
Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

author:September Entertainment Circle

In the recent Asian Championships team competition, the Chinese national table tennis men's and women's teams won the championship. However, the summary of the two ace coaches after the game showed the difference between them.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Wang Hao, as the head coach of the men's team, gave fair evaluation and praise to every player. He praised Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, Ma Long, Liang Jingkun and Lin Gaoyuan, and believed that everyone contributed to this championship.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Relatively speaking, Marlene's attitude has caused controversy. In the summary after the women's team won the championship, he only praised Sun Yingsha, Chen Meng, Chen Xingtong and Wang Yidi, but deliberately avoided Wang Manyu.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

This apparent distinction calls into question his impartiality. Wang Manyu has proven his strength in previous competitions, but he rarely has a chance to play in this team competition. Moreover, this is not the first time that Ma Lin has ignored Wang Manyu.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

A good coach must not only have a tactical vision, but also treat every player fairly and impartially. Each player is part of the team, and their dedication and hard work is the reason why the team can achieve good results. Ignoring or favoring a team member will not only be unfair to the team member, but also affect the harmony and unity of the entire team.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Wang Hao has done a good job in this regard, and he believes that each player has his own value and contribution. Marlene's approach raises questions about whether he can really treat everyone fairly. As a coach, he should take responsibility for his actions and think about the players.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Impartiality is a quality that every coach should have. But how do you really be impartial in your actual coaching career?

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

First of all, the coach needs to know enough about each player. Understand their strengths, personalities and needs so you can better develop training plans and competition strategies for them.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Secondly, coaches need to maintain their impartiality at all times, not influenced by any external factors. Neither the relationship between the players nor the pressure from the outside world can affect the coach's decision-making.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it
Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it
Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Finally, coaches need to constantly self-reflect, constantly reviewing their actions and decisions to ensure that they are always on the right path. Only in this way can the coach truly win the trust and respect of the players and lead the team to higher achievements.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it
Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

In athletics, the relationship between coaches and athletes is crucial. As we mentioned before, the impartiality of the coach plays a key role in the harmony and unity of the team.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it
Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

But in addition to impartiality, trust between coaches and athletes is also an indispensable element. This trust is not only based on technology and tactics, but more on the emotions and understanding between people.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Trust doesn't happen overnight, it takes time and experience. When coaches give athletes opportunities at critical moments, and when athletes go all out on the field to win for the team, this mutual trust and dependence gradually forms a deep trust.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

But trust is also very fragile. An unjust decision, a misguided criticism, can lead to a breakdown in trust. Therefore, both coaches and athletes need to cherish this trust, constantly strengthen and maintain it.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it
Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Trust can bring countless benefits in competition. When athletes trust the coach's tactics, they execute them more confidently. When a coach believes in an athlete's abilities, he is bolder in strategizing. This mutual trust allows the team to reach its maximum potential at critical moments.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

In addition, trust can help the team get through the lows. In the competition, each team will encounter difficulties and challenges. At times like these, trust between coaches and athletes can be the driving force for the team to move forward, helping the team regain its form and get out of the trough.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

Both impartiality and trust are important components of the coach-athlete relationship. Only by building this solid relationship can the team go further and achieve better results.

Marlene doesn't pretend! Praised 4 golden flowers and deliberately leaked Wang Manyu, but Wang Hao praised 5 of them, but he couldn't do it

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