
The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

author:Qiu Shan talks about entertainment

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The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Editor: Qiu Shan talks about entertainment

The summer vacation star beauty awards kicked off

The horn of the summer vacation file has been blown in June, and all kinds of film and television works have appeared one after another, and many stars have gathered. The movie "Sauce Garden Lane" premiered in Cannes, and TV series such as "Fox Demon Little Red Lady" and "Ink Rain Clouds" also detonated the small screen. In this entertainment boom, the beauty of the stars has become the focus, Zhang Ziyi, Chen Duling, Wang Yibo, Zhang Tianai and other stars have appeared, using their appearance and temperament to add a touch of color to this summer vacation.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Zhang Ziyi: The beauty of no filter

Zhang Ziyi is undoubtedly one of the most eye-catching stars in this year's summer vacation. She boldly shows the real skin texture and age marks of the 45-year-old, recreating the image of the classic character Sayuri, with long black hair and blue eyes that make her look like a queen. The unfiltered photos show her natural beauty and powerful aura, proving that true beauty doesn't require too much retouching. With her confidence and elegance, Zhang Ziyi once again proved her charm and acting strength.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Chen Duling: The coquettishness of the chosen white moonlight

Chen Duling, as the "Chosen White Moonlight", also showed her unique charm in the summer vacation. She wore a sequined tight long dress, sparkling and graceful. The combination of colored eye makeup and glass lips makes her look like a mermaid in a painting, full of innocence and elegance. Chen Duling's cold temperament and the adaptability of the blue and green background are full marks, which perfectly interprets what it means to be ancient and modern. This kind of beauty that is both bold and flamboyant makes her stand out among many stars.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Wang Yibo: The minimalist style of high-end charm

Wang Yibo has always attracted attention for his unique temperament and cold image. In this year's summer vacation, he once again showed his high-end charm with a minimalist black and white combination. Without too much decoration, Wang Yibo easily attracted the audience's attention with his story-filled movie face and cold and mysterious temperament. His sharp and gentle eyes are simply irresistible. The texture of Wang Yibo's blockbuster is blowing on the face, which makes people sigh at his unique charm.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Zhang Tianai: The live-action mermaid is amazing

Zhang Tianai's performance in the summer vacation is amazing. She was wearing a golden glittering blouse, as if she had worn the scales of a mermaid on her body, shining and charming. The gold feather-like ornament extends from the chest to the waist, accentuating her slender figure. The wet hair style raises her beauty to a higher level, showing the demeanor of the big heroine. Every detail of Zhang Tianai is full of contrast, and the minimalist outfit complements the extremely complex accessories, which is unforgettable.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Wang Xingyue: The transformation from a drama to a blockbuster

"Su Guogong" Wang Xingyue is one of the hottest men in June. He wore a red dress in the play to save the heroine from danger, and in the blockbuster, he showed a different side. Wang Xingyue is wearing an irregularly decorated shirt and simple suit pants, standing in the most primitive natural environment, the stones in front of the camera obstruct the viewer's vision, but cannot hinder the charm he exudes. Detached from the addition of "eyeliner" in the play, Wang Xingyue's youth and immaturity can also be seen at a glance, which makes people see his multi-facetedness.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Liu Wen and Jing Boran: A couple's love show

Liu Wen and Jing Boran, the fashion CP, continued to show their affection in the summer vacation, and the two covers of the same publications, the same brand, the accessories of the couple, and the symmetrical Pose are simply sweet. Black is not only the most basic color, but also the color that highlights the temperament. Two fashionistas together, no matter what crotch-pulling look can become popular this summer. Although they are not in the same frame, they are better than 10,000 times in the same frame, and their fashion expression and tacit understanding are superb.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Guo Xiaoting: The natural beauty of cold temperament

Guo Xiaoting's photo in the summer vacation was taken in the mountains, forests and streams, and she was like a "white snake" song under the wild wind, charming and weak. Her cold temperament does not have any too much embellishment, and the Yiren is peerless and independent, and the "wild beauty" of light and agile jumps out. Each of Guo Xiaoting's photos is full of natural charm and smart beauty, making people feel as if they are in the embrace of nature and feel her purity and beauty.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Li Xian: The perfect switch between a gentleman and a man

Li Xian shines in the summer vacation with his handsome image and cool and tough style. He appeared in high-end men's clothes, noble and stylish, coupled with a tough and stylish body aura, he easily switched back and forth between the current puppet boss and the charming gentleman. Who wouldn't love such a "current boyfriend"? Each of Li Xian's photos is full of story and charm, and people can't help but praise him for his versatility and excellent expressiveness.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Zhou Xun: Nature's elf fairy

Zhou Xun's performance in the summer vacation file is also amazing. The sun shone on her body like an elf fairy who had regained life in the trees and grass. Zhou Xun's temperament is highly compatible with nature, and the intersection of mottled tree shadows and green plants makes her seem to dance with light and shadow. The elegant retro style adds a bit of sexiness and fullness to her. Every photo of Zhou Xun is like a painting, and people can't help but fall in love with her beauty and temperament.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Other stunning cover blockbusters

