
Fish fragrant bitter melon shredded recipe, easy to learn!

author:e Xiaohui

Ingredients: 300 grams of bitter melon, dried red pepper, ginger, garlic, chives, bean paste, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, white vinegar, sesame oil, cooking oil.

Fish fragrant bitter melon shredded recipe, easy to learn!

Directions: Cut the dried red pepper and ginger into thin strips, the chives into small pieces and the garlic into small pieces.

After washing the bitter melon, cut it in half, remove the melon and cut it into small pieces, sprinkle in salt and marinate until half an hour. Bitter melon marinated in salt won't be so bitter to eat.

Put water in a pot, bring to a boil, pour in the bitter melon and cook until it is broken, drain and plate.

Fish fragrant bitter melon shredded recipe, easy to learn!

Heat the oil in a pan, heat it up and add the shallots, shredded ginger, dried red pepper, and watercress sauce together and stir-fry until fragrant, then add soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, chicken powder, minced garlic, stir-fry evenly.

Drizzle the sautéed seasoning on top of the bitter melon on top of the plate, pour sesame oil on top, and a delicious dish of fish and bitter melon shreds is done!

Fish fragrant bitter melon shredded recipe, easy to learn!