
Exclusive revelations! China's lithography machine breakthrough: a hundred schools of thought contend, whether a factory can rewrite the semiconductor map

author:The home of Xinrui Technology

Friends, have you heard? At the end of this June, a refreshing news came from the field of domestic lithography machines, breaking the long-standing silence. Under the spotlight of the semiconductor industry, China's self-developed lithography machine seems to be slowly kicking off and preparing to take center stage. Despite the challenges, this move has undoubtedly brought a ray of light to people inside and outside the industry. Located in Yuecheng District, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, a rising lithography machine factory has attracted everyone's attention. According to reports, there will be an investment of up to 5 billion yuan, divided into two phases, aiming to build a "dream factory" with an annual output of up to 100 semiconductor equipment. This move can be said to be a rare public expression of lithography machine development ambition at the local level in recent years, indicating that domestic lithography technology is trying to get rid of the shackles and take a solid step towards independent and controllable.

Exclusive revelations! China's lithography machine breakthrough: a hundred schools of thought contend, whether a factory can rewrite the semiconductor map

But don't rush to the champagne, let's calmly peel back the clouds and see what's really going on behind it. The main business of Shanghai Tushuang Company, which led the project, is actually the refurbishment and commissioning of semiconductor equipment, rather than R&D from scratch. This means that they can customize their existing lithography machines from international brands such as ASML, Nikon, and Canon. In other words, these "domestic" lithography machines are essentially re-created under the framework of foreign technology, and there is still a distance from the real core technology independence.

Exclusive revelations! China's lithography machine breakthrough: a hundred schools of thought contend, whether a factory can rewrite the semiconductor map

This is like saying that although we have learned how to replace an imported car with personalized accessories to make it more suitable for domestic road conditions, the core engine technology of this car is still in the hands of others. Once the international situation changes and the iron curtain of technological blockade falls, our semiconductor industry may still fall into the predicament of "no rice".

Exclusive revelations! China's lithography machine breakthrough: a hundred schools of thought contend, whether a factory can rewrite the semiconductor map

However, before being pessimistic, we also need to see the positive. It's at least an attempt, an opportunity to learn and gain experience. As history has proven countless times, from imitation to innovation is often the only way for the growth of China's manufacturing industry. By dismantling and transforming these international advanced lithography machines, domestic engineers and technicians can gradually master more key technical details, paving the way for future independent research and development.

Exclusive revelations! China's lithography machine breakthrough: a hundred schools of thought contend, whether a factory can rewrite the semiconductor map

At the same time, this "lithography machine revolution" also throws up several questions that need to be answered urgently: can the transformed equipment meet the high standard needs of the domestic market? What is the cost-benefit ratio, and will it be expensive for retrofits? More importantly, can the chips produced by these devices get rid of the "beauty technology" label and truly achieve independent control?

Exclusive revelations! China's lithography machine breakthrough: a hundred schools of thought contend, whether a factory can rewrite the semiconductor map

At this juncture, we might as well take a long-term view. Even though the road ahead is full of uncertainties, every attempt is precious. Perhaps, the birth of this factory is the starting point of the breakthrough of domestic lithography machines, and a clarion call for technological catch-up. It reminds us that although the road to independent research and development is long and difficult, as long as we persevere, one day, we will have our own "lithography engine". All in all, this is both a challenge and an opportunity. Shanghai Tushuang's measures, like a beam of light, penetrate the haze in the field of domestic lithography machines, making people see hope. I hope this is not just a short dawn, but a milestone on the road to the independence of domestic semiconductor technology. #国产光刻机突破# #半导体自给自足# #科技自主之路#

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