
Dialogue with Wan Qian: Su Gengsheng is like a rubber band, there will be a feeling of tension stretched to the limit

author:Jiangsu Satellite TV

If Huang Yimei played by Liu Yifei is a bright and flamboyant yellow rose, then Su Gengsheng played by Wan Qian is a cactus waiting for flowers to bloom.

The TV series "The Story of the Rose" is being broadcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV's Happiness Theater, in which Su Gengsheng played by Wan Qian is an independent and capable "cold sister" who walks with the wind, and a "broken puppy" who is difficult to get rid of the influence of his original family and suppresses himself, or the "best Su Su" who treats his friends sincerely and warmly. "Su Gengsheng is like a cactus, and she is also like a rubber band." During the interview, Wan Qian interpreted Su Gengsheng's character image very vividly.

Dialogue with Wan Qian: Su Gengsheng is like a rubber band, there will be a feeling of tension stretched to the limit

Su Gengsheng is cold on the outside and hot on the inside

There is a sense of contrast

When I saw the script, the first thing I realized was the strong sense of contrast presented by Su Gengsheng. She is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, with a thick shell like a thermos cup, but she is warm on the inside. Facing the camera, Wan Qian talked eloquently. I think that Su Gengsheng is like a cactus, there may be many thorns on the outside, but it is soft on the inside, and it will also bloom very beautiful, very bright, and brilliant flowers and bear fruit. ”

Dialogue with Wan Qian: Su Gengsheng is like a rubber band, there will be a feeling of tension stretched to the limit

Wan Qian used a very vivid metaphor to explain her understanding of the role: "Her childhood experience has brought her some not very good influences, which will make her present a very rational or self-protective state, she is like a rubber band, and many times there will be a sense of tension that is stretched to the limit." "But this feeling of tension gradually disappeared after meeting Huang Yimei, Huang Zhenhua and others." These people who appeared in her life warmed her and made her gradually softer. We can see that little by little the rubber band regains its elasticity and becomes a person who can pursue freedom like them. ”

Dialogue with Wan Qian: Su Gengsheng is like a rubber band, there will be a feeling of tension stretched to the limit

In order to present this sense of tension, Wan Qian will also pay more attention to details when performing. Su Gengsheng is always in a very clean environment, and when eating, he will habitually fold napkins into a small square and wipe the side clean, so that there can be no stains. It's not that she necessarily has a cleanliness fetish or anything, but that there is a tension in her that detail (design) can externalize the character's traits. ”

Dialogue with Wan Qian: Su Gengsheng is like a rubber band, there will be a feeling of tension stretched to the limit

There is no run-in period for cooperation with Liu Yifei

Tong Dawei himself is very similar to Huang Zhenhua

In the play, Wan Qian and Liu Yifei have a lot of rivalry scenes, how do you feel in cooperation? "Liu Yifei is very dedicated, she never leaves the scene when filming." Wan Qian said that when the camera was finished, Liu Yifei would sit at the scene, waiting very quietly, and her voice was always gentle and gentle when chatting. "From the first scene shooting, I had almost no run-in period with her, because she is an actor who will completely open her heart, unconditionally accept the information given to her by her opponent, and at the same time dedicate herself, I feel very comfortable and secure."

In the play, Huang Yimei is bright and warm, Su Gengsheng is calm and rational, how do you look at them who are completely different? In Wan Qian's view, Su Gengsheng and Huang Yimei are attracted to each other. When Su Gengsheng saw Huang Yimei, he would feel that Huang Yimei was like the sun, because Huang Yimei bloomed and burned her heat all the time, whether it was in life, friendship or love. She has always belonged to a burner, and her heat has a kind of photosynthesis with Susu, and the two of them can support each other, and I think this kind of relationship is extremely comfortable and down-to-earth. ”

In the play, she and Huang Zhenhua played by Tong Dawei are also a pair of "happy enemies", and the two "don't know each other if they don't fight", and finally enter the palace of marriage. "Tong Dawei is my senior brother, he himself is very similar to Huang Zhenhua, he is very tolerant, has an excellent temper, is emotionally stable, and he has a very unique sense of humor, so he is also very happy to shoot on site."

Dialogue with Wan Qian: Su Gengsheng is like a rubber band, there will be a feeling of tension stretched to the limit

Because of his original family, Su Gengsheng always treats his feelings lightly, with a restraint and alienation. So, when did Huang Zhenhua really enter Su Gengsheng's heart? "When Su Su told Huang Zhenhua about his past experience, and then Huang Zhenhua opened his arms without reservation and hugged Su Su." Although the original family is not perfect, the Huang family brothers and sisters healed Su Su with warmth and love, giving her a full sense of security.

Born in thorns, growing towards the sun. Jiangsu Satellite TV's Jane Melol 0 Sucrose Yogurt Happiness Theater "The Story of Rose" continues wonderfully, watch Wan Qian perform "The Best Susu"!

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