
Is there no cure for dementia? Don't worry, Chinese medicine teaches you how to prevent and treat!

author:The Third Affiliated Hospital of North Chinese Medicine

There are always grandpas and aunts in the outpatient clinic who come to the clinic and say that they are demented, and they forget to lock the door when they go out on the front foot and the back foot? Did you turn off the fire? Gotta go home again. What's more, sometimes you go out and suddenly don't know where you are? Are these conditions dementia? What should I do if I have dementia? Today we will learn about it from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine.

Is there no cure for dementia? Don't worry, Chinese medicine teaches you how to prevent and treat!

What is dementia

Dementia is mostly caused by myeloid hypomyelination or sputum stasis blocking the brain network, and the use of the magic machine is caused by a brain function decline disease with stupidity, mental retardation, forgetfulness, etc. as the main clinical manifestations in the state of unconscious impairment. The light can be seen as indifferent, silent, unresponsive, forgetful, etc.; The worst ones are silent all day long, or living alone behind closed doors, or mumbling in their mouths, turning words upside down, or acting indiscriminately, laughing and crying, or not craving food, not knowing hunger for days, etc. It is equivalent to senile dementia, cerebrovascular dementia and mixed dementia diagnosed by Western medicine.

Dementia is a quiet disease, no itching and other obvious symptoms, early only memory loss, forgetfulness and other symptoms, many patients mistakenly think that this is normal aging, so that the rate of medical treatment is extremely low, often make patients miss effective treatment opportunities. Memory loss is not equal to Alzheimer's, it may also be a systemic disease caused by attention loss, benign amnesia, pseudodementia or senile depression and other diseases, but one of the early symptoms of dementia is memory loss. Therefore, intervention should be given early.

Focusing on memory loss can help the early detection and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, and the earlier dementia is treated, the better the effect. Early detection and early treatment of dementia can achieve better results at less cost. Therefore, when the elderly around you have memory loss, slow response, loss of three, indifference, nagging and suspiciousness, do not think that it is normal aging, and should find a professional doctor for diagnosis and treatment in time.

Is there no cure for dementia? Don't worry, Chinese medicine teaches you how to prevent and treat!

Which conditions are prone to dementia

In the Ming Dynasty, "Jingyue Quanshu Miscellaneous Evidence" has a special article on "madness and dementia", pointing out that the disease is gradually caused by a variety of causes, and often because of the main cause, there are several people who are prone to the disease:

1. Frail elderly. Dementia is mostly due to the lack of old age and gradually becoming stupid. Deficiency is mostly due to insufficient qi and blood and kidney essence loss, resulting in cerebral hypomyelination and cerebral pulp denourishment; In real cases, phlegm is cloudy, cerebral blockade, heart and liver are hot, and eventually the divine machine is useless and dementia.

2. Mental disorder, trauma, poisoning, etc. caused by qi and blood disorder, resulting in dementia. The "Treatise on Suwen and Tuning the Scriptures" says: "Blood is down, anger is on top, chaos is forgetting." ”

Patients after stroke. The "Clinical Guide Medical Case" pointed out: "At the beginning of the stroke, the god is stunned and enuresis, and the old man is obviously in the middle of the disease. "Miscellaneous Diseases Flowers and Stroke" further pointed out that there is "forgetfulness after stroke", which is an earlier record of dementia caused by stroke in Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine has advantages in treating dementia

How effective is dementia in the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine? This is a matter of great concern to all. As early as the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon" there is a description of similar symptoms of dementia, which shows that there was an understanding of dementia as early as a thousand years ago, and the understanding of dementia by doctors in the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty has been further developed, such as Chen Shiduo's "Records of Certificates" in the Qing Dynasty, which has a profound impact on the treatment of dementia to this day. TCM treatment of dementia is based on dialectical treatment, grasps the etiology and pathogenesis of dementia as the starting point for treatment, and intervenes in the common internal organs dysfunction, phlegm, stasis, fire and other real evils that cause dementia, so that the evil can go away and the internal organs will be peaceful and achieve the therapeutic effect. When treating, pay attention to distinguish between the real and the internal organs, and reasonable prescription may reap the curative effect. At the same time, it is combined with external TCM treatments such as acupuncture, tuina massage, moxibustion and aromatherapy to further enhance the efficacy.

The course of dementia is longer, and the effective treatment effect of empirical patients in the early stage will be more obvious, while the treatment time of patients with false evidence and false and real evidence is longer, and some symptoms are not significantly improved, which requires long-term persistence. On the other hand, the effective evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of dementia lies in improving the symptoms of dementia patients, controlling the development of the disease, improving self-care ability and quality of life, which is also an effective performance of treatment. Therefore, we should grasp the core of dialectical treatment, add long-term traditional Chinese medicine, pay attention to synergistic effect with western medicine, improve long-term efficacy and quality of life, reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions, and strive to cooperate with mental regulation and intelligent training in order to reap greater benefits.

Is there no cure for dementia? Don't worry, Chinese medicine teaches you how to prevent and treat!

How daily life can prevent dementia

1. More mental work

Do more comprehension, attention, judgment training, such as reading, reading newspapers, doing math problems, playing mahjong, chess, playing cards, etc. In the process of using the brain, the brain's thinking is always constantly active, and such a complex continuous activity of the brain can undoubtedly improve the metabolic activity of brain cells, prevent brain arteriosclerosis, and then prevent brain cells from degeneration and aging, and ensure that brain cells will not be too much reduced due to age.

2. Move your fingers more

Brain gymnastics that often do finger movements: such as handicrafts, carving, drawing, paper cutting, typing, and playing musical instruments with fingers, etc., often use fingers to rotate steel balls or walnuts, or use both hands to stretch and clench fists, can expand the blood flow surface of the brain, promote blood circulation, and effectively massage the brain. Studies believe that frequent finger movement is beneficial to prevent arteriosclerosis and prevent dementia.

3. Ensure moderate exercise

Moderate exercise every week, you can choose Baduan Jin, Tai Chi Quan, Tai Chi Jian and other exercise methods, on the one hand, the body can be exercised, on the other hand, it can enhance the physical fitness of the elderly and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. Get sleep

7-9 hours a day, insomnia can be given a small dose of sleeping pills, some dementia elderly like to sleep more, should adjust sleep, reduce daytime sleep.

Is there no cure for dementia? Don't worry, Chinese medicine teaches you how to prevent and treat!

5. Eat a balanced diet

A balanced diet should do the following three points: First, the diet should be light and diversified. Ensure the supply of protein and eat foods rich in vitamins and fiber. Second, eat a balanced diet and avoid excessive salt and animal fat. Balanced intake of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc. Increasing the intake of lecithin and taking more lecithin can prevent Alzheimer's disease. Third, eat modestly, not too hungry or too full.

In conclusion, older adults can prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, doing cognitive training, participating in social activities, etc. At the same time, the elderly should also undergo regular physical examinations and cognitive assessments in order to detect and treat early symptoms in time.

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