
Huawei doubles mobile phone shipments, 5 core companies are expected to rise 300%

author:Progress u Laient

Apple is going to tremble this time, just yesterday, Huawei actually set a target of more than 70 million mobile phones next year. Don't underestimate this news, because this year Huawei first increased its shipment target from 30 million units to 40 million, and then now it has increased to 70 million, in other words, Huawei mobile phone sales will double again.

Huawei doubles mobile phone shipments, 5 core companies are expected to rise 300%

You know, this is proposed in the context of the continuous decline in shipments in the global mobile phone market. Now the domestic mobile phone high-end market is left Huawei and Apple confrontation, if Huawei sells one more, then Apple will sell one less, do you say Apple can not panic? What is certain is that if Huawei is not still a big move, it will definitely not be so confident.

At the same time, Huawei's upstream core suppliers will also usher in huge investment opportunities, such as Tsierong technology, which has quadrupled in the past month, because of the supply of Huawei. It can be expected that the amount of "for" will be the focus of the next market hype, and after an in-depth review, five major customers have been tapped, all of which are Huawei's core leaders. Don't sell it, share it directly.

Huawei doubles mobile phone shipments, 5 core companies are expected to rise 300%

The first one, Merisson, and Huawei accounted for 22% of the company's total revenue.

The second, Huafeng Technology, cooperates with Huawei to account for 26% of total revenue.

The third, iSoftStone, Huawei accounted for 41% of the total revenue,

The fourth, New Asia Process, Huawei accounted for 50% of the total revenue,

The remaining one, and the one with the most hope of surpassing Tsierong, Huawei accounted for 72% of total revenue, the number of shareholders fell sharply by 34% in the second quarter, and three social security companies entered the new position. More importantly, the technical side has just completed a bottom breakthrough recently, forming a trend of bullish upward attack, and it can be said that the bull started in an instant. Do you know who it is?

When the start is imminent, interested friends will click my head, and you can know it by believing "hello", which is not an ordinary theory

Huawei doubles mobile phone shipments, 5 core companies are expected to rise 300%


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