
He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

author:Refreshing river Dzj

Wang Enmao: Xinjiang's adherent and devotee Wang Enmao, a member of the Chinese Communist Party from Yongxin, Jiangxi,

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

He entered Xinjiang with the army in 1949 and has since forged an indissoluble bond with Xinjiang. For 40 years,

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

His 20-year political experience in Xinjiang has become a record that no one can surpass. Wang Enmao in a first-person perspective,

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

By describing his own experiences and struggles in Xinjiang, readers are presented with an immersive story. In the army,

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

Wang Enmao's relentless hard work shattered predictions that Chinese Communist troops would starve to death in Xinjiang.

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

He provided food security for the local military and civilians, ensuring that their basic living needs were met. This perseverance and dedication,

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

People have a deep admiration for him. As a feudal official in Xinjiang, Wang Enmao shouldered great responsibilities and difficulties.

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

He deeply understood the importance of maintaining social stability, especially in multi-ethnic areas. To this end,

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

He presided over the preparation of documents on strengthening national unity and strengthened the promotion of ethnic policies and national unity through educational activities.

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

His efforts and wisdom have made important contributions to the development and stability of Xinjiang. however

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

The most moving thing is Wang Enmao's emotional attachment to Xinjiang. He struggled with his wife and children and stayed in Xinjiang.

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

He promised to be buried in Xinjiang forever to protect and accompany his beloved.

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

This perseverance and dedication also inspires his children to continue to contribute to the construction and development of Xinjiang.

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

Wang Enmao's story makes us think about how a person's emotional attachment to a place motivates him to work hard for it.

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

His experience and struggle demonstrate his persistence as a member of the Communist Party of China and the values of working for national unity. meantime

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

His emotional attachment to Xinjiang and perseverance also resonated with people. Looking back at Wang Enmao's story in Xinjiang,

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

There are some lessons we can draw from this. First of all, we must cherish and protect the places we love,

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

Make your own contribution to its development and stability. Secondly, we should stick to our beliefs and values, and not be afraid of difficulties and challenges.

He ruled China's largest province for 20 years, served as vice chairman in his later years, and his children were all talents

Work hard to achieve your goals. Finally, we must respect and strengthen national unity, only through solidarity,

We can progress together. Finally, I would like to ask readers, how do you feel about Wang Enmao's story in Xinjiang?

Did his experience inspire you? What does an emotional attachment to a place mean in your eyes?

Please leave a message to share your thoughts with us.

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