
The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

author:Yu Ni Bo
The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

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In the past two years, domestic dramas have gradually shown a good development trend, and various forms of TV dramas have been broadcast frequently, and they have received very good responses, but in 2023, the works based on spy war films have fallen into a bottleneck, only in fact, in terms of quantity, there are a lot of spy war films this year, and they are one after another, and there are very few that can be used to reflect the quality.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

It's really ashamed to say, but it's not like there is no one, like Guan Xiaotong's "Plum Blossom Pink" starring from the beginning of the broadcast of only five episodes of ratings, you can see that this drama is really very exciting, the reason why this drama is popular is not only the direction of the plot, but also the cooperation between the actors, which directly presents everyone with an era of spy warfare and shock.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

The rhythm of the plot is as fast as lightning, and the IQ fight is very online when the positive and negative sides are fighting with each other, this drama has been on the air for a month, and it has already come to an end, although many netizens were speculating about what this ending was before this, but when the ending came, it still gave the audience a lot of surprises, and the ending of the 10 characters was explained in the last 2 episodes of the finale, which is really cool to watch.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

In the finale, Lu Fangfang and Zhou Fang rescued Chen Jiaping but could not escape the trick of surnamed Qian, and the second knife also died under the guns of the Japanese in order to get the key, and Chen Jiaping did not live up to everyone's expectations, designed a trap for Takeo Yamashita, creating chaos for only two minutes, and unknowingly replaced the lockbox of his mobile phone, and the surname Qian did not escape and was also eliminated by Chen Jiaping.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

And the plum blossom four and red heart five who came to Hong Kong changed their code name Wishing you prosperity and started their next stage of tasks, from the ending of each character, "Plum Blossom Pink" really gave everyone a lot of highlights, netizens have sighed that there is finally a drama like a spy war movie.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

It's a pity that this drama is now the finale, I don't know if I can see such a wonderful spy war movie in the future, they all say that the old doesn't go and the new doesn't come, "Plum Blossom Pink" has come to an end, and several more films will be released and broadcast next.

Legal film "Fearless"

This drama can be said to be the ceiling of the theme of legal dramas, no wonder CCTV eight sets will be launched, this drama mainly revolves around the heroine Reiza, her husband owes a loan shark and fled to leave a mess for her, and she was not defeated by life, jumped from the government department to the legal and political circles, and became a female lawyer through self-study exams.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

As a newcomer in the workplace, she is facing a lot of pressure, on one side is the workplace, on the other hand is a creditor, the pressure on the heroine Luo Yingwei is not small at all, but fortunately she met friends who have the same direction as herself, they have always firmly believed in the belief in the law, insisted on justice for ordinary people, and finally became a gold medal lawyer with their unremitting efforts.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

Let us see the tenacious image of a successful woman in the face of workplace pressure, although such a heroine's counterattack plot is very common, as early as "Good Things Come in Pairs", "War of the Roses" and other dramas have appeared, but such a plot is still the ceiling, and everyone still never gets tired of watching it.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

Although it is the drama of the big heroine, it also shows us from the side how scumbag the male protagonist is, in the drama "Fearless", the lawyer Chen Shuo played by Wang Yang is a proper scumbag, who has been crawling in the legal and political circles for many years, and he is constantly wearing small shoes for the heroine because of his excellence.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

The whole person looks really greasy, in addition to the plot between the male and female protagonists, there is also a concern that the plot is very real and interesting, itself from the plot point of view, this drama is to tell the stories of the legal profession, the law is the last line of defense for everyone to protect themselves, we have always thought that the light will be felt after you see the plot of "Fearless".

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

In the drama "Fearless", we see that the legal and political circles are not as bright as we imagined, there are old leaders who steal tofu from female subordinates during working hours, and there are also those secret operations in private, each of which is seen and remembered by everyone, this is not so dare to shoot in previous dramas, I have to say that the theme of "Fearless" is really novel enough.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

And Wang Yang, as the starring role, from the greasy uncle at the beginning to the lawyer who adheres to fairness in the back, really needs to be very good at controlling the details, and later deduces the love and hate with the heroine, which also makes everyone reminisce about the sweetness of the old-fashioned male and female protagonists together, and with the help of several other powerful actors, I believe that this drama will be good after it is broadcast on CCTV.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

"Pronouncement of Judgment"

In addition to the ceiling of the legal and political circles "Fearless", there is also a drama "Judgment" that is also very worthy of everyone's chase, in fact, this drama has been broadcast on local stations at the beginning of the year, but there are too few people who watch it, and now Beijing TV has come over again, and has done a lot of publicity, thinking that it can gain some ratings when it is broadcast.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

