
"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

In the 80s and 90s, Ye Zilin, under the name of "Boba", led the trend in the film industry, and became a sexy symbol of Hong Kong movies with his proud figure, and had a high exposure rate for a long time.

Although she is not a first-line heroine, she occupies a place in many movies, and is the pillar of the tertiary film boom, the most topical thing is that she has never shown three points, and the legend about her breasts was a topic of conversation among citizens after tea and dinner.

"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

Since she began to appear on some social occasions this year, there has been news of her comeback, and Ye Zilin also recently accepted an exclusive interview with the media and officially announced her comeback to everyone!

In this interview, Ye Zilin talked about his acting career and said: "At the beginning, I was very unaccustomed to being called 'Boba' and felt very uncomfortable, but everyone called it like this, and I had no choice but to accept it. ”

"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

Ye Zilin quit the entertainment industry for love, and was "isolated from the world" for many years, willing to enjoy life in peace, until his lover Dr. Lu died suddenly of a heart attack while taking a plane in 2018.

She gets up at six o'clock in the morning every day and does exercise for an hour and a half, because she is in a very happy mood after exercise, and her figure is still the same, even thinner than before.

"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

During this time, she began to have a normal social life, and last week she and Wei Qiuhua attended the 55th anniversary party next week, attending friends' dinner parties, and also holding banquets from time to time to entertain friends in the circle, and the most common group of people in the circle include Chen Xinjian, Huang Baiming, Huang Jinshen, Xu Guanwen, etc.

"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

Looking back on the colorful life in the entertainment industry back then, she said: "The most memorable thing is to take the stage in Taiwan, I am a filmmaker who doesn't know how to sing, but the boss arranged a hundred performances around the island for me, and I have the opportunity to get close to passionate fans, so now I don't resist performing if I have the opportunity, I filmed "The Legend of Sister Xia" from young to old, and I am still moved to wet eyes when I rewatch it, which proves that the movie has a magic that attracts me." ”

"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

Ye Zilin said that her sister knew that she did not resist making a comeback, and she was not very approves, "She thinks that I will be pointed at when I come out, and sometimes I have to face some bad comments, she doesn't like it very much, but I feel that I don't have to make a comeback, I choose a good script to let myself play, I think it doesn't hurt to perform again, I have explained to her that I hope to like it, to act for interest, so that I am the happiest, so I have to choose a good script, and I will not do something I don't like to do for money, I will not do it." ”

Ye Zilin said frankly that the income in the entertainment industry is not guaranteed, and he has bought a house since he first made money when he debuted, "I bought a house for the first time at the age of 21, and I used more than 500,000 to buy Mobil, and lived with my father and mother, and later I used 1.58 million to buy a house in Bijiashan to live in, and I have spent 500,000 yuan for decoration alone, and I also bought a house for two brothers and a sister. ”

"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

I moved from Hong Kong to Kowloon Tong last year, and I originally planned to buy two more small flats to collect rent, but then the bank kept raising interest rates and decided to put the funds in the bank to collect interest.

She said: "Dr. Lui and I never thought about having children, and after he left, I used to ask myself, will I regret not having children? The answer is that there are no regrets, it took a lot of time to raise a dog in the early days, Dr. Lu didn't like to socialize, I cooked every day and lived a very busy life, we have been together for 26 years, and there are no regrets. ”

"Boba" Ye Zilin announced his comeback and was interviewed by the media for the first time

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