
Bitter melon new eating method Fish fragrant bitter melon detailed preparation tutorial

author:The kitchen of the old Lin family
Bitter melon new eating method Fish fragrant bitter melon detailed preparation tutorial

Fish fragrant bitter melon

Bitter melon new eating method Fish fragrant bitter melon detailed preparation tutorial

  500 grams of bitter melon, 1 tablespoon of watercress paste, shredded green onion, ginger, minced garlic for a total of 30 grams, 2 red peppers, sesame oil, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar to taste

  1, remove the bitter melon, cut it in half, cut it into strips, blanch it in water, fish it out and cool it with cool water. Remove the red peppers and seeds, cut into thin strips, and blanch and let cool. 2, Wok on high heat, add 2 tablespoons of oil, cook until 50% heat, sauté shredded shallots, ginger and minced garlic until fragrant. Then sauté the red oil with the bean paste, add soy sauce, sugar and vinegar and stir-fry well, and let it cool to make a sauce. 3, bitter melon shredded, chili shredded into the plate, drizzle with sauce, sesame oil can be.

Bitter melon new eating method Fish fragrant bitter melon detailed preparation tutorial