In addition to the above nine groups of stars, there are many amazing cover blockbusters in the summer vacation file. Jiang Xin wore the four seasons on her body, showing her atmosphere and beauty; "Double A Royal Sister" Song Jia Zhong Chuxi combined, showing the perfect fusion of female power; Liu Haocun's slender waist danced, like a dancing elf; Han Suxi's blue eyeshadow is cool and charming, exuding an exotic style; Zhu Zhu and her 2-year-old daughter's childlike blockbuster, the mother and daughter have the same pear vortex and are cute. Each set of photos is full of beauty and storytelling, which is pleasing to the eye.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Cheng Yi: The perfect fusion of modern and classical

"The Chosen Ancient" Cheng Yi showed his modern side in the latest blockbuster. Cheng Yi was wearing a simple white shirt with an open collar, grabbing the tie, he leaned out of the car window and looked back, his handsome facial features were plated with a layer of golden light, and his eyes were full of affection, sharpness and elusive sense of story. Cheng Yi shows the perfect fusion of modern and classical in this group of photos, which is intoxicating.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Jiang Xin: The temperament of a peerless celebrity

Jiang Xin's performance in the summer vacation is also very eye-catching. She wears a red new Chinese coat and holds an antique vase, and the maple leaves in the vase cast a small shadow on her face, like a peerless celebrity who came out of the story. Jiang Xin's already atmospheric facial features have become more bright with the blessing of appropriate makeup and dressing, and the maple leaves bring out not only beauty, but also the vast world and thousands of miles of stars in front of her.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Song Jia Zhong Chuxi: The collision of female powers

The moment when Song Jia and Zhong Chuxi fit together is a perfect collision of female power. Song Jia, who was wearing a black suit, wore long hair and looked into the distance with her eyes firmly, while Zhong Chuxi was wearing a white dress and leaned slightly on her shoulders, with ignorance and innocence in her eyes. The two perfectly integrate their completely different temperaments, presenting a wonderful effect of 1+1>2, which not only gives the audience a novel visual response, but also makes people sigh that love and bravery can make everything soft.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Wen Qi: Innocent and clear eyes

After Wen Qi lost baby fat, the production rate was amazing. In a simple summer night lotus pond, her eyes were sharp and cunning, innocent and clear, brighter than dewdrops. This photo is really worth a few more seconds of eye attention, and Wen Qi's every expression is full of a sense of story, which makes people can't help but be immersed in it.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Liu Haocun: The temperament of a dancing elf

Liu Hao danced in nature, revealing his slender waist and instantly turning into a dancing elf. Her temperament is relaxed and restrained, and her smile is completely movie-level pictures. It is very appropriate to use "fluttering and spinning back to the snow light, and Yanran sending the dragon to frighten" to describe Liu Haocun's dancing posture. She shows a high level of expressiveness and aura in each photo, which is unforgettable.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Enli: A perfect blend of modern and vintage

Yi Nengjing's son Enli is incarnated as the little prince in the oil painting, and his eyes are like silk, showing the charm of contrast. He has just the right balance of heroism and youthfulness, which can be called a perfect blend of modern and retro style. As a rookie face, Enli's hard photos are really expressive, which makes people look forward to his future.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Han Suxi: Coldness and charm coexist

Han So-hee paints blue eyeshadow, which is quite exotic. Her skin is fair and flawless, she wears a white corset dress to show off her swan neck, and her whole person is cold and charming, like a peacock princess. Each of Han So-hee's photos is full of unique temperament and beauty, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Zhu Zhu: A childlike blockbuster with the same style as mother and daughter

Zhu Zhu took her daughter to shoot a blockbuster on Children's Day, and the 2-year-old jewelry inherited the same pear vortex from her mother, and she smiled and was very cute. Zhu Zhu held her daughter, with a happy smile on her face, like an oil painting in the summer sun. This group of mother-daughter children's blockbusters is full of warmth and love, which makes people feel warm when they watch it.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

Xia Meng: A cold goddess with a compelling aura

Xia Meng hugged the glowing moon, like a cold goddess. She closed her eyes and fell asleep in her dreams, her expression agile and delicate. Xia Meng was wearing a blue patchwork feather skirt, full of fairy spirit, showing a high aura and expressiveness. Looking forward to more amazing performances from this aura sister in the future.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

A beauty feast for summer vacations

The clarion call for the summer vacation file in the first half of 2024 has sounded, and the stars have added a touch of color to this summer vacation file with their beauty and temperament. Whether it is Zhang Ziyi's filterless beauty, Chen Duling's coquettish temperament, or Wang Yibo's high-end charm, every star has shown their unique style and charm. I hope that in the coming time, they can continue to bring more wonderful works and beautiful moments, let us look forward to the beauty feast of this summer vacation.

The most beautiful photo of the month, Zhang Ziyi restores the classic shape, and the "fox demon" Chen Turin and Guo Xiaoting are smart and charming

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