
The full schedule of the 2023 Open Atom Developers Conference is officially released!

The full schedule of the 2023 Open Atom Developers Conference is officially released!

After learning about the speakers and topics of the opening ceremony, we can bring some thoughts to the meeting:

The full schedule of the 2023 Open Atom Developers Conference is officially released!

What are the trends in open source?

· How can software and hardware embrace open source and how can we collaborate with the world to innovate? What achievements has the Foundation made in terms of technology, organization, training, funding, and international cooperation in the field of open source? What is the development trend of open source in the field of technology? · Where can open source play a greater role?

The full schedule of the 2023 Open Atom Developers Conference is officially released!

How does open source help developers grow personally?

· How does open source truly serve developers and realize their dreams? · Why is open source an intrinsic requirement of software, and what is the relationship between open source and software? · What are the opportunities and challenges for developers in the new era of AI, and how can developers participate in the open source community?

The full schedule of the 2023 Open Atom Developers Conference is officially released!

How can enterprises contribute to the development of the open source ecosystem?

· How do well-known database companies at home and abroad embrace open source? In the era of AGI, how to improve the operating system through artificial intelligence? · What are the layouts and resource investments of enterprises and communities in open source?

The answers to these questions will be found at the opening ceremony of the Open Atom Developers Conference 2023!

If you can't come to the conference site in person, please scan the QR code immediately to follow the live broadcast of the conference, and we "meet on the cloud"

Open Atomic Video

Open Atom B station

In addition to the opening ceremony, we have

15 technical parallel sessions

Find out more

Open Atom Magnolia Marathon

The Open Atom Mulan Marathon is a programming feast that inspires innovation and collaboration. Participants are free to choose the role and task that suits them based on their personal interests and skills. In just 48 hours, participants focused on turning ideas into reality in a highly collaborative way. This is not only a stage to showcase technical talents, but also an opportunity to show the spirit of teamwork and openness and sharing. The Open Atom Mulan Marathon allowed creativity and collaboration to bloom on the stage of programming, opening a new page for technological innovation.

Developer Workshop

DevEco Studio支持OpenHarmony高效开发

The event is dedicated to exchanging and discussing DevEco Studio's capabilities in basic code development, compilation, construction, and commissioning, as well as many high-level capabilities that support the efficient development of OpenHarmony applications: efficiently writing OpenHarmony code, flexibly building OpenHarmony applications, easily debugging interfaces and functions, improving code and application quality, and building application packages in pipelines.

openEuler云原生领域Code Camp

The event is committed to solving problems related to the OpenAtom openEuler cloud-native field, including but not limited to: container release and build, container runtime, cluster management system, container release and other related ecosystem expansion and innovation. By sorting out the ecological panorama of the openEuler cloud-native domain, optimizing the container image release process, and enriching the container image release types, the openEuler cloud-native domain user experience is improved and the number of users in the openEuler cloud-native scenario is increased.

Open Atom Open Source Festival

In addition to sharing hardcore technologies, the conference also arranged a series of special activities to enhance the experience of developers:

A variety of night market themes and buffets are shared with you

Watch the exquisite purple clay pot on site

Interstellar bears of various shapes and styles are on display

Masturbation code meow (real cat)

And so on and so forth