has more exciting waiting for you to dig together!

Always adhere to long-termism and deeply focus on artificial intelligence

In today's era of rapid technological development, the field of artificial intelligence has undoubtedly become an important direction to lead innovation. In this field, Data Ape has provided in-depth and comprehensive industry information and insights to the audience with its unique reporting advantages, and has won the recognition of readers and the industry.

Focus on the core reports in the field of artificial intelligence and highlight the professionalism of the media. Big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing are the core areas of Data Ape's long-term reporting, and this focused reporting strategy has enabled it to have deep professionalism and rich technical precipitation in these fields, as well as the industry thinking of pioneers. In the field of artificial intelligence, Data Ape's reports not only cover industrial applications, technological innovation, market analysis and other aspects, but also deeply discuss industry trends, challenges and opportunities. This comprehensive reporting method provides industry practitioners and professional readers with the best way to understand the field of artificial intelligence in an all-round way.

Long-term focus on in-depth content mining, continue to practice the quality of original reports. After years of tempering, Data Ape has more than 5,000 original reports, and there are many popular articles on major channels. These original stories are based on in-depth research on the industry, independent analysis, and keen observations, providing readers with authoritative and valuable information. In the field of artificial intelligence, data ape's original reports such as "Is it more difficult for Huawei CANN to replace Nvidia CUDA than Hongmeng to replace Android?" "Finally, the AI model has grown its own hands and feet", "Tencent ingots, the face is written with APP, and the heart is hidden with OS", "In the matter of bean bags, Byte sees it very clearly", etc., not only deeply interpret the industry hotspots and the application of new technologies, but also have a deep insight into the development trend of the industry, capture the business logic behind the application, and provide decision-making reference for the development and transformation of enterprises and key development stages for many times.

Pay attention to two "new" and one "application" to promote the healthy development of the industry. Data Ape often pays attention to two new ones, one is cutting-edge technological innovation, and the other is industrial innovation and upgrading. At the same time, on the basis of the two "new", Data Ape also conducts in-depth research on the market application of new technologies, deeply dismantles their typical cases in actual production and services, and guides enterprises to actively try and apply new technologies to enhance their competitiveness. In the view of Data Ape, the primary task of the professional media of science and technology is to deliver new knowledge in the industry in a timely and accurate manner, and reveal the latest progress, latest achievements and latest applications in the field of science and technology through in-depth research and reporting. By conveying new industry knowledge and promoting innovative application cases, it provides innovative inspiration and ideas for enterprises, accompanies enterprises to grow together, and effectively reflects the responsibility and responsibility of science and technology media.

The reporting advantages of Data Ape in the field of artificial intelligence are not only reflected in its strong professionalism, high report quality, strong insight, and delivery of new knowledge, but also in providing readers with valuable information and insights through these high-quality reports, and jointly promoting the progress of the industry.

Focus and in-depth Continue to build a comprehensive media influence

In the view of Data Ape, the development of artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other industries in China has experienced great changes from scratch, from 0 to 10,000. It is a great honor that since the establishment of Data Ape in 2015, as a professional media in the technology industry, it has deeply focused on the development, transformation and innovation of the artificial intelligence industry, and witnessed the disruptive changes in the artificial intelligence industry.

Data Ape has long focused on the three major industries of big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing, and with its focus, exploration and curiosity in science and technology, it has deeply excavated and tracked to provide comprehensive and in-depth industry information and original reports for the whole industry. Since its establishment, Data Ape has published a total of 5,000+ original articles, interviewed and reported on 500+ companies, interviewed more than 1,000+ industry leaders, read more than 30 million on the whole network, and published 20+ channels at home and abroad. The accumulation of numbers is not only a simple achievement, but also a long-term focus on content, as well as a deep understanding and accurate grasp of the development trend of the industry.

Embracing AI, Data Ape will visit the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in depth

Based on Data Ape's long-term in-depth cultivation of content reporting, Data Ape has also won many heavyweight awards in the industry, such as "Best Media Award in China's Big Data Industry", "Influential Brand in China's High-end Manufacturing Industry", "Influential Brand in China's Industrial Internet", "Influential Brand in China's Financial Technology", "Influential Enterprise in China's Intelligent Manufacturing", "China's Green and Zero Carbon Special Driving Force Award", "Tencent Cloud Developer Community Annual Best New Media", "China's Outstanding New Media in the Field of RPA", and many other heavyweight awards in the industry. At the same time, in 2024, Data Ape will be awarded the governing unit of the "Zhongguancun Digital Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance", and the industry recognition will be further improved.

Looking forward to the future, Data Ape will continue to deepen its core fields such as big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing, continuously improve its professional capabilities, and continue to uphold the principles of professional, objective and independent reporting, so as to bring more valuable and forward-looking content to readers. At the same time, Data Ape will also actively embrace the changes and opportunities brought by artificial intelligence technology with a more open and inclusive attitude, jointly build a good industry development ecology, and contribute to the development of the artificial intelligence industry.

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