
4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

author:I don't know how to write poetry


When the news of Ma Yili and the article's divorce came out, it set off huge waves in the entertainment industry and the public.

In the face of such a high-profile divorce announcement, people have been talking about it, trying to analyze the reasons for the divorce of this celebrity couple.

The most worrying speculation in this is whether Ma Yili had premeditated, and all this was just a calculation carefully woven after she had made up her mind?

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

The first encounter of fate

In 2005, Ma Yili met this young actor eight years younger than her for the first time in the costume drama "Jin Yiwei" in collaboration with the article.

Although the acting skills of the article at that time were immature, a sincere and enthusiastic heart had deeply moved Ma Yili.

But Ma Yili still rejected the article's youthful pursuit without hesitation.

Because in her heart, the ideal other half must be mature and stable and have a successful career.

However, their fate seems to be far from over.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

Two years later, the two met again in the TV series "Struggle".

This time, Ma Yili was finally moved by the sincere emotions of the article.

In this way, the teacher-student relationship between the actor and the director gradually changed to the intimate attitude of boyfriend and girlfriend.

However, criticism and doubts from the outside world also followed.

Countless people whispered that the article, which was eight years younger than her, was using Ma Yili to take the position.

Ma Yili saw it in her eyes, but pretended not to notice it.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

Because she is convinced that true love will prove it all.

What is hidden in the registered marriage?

When Ma Yili was in full swing, the article's marriage raid finally succeeded.

He secretly carried the household registration book, falsely claimed to be critically ill, and asked Ma Yili to come in a hurry.

In this way, the two hastily registered as a legal husband and wife on an ordinary working day.

Ma Yili didn't expect such a marriage, but after thinking about it, the most important thing is the relationship between the two people, isn't it?

However, such a sudden marriage makes people wonder about the intentions of the article.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

Why should a man hastily pull his sweetheart into the cage of marriage? Isn't he as confident and calm as he seems? Or is this sudden marriage just a strategy for him to further lock up Ma Yili?

A romantic marriage, or a well-thought-out arrangement?

After marriage, Ma Yili unreservedly supported the article and became his best partner in his career.

Under her careful planning, the article was like a fish in water, and her career reached an unprecedented peak.

He is no longer the unknown little actor he was at the beginning, but a first-line superstar who shines on the screen.

However, when the career reaches its peak, the shadow of success also follows.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

The article had unspeakable pressure and began to ask Ma Yili for more.

After marrying Ma Yili, he even repeatedly proposed that he wanted to go home to meet his parents.

But this is too trivial for Ma Yili.

For a highly ambitious woman like her, family and relationships have never been the whole of life.

We can't help but ask, how much true feelings does Ma Yili's dedication, the request for the article, and their marriage have?

Is this relationship really based on the mutual attraction of two hearts, or is it just a transaction between the two parties under the scrutiny and trade-off of reality?

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

Extramarital affairs, betrayal of trust

When the two entered five years of marriage, an extramarital affair quietly broke the apparent harmony.

It turned out that a few years ago, the article developed an intimate relationship with actress Yao Di that surpassed that of colleagues.

He frequented Yao Di's residence, and even traveled with her to many places.

As the details of their private meeting were exposed, public opinion all pointed to the article overnight.

The former star superstar has become the target of public criticism in the blink of an eye.

This extramarital affair scandal undoubtedly dealt a devastating blow to the image and career of the article.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

However, what is even more shocking is that Ma Yili actually chose tolerance and forgiveness.

When questioned about her attitude, Ma Yili only said indifferently that she believed that the article would correct the mistakes.

But such a reaction, to outsiders, is really unbelievable.

This kind of tolerance beyond ordinary people makes people wonder - behind Ma Yili's silence, is there a deliberate calculation?

An article that learns from the pain, the silent and firm Ma Yili

After the extramarital affair was exposed, although Ma Yili forgave the article.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

But the condemnation of public opinion made the article painful, and he began to reflect on what he had done.

was originally in the entertainment industry, but his career and popularity plummeted.

For a while, he even quit the entertainment industry and chose to start anew on the drama stage.

At the same time, Ma Yili showed amazing strength.

Not only did she forgive the mistakes of the article with tolerance, but she also silently but firmly set off again.

The TV series "The First Half of My Life" starring her was a huge success, and her career reached new peaks, and her fame has not diminished in the slightest.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

Seeing that Ma Yili's career is in full swing, the article is struggling at the bottom.

Such a contrast makes one wonder - is Ma Yili's tolerance out of sincere forgiveness, or is it a calm calculation, just to take revenge more ruthlessly?

Joys and sorrows, calculation or fate

After five years of maintenance, Ma Yili and the article's marriage ended in divorce in 2019.

After the divorce, the trajectory of their lives took a dramatic turn.

Ma Yili's career has reached a new peak, and she has gained both fame and fortune.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

And the article that was still beautiful a few years ago has silently faded out of sight and sought a place in the drama circle.

The decisions of the year, the mistakes of the year, finally showed irreversible consequences after the years passed.

Faced with today's ending, we can't help but ask-is all this development the inevitable result of Ma Yili's calculations? Or is fate dooming them to their final joys and sorrows?

No one can truly read another person's inner world.

We can't penetrate Ma Yili's choice back then to judge whether her tolerance was premeditated.

Just as we can't say for sure, there is an element of exploitation of the love in the original article.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?

But one thing is for sure.

That is, everyone will pay the price for their choices.

Choosing tolerance means accepting betrayal and tolerating harm.

If you choose to cheat, you are destined to be scrutinized by morality and the world.

Was their marriage a calculated or predestined marriage?

But some things are destined not to be buried.

Time will give an explanation to every question, and it will also make everyone pay for their choices.

4 years after the divorce, Ma Yili and the article's "calculation", do you understand this big game of chess?


Such a story is a warning to everyone who is facing a choice.

It's easy to judge others, but it's extremely hard to look at yourself.

We are all struggling on our respective stages of life, trying to get the best for ourselves.

But we often forget that the two ends of the lever chosen are an unpredictable balance.

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