
Zhang Ziyi was ridiculed for "looking like an old lady" without makeup, while Lin Lin Bei posted exquisite fitness photos


Zhang Ziyi was ridiculed for "looking like an old lady" without makeup, and Lin Bei took exquisite fitness photos: beauty does not need to be defined, health is the real chapter

In the bright starry sky of the entertainment industry, every star is like a shining star, and every appearance of them attracts countless eyes. However, behind these glamorous scenes, there are often various doubts and controversies. Recently, a set of no-makeup photos of international movie star Zhang Ziyi has caused heated discussions on the Internet, and some people even jokingly called her "like an old lady". At the same time, the fitness expert Lin Bei showed the charm of health and vitality with a set of exquisite fitness photos, and the contrast between the two not only made people think deeply, but also sparked a discussion about beauty and health.

Zhang Ziyi was ridiculed for "looking like an old lady" without makeup, while Lin Lin Bei posted exquisite fitness photos

1. Zhang Ziyi's no-makeup photos sparked heated discussions

Recently, a group of Zhang Ziyi's no-makeup photos have been circulating on the Internet. In the photo, Zhang Ziyi has no makeup, and her face is slightly haggard, which is in stark contrast to the usual radiant image on the screen. As soon as this set of photos was exposed, it quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people lament that time flies, and the goddesses of the past cannot escape the traces of time; Some people were blunt, calling Zhang Ziyi "like an old lady" without makeup.

Zhang Ziyi was ridiculed for "looking like an old lady" without makeup, while Lin Lin Bei posted exquisite fitness photos

Zhang Ziyi herself did not respond too much to such an evaluation. However, her silence does not mean acquiescence, but indifference to the evaluation of the outside world. She has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and she has long been accustomed to all kinds of voices. She knows that as a public figure, every detail of herself will be magnified and interpreted. But what she knows better is that true beauty comes from inner firmness and confidence, rather than external makeup and embellishment.

Zhang Ziyi was ridiculed for "looking like an old lady" without makeup, while Lin Lin Bei posted exquisite fitness photos

Second, the north of the forest posted exquisite fitness photos

In stark contrast to Zhang Ziyi's no-makeup photos, a group of exquisite fitness photos of fitness expert Forest North have attracted widespread attention on the Internet. In the photo, she is dressed in a tight-fitting sportswear, showing the perfect curves of her body. Her skin is firm and elastic, and every movement is full of strength and beauty. These photos not only show her health and vitality, but also convey a positive attitude towards life.

This set of fitness photos in Forest North has been praised and praised by many netizens. Some people praise her figure for being so good that it is enviable, while others say that they want to learn from her about a healthy lifestyle. Compared with Zhang Ziyi's no-makeup photos, Forest North's fitness photos seem to be more popular. This is not only because of her beautiful appearance, but also because of the health and vitality she shows has become the center of attention.

Zhang Ziyi was ridiculed for "looking like an old lady" without makeup, while Lin Lin Bei posted exquisite fitness photos

3. Beauty does not need to be defined, health is the real chapter

The reason why Zhang Ziyi's no-makeup photos and Forest North's fitness photos have caused such a big response is because they touch people's perception of beauty and health. In this era of judging people by their appearance, many people think that beauty is to be young, beautiful, and temperamental. However, true beauty is not so simple.

Zhang Ziyi was ridiculed for "looking like an old lady" without makeup, while Lin Lin Bei posted exquisite fitness photos

First of all, beauty doesn't need to be defined. Everyone has their own unique beauty, both in appearance and in inner quality. We should respect everyone's beauty, not measure it by a uniform standard. As Zhang Ziyi said, "I think everyone is an independent individual, with their own characteristics and beauty. ”

Secondly, health is the real thing. A person's beauty is not only reflected in the appearance, but more importantly, the inner health and vitality. Only a person who is physically fit and full of spirit can exude true beauty. The health and vitality of Forest North through fitness exercises is the best interpretation of this beauty.

Zhang Ziyi was ridiculed for "looking like an old lady" without makeup, while Lin Lin Bei posted exquisite fitness photos

Finally, we should establish the right concept of beauty. Beauty is not a burden, but a pleasure. We should learn to appreciate our own beauty, but also respect the beauty of others. Only in this way can we collectively create a better tomorrow in this diverse world.

4. Reflect on the values of the entertainment industry

The incident of Zhang Ziyi's no-makeup photos being ridiculed as "like an old lady" also makes us have to reflect on the values of the entertainment industry. In this circle where people are judged by their appearance, many celebrities are facing great pressure and challenges. Not only do they have to maintain their appearance and image in line with the audience's expectations, but they also have to deal with all kinds of negative comments and attacks. However, this phenomenon of excessive attention to appearance is not only detrimental to the physical and mental health of celebrities, but also has a negative impact on society as a whole.

We should understand that physical appearance is only the outward manifestation of a person, and what really matters is the inner qualities and abilities. We should respect everyone's choices and efforts, not just their appearance and image. Only in this way can we create a healthier, more inclusive and more diverse society.

V. Conclusion

In this era of information explosion, we are exposed to a wide variety of information and evaluations every day. However, we should keep a calm mind and not be easily swayed by the voices of the outside world. Everyone has their own beauty and value. We should learn to appreciate our own beauty and respect the beauty of others. At the same time, we should also establish correct values and health concepts, and pursue true beauty and health.

Finally, let's take the fitness photos in Forest North as an example and strive to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let us face this diverse world with a more open and inclusive mind, and create a better future together.

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