
Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng officially announced his divorce, and the attitude of netizens was intriguing

author:Jinshan 01

Hello, I'm Jinshan.

The most explosive news yesterday should be that Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng officially announced his divorce!

Many people's first reaction after seeing the news is whether it will be hype, after all, since the two of them got married, many people are not optimistic, and now it is really officially announced, and everyone has begun to ridicule.

Mainly for Wang Feng, finally on the hot search, every time Wang Feng posted a song to be on the hot search, there was always other news jumping out, this time Wang Feng finally got his wish.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng officially announced his divorce, and the attitude of netizens was intriguing

Wang Feng is not worthy of Zhang Ziyi

Many people mention the marriage between Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi, and their first reaction is that Wang Feng is not worthy of Zhang Ziyi.

First of all, Wang Feng had already had 3 marriages before marrying Zhang Ziyi, but Zhang Ziyi was the first marriage, a person who frequently entered marriage, giving a very bad impression.

Secondly, Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi's career is not at the same level, Zhang Ziyi is known as the international chapter, and his achievements in film and television are very high, although Wang Feng as a singer also has masterpieces, but he has been going downhill.

Finally, Wang Feng's wind evaluation is not good, and it is often reported that he gambles, amorousness, and men with these two characteristics can basically be ruled out as partners.

And Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng have been married for 8 years, and they didn't give Zhang Ziyi a wedding, anyway, I think the wedding is a concern for girls, it is a ceremony, I hope to get everyone's blessing, but I'm sorry, Zhang Ziyi can't wait for a wedding for eight years.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng officially announced his divorce, and the attitude of netizens was intriguing


Judging from the content of the official announcement of the two of them, the information is basically the same, which basically means to thank both parties for accompanying each other for 8 years, and will protect each other with other identities in the future.

Such an official declaration was discussed by the teams of both sides.

But no matter what, I still saw the decency of both sides.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng officially announced his divorce, and the attitude of netizens was intriguing

Zhang Ziyi is also a very brave girl in the entertainment industry, she told everyone when she got married, and she told everyone calmly when she was divorced.

And everyone's reaction to Zhang Ziyi after divorce is "congratulations to sister" and "good career" and so on.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng officially announced his divorce, and the attitude of netizens was intriguing

This era is more blessed for women's divorce, and I think this is an improvement.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng officially announced his divorce, and the attitude of netizens was intriguing

Write at the end

I have watched "Wife's Romantic Trip" that the two of them participated in before, and it can be seen in the show that Zhang Ziyi cherishes her marriage with Wang Feng.

Coming to the step of divorce should also be a decision made after thinking about it for a long time.

It's just that I want to tell girls that it's best to do a back tune when choosing a partner, involving gambling, men who are too experienced in relationships, or less provoke.

For their divorce, netizens ridiculed Wang Feng and blessed Zhang Ziyi, indicating that this society has looked down on it

The divorce of men and women is not so critical of girls and looks at it with colored glasses.

Marriage and divorce are no longer the criterion for judging whether a woman is happy, it is an improvement.

Zhang Ziyi Wang Feng officially announced his divorce, and the attitude of netizens was intriguing

Looking forward to them starting a new chapter in their lives.

What do you think of Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi's official divorce? Welcome to share your views.


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