Many people will ask, what is the merit of such a drama that can make Beijing TV pick up the leaks and broadcast it, first of all, there are several highlights, one is from the plot of this drama, which involves two aspects, one is the legal and political circles, and the other is an anti-corruption drama, focusing on the main line of the starring Wang Qianyuan as a judge, interspersed with various types of cases, and the kidnapping case that has been implicated for many years by the fishing boat murder case.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

The second aspect is that in the cast of this drama, the starring Wang Qianyuan is a powerful actor who has been in the film and television industry for many years, coupled with Lan Yingying, a young actor, and the combination of old and new makes this drama more interesting.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

There is also the villain played by Yan Yikuan, fans who like Yan Yikuan, everyone should like Yan Yikuan's previous roles are positive images, and they have always been on the side of justice, this time in this drama, Yan Yikuan's change of role to play the villain has given the audience a lot of expectations.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

We all know that the pressure on villains is very great, in the early years in the drama "The First Half of My Life", Wu Yue was scolded by netizens for playing a villain and didn't dare to open Weibo directly, I don't know what Yan Yikuan thinks, so many characters have to choose to play villains, it's really a bit confusing.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

Judging from the stills released, Yan Yikuan is dressed in black, with a pair of glasses, and a comb of oily hair, which makes people feel that this person is not ordinary, and he can't be messed with casually.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

In addition to these three, there are also Zhang Fengyi, Wen Zhengrong and other old drama bones have joined this drama, I believe that after this drama is broadcast on Beijing TV, it will set off a wave of drama chasing, let's wait and see.

"I want to go against the wind"

After talking about legal dramas and anti-corruption dramas, many people should be a little aesthetically tired, and many people may be looking forward to other types of dramas, such as urban dramas, this is not Dragon TV, which gives you a modern urban drama "I want to go against the wind", looking at the name of this TV series, we can all guess that this is an inspirational work.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

The meaning of the two people against the wind is the core part of this film, which mainly tells the story of the heroine played by Zhong Chuxi to revitalize the family, she was the daughter of the Jiang group at the beginning of the story, and then the family group went bankrupt, and she became a bankrupt daughter against the wind, and when Xu Si, who saw the Jiang family's downfall, wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob to make a fortune.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

still couldn't resist Zhong Chuxi's beauty, from the very beginning, she tried her best to embarrass her into a ladder to help her achieve a great cause, it is really a fact that the old saying says that a good hero is sad and a beauty passes, but at the same time, it also verifies the saying that men and women are not tired of working together, and the two of them finally achieved a great cause through hard work.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

In addition to the love and love between Zhong Chuxi and Gong Jun, there are other supporting roles in this drama, such as Zhang Chenguang, Dong Xuan, Wen Zhengrong These old drama bones, their roles are the real highlights of this drama, compared to the young people who just came out, after all, they have been mixed in the film and television industry for most of their lives, and their acting experience alone is very rich.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

And there are a lot of old dramas in this drama, you can really get together to play mahjong, just looking at this lineup already makes people feel that this is another urban drama with a ceiling, in addition to the plot, it is also very exciting, in addition to the audience who watched the actors of this drama, there should be many people who were attracted by the trailer of this drama.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

In the trailer, Zhong Chuxi has flaming red lips, fighting alone in the face of many people to challenge the ruthless scene, a proper image of a ruthless heroine, and this drama is very different from other urban dramas, its texture is very good, the whole film shows the momentum that a business war should have, and there is no feeling of dragging mud and water in the description of the plot.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

First of all, it is the model style of the female star who should have a business war, it is not difficult to see from the suits and leather shoes of supporting actresses such as Zhong Chuxi that it is really full of business war, and from the inside to the outside, this drama exudes the feeling of business war game, at the Tengyue anniversary event site, the heroine directly angrily scolded the male protagonist, and the two of them got up in a few seconds, it really has that flavor, no wonder everyone will be attracted in the trailer.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

Zhong Chuxi's aggressive appearance does not look like a rich daughter who has been raised in the boudoir since childhood, but more like a self-made entrepreneurial heroine, it is really full of atmosphere, from the thrilling business war to the struggle and love of young people, and then to the rise of the national tide, the main line of the whole film is really very full.

The ending of "Plum Blossoms and Red Hearts" is not enjoyable? Don't panic, 3 blockbuster dramas to be broadcast will take over, there will always be something for you

What is certain is that this drama must not be a Mary Sue love story of a domineering president, the male and female protagonists are engaged in career and love, which is really very exciting, which of these three dramas is your favorite?

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