
The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

author:Natural power cuisine

Stir-fried meat slices with onion is a salty and umami home-cooked dish, which can also be said to be a simple and quick meal, rich in nutrition, crisp and tender taste, charming aroma is the main reason why people like it.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious
A journey of taste can always be described as an adventure. Every grasp and annotation of the ingredients is the greatest respect for the taster. I am a natural foodie and focus on every delicious dish in life. Follow me to learn more about the secrets of ingredients and cooking techniques, so that you can know more about them.

Although cooking this dish is very simple, but if it is not handled well, it is difficult to say that it is delicious, and then you can keep the crispiness of the onion, how to make the meat slices tender, in the processing method and the heat of cooking are certain skills, in fact, as long as you know the method, everything will become very simple, I guarantee you can learn after reading.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

To prepare the fried meat slices with onions:

【Ingredients】: 1 onion (360g), 200g tenderloin.

【Ingredients】: 8 peppercorns, 3 millet peppers.

【Seasoning】: 1 g of edible salt (for pickling), 5 g of oyster sauce (for pickling), 4 g of sweet potato starch (for pickling), 20 g of beer (for pickling), 15 g of edible oil (for pickling), 5 g of corn starch (water starch), 20 g of water (water starch), 3 g of edible salt, 2g of chicken essence, 3g of balsamic vinegar, 15g of light soy sauce, 3g of old oil, 10g of oyster sauce.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious


1, onions have purple skin, yellow skin and white skin, our most common is purple skin, some people say that purple skin has the highest nutritional value, this I can not verify, I only know that onions are very nutritious, in some aspects of some effects. Remove the outermost layer of the onion and cut it in half, then cut it into strips 1.5 cm wide, and finally cut into small pieces of about 2 cm for later use. When we cut onions, we can dip some water on the knife to cut them, which will prevent spicy tears.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

2. The meat slices to be used in this dish are best to choose tenderloin or lean meat on the front legs, first cut the meat into slightly thinner meat slices than 1 yuan coin, and cut as evenly as possible when cutting, so that the taste and maturity can be consistent in the later stage.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

3. The cut meat slices should be marinated, add 1 gram of edible salt, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 4 grams of sweet potato starch, 20 grams of beer, and then stir well and stir for a while to make the meat slices more delicious. Finally, add 15 grams of cooking oil and stir well, let the oil seal the meat slices, so that the meat slices will not stick to each other when they are in the pan.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

4, millet pepper is the only ingredient of this dish, other are not needed, millet pepper is used to increase spicy color matching, do not like to eat spicy can also use not spicy red pepper, or do not add chili pepper can also be, cut millet pepper into small circles for later.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

5. This can also be regarded as a quick dish, in order to save cooking time, we can prepare the water starch in advance, take a small plate, add 3 grams of cornstarch to the plate, 15 grams of water, stir well and set aside.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

With all the prep for the onion slices ready, it's time to start my favorite cooking session.

【Cooking Method】:

1. Turn on high heat to burn the wok until it smokes, then add more edible oil to moisten the pot, turn the pot surface, let the oil cover the wall of the pot, so that the edible oil will form an oil film on the surface of the pot, and when the oil in the pot is a little smoked, pour out the oil, and then re-add 200 grams of cooking oil, in order not to be scolded as a loser, you can add 100 grams of cooking oil, and then pour the marinated meat slices into the pot and slide the meat slices apart.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

2. After the meat slices turn white after the pot, it means that the heat has arrived, and the meat slices at this time should have more than 60% doneness, and the whole process is about 15 seconds. Beat only the meat slices and leave the oil in the pan for use.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

3. After the meat slices are out of the pot, pour the onion into the pot, change the heat to high, and stir-fry more. Let all the onions be evenly heated, and for a maximum of about 30 seconds after the onions are in the pot, the onions should be beaten out of the oil control for later use.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

4. Pour out the oil in the pot, leaving only a little base oil (about 20 grams), put the peppercorns into the pot, turn on high heat to fry the peppercorns black, so that the peppercorns come out of the aroma instead of hemp aroma. After seeing the peppercorns turn black, beat the peppercorns out, and the oil with the aroma of peppercorns in the pot can stimulate the aroma of onions to be more fragrant.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

5. After beating the peppercorns, reduce the heat, pour the onion and meat slices into the pot, then add 3 grams of edible salt, 2 grams of chicken essence, 3 grams of balsamic vinegar (adding vinegar can make the taste of the onion crispier), 15 grams of light soy sauce, 3 grams of old oil, 10 grams of oyster sauce, stir-fry evenly, stir-fry the seasoning well. It takes about 15 seconds to stir fry.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

6. Re-stir the prepared water starch, then pour it into the pot, hook a thin potato for the dish, stir-fry a few times on high heat to get out of the pot and put it on the plate, delicious and ready.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

Technical Summary:

1. When marinating meat slices, corn starch is used if there is no sweet potato starch, and cooking wine is used if there is no beer.

2. First moisten the pan with oil, then heat the pan with cold oil under the meat slices, so that there will be no sticky pan phenomenon, of course, your non-stick pan is not necessary for this step.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

3. We have more oil when sliding meat slices and stir-frying onions, so that the effect of the dish is the best, this one can be used for stir-frying, and it will not be wasted at all.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious

4. Because the onion has been oiled, the time for the onion bottom to be put into the pot should not be too long, otherwise it is easy to lose the crisp and tender taste, which is very important.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious


Home cooking is the most down-to-earth delicacy, as long as you know the steps, master the skills, you can make the home become unhomely, if you usually like to eat this dish, you may wish to try my method, compare, out of the taste and taste is different.

The restaurant method of stir-fried meat slices with onions, the onions are crisp and refreshing, the meat slices are tender, nutritious and delicious
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