
The rebels in the Philippines started civil strife, the U.S. military did not intervene, and the war broke out again in the country next door to China

author:Chengcheng topic station

What kind of mystery is hidden behind the sudden civil strife of the Philippine rebels and the resumption of war in China's southwestern neighbors?

Recently, the domestic situation in the Philippines has changed dramatically, and a sudden rebel civil strife has broken the apparent calm.

At the same time, China's southwestern neighbor, Myanmar, has once again ignited the flames of war, and the regional security situation has suddenly become tense.

The rebels in the Philippines started civil strife, the U.S. military did not intervene, and the war broke out again in the country next door to China

What kind of mystery is hidden behind this? How will the game between the Philippines, China, and the United States play out?

Let's turn our attention first to Myanmar. Myanmar, China's southwestern neighbor, has recently been engulfed by war again.

New clashes have reportedly erupted in Myanmar's Shan State and Mandalay provinces, making the road to peace increasingly difficult.

Since 2021, the internal conflict in Myanmar has continued to intensify, and rebel forces have sprung up, and government forces have continued to have the upper hand in the contest with the rebels.

Although the government army is more advanced in equipment and even buys a series of foreign trade weapons from China, the war situation has not changed because of this, but has continued to lose territory.

There are dozens of rebel forces in Myanmar scattered throughout the country, posing a serious threat to Myanmar's stability.

What is more serious is that in recent years, during the exchange of fire between the Burmese government army and the rebels in the border areas, artillery shells have been fired into Chinese territory many times, causing casualties among Chinese people.

This situation not only threatens the safety of the people in China's southwestern border areas, but also poses considerable challenges to China-Myanmar relations.

And just as the war in Myanmar was rekindling, rebel civil strife also broke out in the Philippines.

On June 26, the Philippine ambassador to the United States responded to the "June 17 Philippine Ren'ai Jiao provocation" and sought to meet with Chinese officials to ease tensions.

However, the true intentions of the Philippine side are questionable.

According to reports, the Philippines is attempting to carry out another resupply mission to the landing ship Sierra Madre on Second Thomas Shoal to continue to provide food supplies to Philippine soldiers.

This action is undoubtedly a provocation to China's territorial sovereignty.

The rebels in the Philippines started civil strife, the U.S. military did not intervene, and the war broke out again in the country next door to China

Surprisingly, however, U.S. promises to the Philippines are often lip service.

Whether it is the confrontation between the Chinese and Philippine coast guard ships or this provocation, the US military has always stood by and watched.

With the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier urgently heading to the Mediterranean, there is no longer any U.S. aircraft carrier activity around China, which makes the situation of the Philippines awkward.

The law and order situation in the Philippines has been worrying in recent years.

Since the 2000s, various extremist groups and rebels have been operating frequently on various islands in the Philippines, occasionally causing terrorist attacks.

This is despite the fact that during Duterte's time in power, the law and order situation improved due to the adoption of harsh criminal measures.

However, now that the Philippine military is once again engaged in large-scale clashes with the rebels, it shows that the law and order problem in the Philippines is still very serious.

It also raises questions about the Philippine government's ability to respond to domestic crises and challenges.

Against this backdrop, we can't help but ask: why is the Philippines provoking China at this time?

What is the real intention behind it?

Is it related to the support of the United States?

And why did the United States choose to stand by at a critical moment?

This series of questions all point to a more complex game situation.

In fact, the Philippines has long been accustomed to China's double-faced approach.

The Philippines' signal to China this time is nothing more than an attempt to stabilize and coax China through a delaying tactic, and then take the opportunity to supply the Philippine soldiers on Ren'ai Jiao, so that they can continue to occupy China's islands and reefs.

The rebels in the Philippines started civil strife, the U.S. military did not intervene, and the war broke out again in the country next door to China

However, this kind of cleverness cannot hide the true position and intentions of the Philippines on the South China Sea issue.

After Marcos Jr. took office, the Philippine government's foreign policy of whitewashing peace at home and diverting contradictions externally has made the Philippine government's stance on the South China Sea issue more and more tough and provocative.

However, the Philippines' provocative actions have not been strongly supported by its backer, the United States.

While the United States has ostensibly expressed support for the Philippines, it has actually chosen to sit on the sidelines at a critical moment.

This attitude of lip service and non-receivingness has undoubtedly embarrassed and disappointed the Philippines.

After all, in the South China Sea contest between China and the Philippines many times, the US military has repeatedly chosen not to interfere in the operation, which has undoubtedly given the Marcos Jr. authorities a resounding slap in the face.

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This issue has not only confused the Philippine government, but also caused the international community to question and speculate more about the US position and attitude on the South China Sea issue.

Against this backdrop, the Philippine government's domestic and foreign policies have become more and more unpopular.

There have been divisions within the government, and the Marcos Jr. administration's governance initiatives have been widely questioned and criticized.

Duterte and other family members even chose to run for the Senate to thwart the Marcos Jr. administration.

It can be said that Marcos Jr.'s series of policies since taking office have not only not been recognized and supported at home and abroad, but have made the Philippines' position on the South China Sea issue more and more isolated and passive.

So, in the face of such a complex situation and game situation, how will China respond?

First, China needs to remain calm and restrained to avoid being held back by the Philippines' provocative actions.

At the same time, China also needs to strengthen its military deployment and patrols in the South China Sea to ensure that its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests are not violated.

The rebels in the Philippines started civil strife, the U.S. military did not intervene, and the war broke out again in the country next door to China

In addition, China can also communicate and consult with the Philippines through diplomatic channels to seek ways and means to peacefully resolve the South China Sea issue.

After all, peace and development are the main themes of our time, and any attempt to solve the problem through provocation and war is undesirable.

To sum up, behind the sudden civil strife of the Philippine rebels and the resumption of war in China's southwestern neighbors lies complex games and mysteries.

In this game, the positions and attitudes of the Philippines, China, and the United States are particularly important.

However, no matter how the situation changes and develops, peace and development should be the goal and direction pursued by all countries.

Only through peaceful cooperation and common development can we achieve true win-win results and prosperity.

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, let us look forward to a more peaceful, stable and prosperous future.

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