
Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

author:Yangzhou property market concern

As the referee's whistle sounded, Zhang Baoshuang cleanly threw off the hose, connected the water separator, hose and water gun in one go, and then rushed to the finish line like an arrow from the string, completing the race in only 11 seconds, winning the cheers of the scene.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

(Zhang Baoshuang, the foreman of Changzhou Midea's Bamboo Forest No. 1 Order in the Meizhi Service Fire Fighting Competition)

In October, at the "2023 National Skills Competition" held by Meizhi Service Group, the Midea Real Estate Shanghai-Suwan team composed of Zhang Baoshuang, Zhang Qianmin, Li Xiangsong, Shang Hongyu and others won four awards: "First Prize of Ingenuity Engineer", "Second Prize of Individual Garden Makeup Artist", "Third Prize of Jiuding Guardian" and "Third Prize of Case Field Elite", showing the trustworthy service background of Midea Real Estate to buyers.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

(7 team members representing Midea Real Estate Shanghai, Suzhou and Anhui)

"The service competition is not a temporary surprise inspection, but a way to refine service standards and enhance business skills, so that the team's service ability can be continuously improved, which can meet the new needs of current owners for omnipotent property services and personalized customized case services." The relevant person in charge of Midea Real Estate in Shanghai, Suzhou and Anhui introduced.

During the Double 11 period, service is still one of the trump cards of Midea Real Estate in Shanghai, Suzhou and Anhui, and its innovative "Worry-free Double 11" has customized seven worry-free services throughout the whole life cycle of house purchase, waiting, delivery, and residence, so that owners can rest assured that they can buy a home and live with peace of mind.

Won two municipal medals for righteousness and bravery, "Home Guard" gives owners a worry-free living experience

On the first day of November, with the chirping of insects and birds, the quiet park gradually became busy, and Zhang Baoshuang, the foreman of Changzhou Midea Bamboo Forest No. 1, was leading the orderlies to conduct military morning exercises, which was not only a requirement of the work process, but also a habit he brought from the army.

The true character of a soldier who "dares to take responsibility and has the courage to contribute" has also been brought to his daily work by Zhang Baoshuang, allowing him to win the Medal of Righteousness and Courage in the Property Industry of Changzhou City twice in a row.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

(Zhang Baoshuang won the Medal of Righteousness and Courage in Changzhou Property Industry for two consecutive times)

In the early morning of September last year, Zhang Baoshuang, who was on duty, received a message from the team members that someone was suspected of stealing from the non-motorized vehicle parking in front of the property service center. In the end, with the assistance of Zhang Baoshuang, the police brought the suspect back to the police station, and it was later found that the suspect was a habitual thief who had been involved in theft cases many times.

Soon after Zhang Baoshan stood on the podium of the "Righteous and Courageous Quarterly Star" in the city's property industry in Changzhou City for assisting the police in catching the thief, he once again assisted the police in capturing the thief who was committing the crime in the garage of the community with professional handling, avoiding the loss of the owner's property, and thus receiving the second medal for righteousness and bravery.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

(Zhang Baoshuang in the fire competition amazed the audience with a score far beyond the standard)

This time, on behalf of the Shanghai, Jiangsu and Anhui regions, he won the third place in the "Jiuding Guardian" in the "2023 National Skills Competition of Meizhi Service Group", among which, in the two actual combat competitions of fire hose connection and oil basin fire extinguishing, he amazed the audience with two far exceeding the standard results of 11 seconds and 16 seconds respectively.

"Getting good results in competitions is just a way to show professional ability, and being able to rush when the owner needs it is the real skill." Zhang Baoshuang said that the original intention of improving professional ability is not to achieve good results in the competition, but to really give the owners a safe living environment.

"Zhang Baoshuang is our role model and a model for us to build a professional and orderly team." Wang Gang, the leader of the Shanghai-Suzhou-Anhui team, said that in recent years, Midea Real Estate has often held skills training and competitions such as AED, fire fighting, baton and shield teaching, and extreme weather emergency treatment.

Focusing on the details of the case "caring people", so that customers can feel the temperature of worry-free life

A good life begins with the first encounter. In addition to building a professional order team to escort the owners' safe residence, Midea Real Estate Husu Anhui also extends its services to major case sites, and allows customers to perceive the temperature of Midea's beautiful life in advance with meticulous and thoughtful scene rehearsals.

