
Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

author:Tips for the life of small fish

Star anise is a spice that is very common in our culinary life, adding star anise can add flavor to food, but in fact it has other uses, so let's follow along.

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

First of all, we need to choose the right star anise. Normal octagonal should be in the shape of eight to nine corners, if it exceeds nine, it is not normal octagonal and may be toxic, so you must be careful when buying.

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

Then we can place the star anise on a gas stove and bake it a little. Turn on the gas stove, reduce the heat to a minimum, and insert two star anise. Bake slightly over the heat until the star anise turns black. Bake for about one to two minutes and you're done.

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

The roasted star anise gives off a very fragrant smell and is very fresh.

Next, we can put the roasted star anise in a bowl and add some aged vinegar to soak. Let them soak for about an hour or so.

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

The star anise thus treated can be used for a variety of purposes.

1: Remove toilet odors and mosquitoes

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

Bathrooms are often places where odors breed, and placing star anise solution in the bathroom can easily remove odors and disperse mosquitoes. The unique smell emitted by star anise can effectively eliminate odors and block mosquito invasion.

2: Prevent mosquitoes from entering the home

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

Summer is the season for mosquitoes, and annoying mosquitoes are constantly breaking into our homes. However, by placing star anise solution on a windowsill or by a window, you can effectively avoid mosquitoes entering your home. The solution made of star anise emits a special odor that has an indefensive effect on mosquitoes.

3: Soothes the spicy pain when chopping chili peppers

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

When cutting chili peppers, we often feel burning and spicy pain in our hands. However, simply applying star anise solution to the back of your hand before cutting the pepper can effectively reduce the feeling of spicy pain.

The ingredients in the star anise solution form a protective film that prevents the irritating components of the pepper from directly touching the skin, protecting you from the spicy pain.

4: Clean the refrigerator from odors

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

Refrigerators often breed various odors, which cause inconvenience to our food. However, by placing star anise solution in the refrigerator, you can easily remove odors and enhance the freshness of the refrigerator.

The aroma of star anise blends with odors to completely eliminate odors in the refrigerator, so that your food always stays fresh and pure.

Precautions for using an octagonal grill

1: Make sure that the ventilation is good to prevent smoke poisoning

When using an octagonal fire, it is important to ensure that the space is well ventilated to avoid poisoning caused by the accumulation of carbon monoxide. Roasting star anise releases combustion products, and excessive accumulation poses a potential threat to your health, so choose to operate outdoors or in a well-ventilated place.

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

2: Pay attention to fire safety when burning

When you use star anise for a fire, remember to pay attention to fire safety. Maintain adequate fire extinguishing equipment and fire extinguishing methods, and ensure that no other combustible materials are close during combustion to prevent fire.

Star anise "roasted" on the fire, but I did not expect the practice of the older generation to solve many family troubles

Today, the methods of this older generation are shared with you, I believe you have learned.


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