Zhang Qianmin, a post-00 case site staff member of the Shanghai-Suzhou-Anhui team, used the "Third Prize of Case Field Elite" to demonstrate Midea Real Estate's meticulous professionalism and attentive service to details.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

(Zhang Qianmin of Wuxi Midea Real Estate Yunkaidong Program Field won the "Third Prize of Case Elite")

"For example, the fruit plate setting and special drink making competitions test our creativity and hands-on ability, but also test whether we can understand the needs of customers in advance." Zhang Qianmin believes that a cup of special drink and a fruit bowl need to consider not only the beauty of the shape, but also whether the customer needs it, and can also combine regional characteristics, so that customers can also feel the taste of "home" in the case field.

In fact, since February 2022, when he officially joined the Midea Real Estate Wuxi Yunkai Oriental Project, Zhang Qianmin will quietly write down everything mentioned by the customer that is not on the drink list in the case, and then use his free time to learn how to make it online, and sometimes independently develop some beautiful and interesting drinks according to the characteristics of the season. So far, she has mastered more than 20 special drink recipes, and this drink list is constantly being updated as the number of customers visiting.

In addition to the innovation of beverages, Zhang Qianmin's intentions in service also reflect that the owners can understand their needs without waiting for them to speak.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

(Zhang Qianmin in daily work)

Help customers take care of young children, prepare umbrellas for customers on rainy days, prepare brown sugar water and bring blankets for customers who are not feeling well... In every little thing and every detail, she injected warmth into the service of the case.

"When customers come to see the house, we pay attention to the service, so that they can perceive the temperature of the Midea real estate brand for the first time." Zhang Qianmin said, and this is also the principle practiced by every staff member of the major case sites of Midea Real Estate in Shanghai, Suzhou and Anhui, under the influence of the customer-centric corporate culture, they carefully carve every service detail to maximize the quality of service in the case field and create a comfortable and beautiful home buying experience for customers.

A "good housekeeper" in the park who responds to requests, and fulfills the "last mile" of worry-free after-sales service

In the property service link after delivery, Midea Real Estate Husuwan has cultivated a group of excellent property stewards to do a good job in the "last mile" of worry-free after-sales service.

So, what should a good Midea property steward look like? The owners of the Guobin Mansion from Changzhou Midea have the most say.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

(Su Fang, the property manager of Changzhou Guobin Mansion, received the pennant presented by the owner)

"Xiao Su, the housekeeper is very reliable, it's right to find her if you have something." A shop owner in Changzhou Guobin Mansion praised him for helping him solve problems such as clogged sewer pipes in his shop, and the owner also sent a pennant to Su Fang, the property manager.

Su Fang's most commonly used work configuration is a mobile phone, a work log, shuttling between buildings and floors, taking the initiative to visit owners and merchants to listen to their actual needs, her figure is busy in all corners of the park, WeChat steps dominate the circle of friends all year round.

In addition to her own work, Su Fang will also try her best to solve the various demands of the owners. This summer, a landlord called her to say that the air conditioner at home was blocked by water and asked her to help deal with it. After receiving the call, she rushed to the owner's home as quickly as possible, and found that it was only a small problem after checking, because the weather was hot, and the owner urgently needed to use the air conditioner, so under the premise of doing a good job of safety measures, she turned out of the window to help the owner solve the problem of water blockage.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

(Su Fang, the property manager of Changzhou State Guest Mansion, is cleaning the carpet of the entrance door)

"To be a housekeeper is to treat the owners as if they were their own family and friends, to help them when they are in trouble, and they will also recognize our work." There are many things like this, Su Fang's intimate service has received a lot of praise from the owners, and her warm responsibility is making the owners' lives better.

Although the fever reached 40 °C, in order not to delay the competition, she got up at 6 o'clock in the morning and went to the hospital for a drip, and insisted on cooperating with the team to complete the customer service practical competition in the case of a high fever, and also achieved the second best result in this link.

Midea Real Estate Double 11 Volume Service responds to "what kind of service is trustworthy" with super-standard service

Protect the home with professional post skills, let customers know the beauty of "home" with warm case field services, and harvest the worry-free life of owners with on-call intimate service... Every little thing in daily life, a heart-warming story, like a shining starlight, conveys the intentions and sincerity of Midea Real Estate Shanghai, Suzhou and Anhui to the owners.

In the future, Midea Real Estate will continue to be based on customer needs, continue to move forward on the road of intensive service with ingenuity, fulfill the promise of "worry-free after-sales" with a better service team and more advanced service concepts, and set a benchmark for a better life with more heart-warming scenes.

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