
The Third Anniversary of Taijiquan's Successful World Heritage Application: From One Punch "Popular in the World" to Cultural Tourism "Poetry and Distance"

author:Universal Cultural Tourism

For hundreds of millions of Tai Chi enthusiasts around the world, December 17 is a particularly festive day.

On December 17, 2020, Taijiquan, which was separately declared by the mainland, was included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

December 17, 2023 is the third anniversary of the successful inscription of Taijiquan on the World Heritage List. On this day, the "Jiaozuo Taijiquan Protection and Development Regulations" will be officially implemented. The "Regulations" stipulate that in the future, the week of December 17 every year will be the Jiaozuo Taijiquan Protection Publicity Week.

In the past three years, Wenxian County has continuously improved the level of cultural heritage protection, so that the cultural heritage of Taijiquan, which has global fans, can be "lived", "brightened" and "trendy", and live up to the "original intention" of the World Heritage Site and the "poetry and distance".

One punch "popular all over the world"

Taijiquan, which was formed in Chenjiagou in Wenxian County in the middle of the 17th century, has developed a very unusual process - from a small village to a world trend, from a small farmer to an international vision, from a lone branch to a garden full of spring.

What is Taijiquan? The Regulations on the Protection and Development of Taijiquan in Jiaozuo City have an accurate definition: Taijiquan refers to the traditional sports practice formed in Chenjiagou Village, Wen County, Jiaozuo City, which has been included in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, based on the traditional Chinese philosophical thought and health concept of yin and yang cycle and the unity of heaven and man, and is characterized by Zhongzheng Yuanhuo.

The road to Taijiquan's application for World Heritage is also a long and longer road.

On September 5, 1992, the successful holding of the first International Taijiquan Annual Conference was a milestone, and from that day on, the door of Wenxian's reform and opening up was completely opened and opened forever.

In 2006, Taijiquan was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage lists.

In 2007, Wenxian County was officially named "Birthplace of Chinese Wushu Taijiquan" and "Birthplace of Chinese Taijiquan" and "Chinese Taijiquan Culture Research Base" by the Chinese Wushu Association and the Chinese People's Association.

In 2010, the World Overseas Chinese Association, the Association for the Promotion of Chinese Culture, and the International Association for the Promotion of Leisure Economy jointly awarded Wenxian County the honorary title of "China's Top Ten Cultural and Leisure Tourism Counties".

In 2020, UNESCO inscribed Tai Chi on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

After the successful inscription of Taijiquan on the World Heritage List, the traditional Chinese philosophical ideas and health concepts contained in Taijiquan have been understood by more people, and more people have gained more friends. Taijiquan has spread to more than 150 countries and regions, and hundreds of millions of people have Xi it. These Xi practitioners have become the protectors and inheritors of cultural heritage, and while cultivating their self-cultivation and strengthening their bodies, they are also close to and inherit the genes of Chinese culture.

Live up to "Poetry and Distance"

As a major symbol of China's excellent traditional culture, Tai Chi culture is the most beautiful gift from China to the world, and the Tai Chi industry has also become the most shining business card of Wen County, its birthplace. The successful inscription is a new starting point for heritage protection.

In recent years, Wenxian County has closely followed the integrated development of culture, tourism, culture and creativity proposed by the provincial and municipal party congresses, and created a high-level cultural tourism strategy, focusing on the characteristic resources with "Taijiquan" as the main line, insisting on cultural and plastic tourism and tourism to highlight the culture and culture, highlighting the planning first, brand drainage, quality upgrading, anchoring the goal of "World Taiji City, China Health Resort", and actively building "Yujian Taiji, drunk Meiwen County" The cultural tourism brand has initially built a global tourism development pattern, comprehensively boosted the cultural tourism consumption market, continued to fill the popularity of cultural tourism consumption, and contributed Tai Chi wisdom and cultural tourism strength to the high-quality economic and social development of Wenxian County.

We will make efforts to "culture +" and "tourism +" to create new formats and new highlights of cultural tourism. Experience a kung fu journey, watch immersive performances, enjoy the beautiful scenery of Guwen, and enjoy the food of Wenxian County...... During this year's Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, Wenxian County, the birthplace of Taijiquan, continued to shine in the circle, once again demonstrating the charm of high energy, and becoming the "poetry and distance" that many people rushed to during the beautiful holiday. According to statistics, from September 29 to October 6, Wenxian County received a total of 755,860 tourists, with a tourism income of 62,367,750 yuan.

Since the beginning of this year, Wenxian County has seized the opportunity, prepared in advance, and carefully planned various cultural and tourism activities, the cultural tourism market has shown a hot scene, the cultural tourism industry has fully recovered, and the cultural tourism economy has continued to improve. Actively integrate local cultural and tourism resources such as Taijiquan culture, Huaiyao culture, red culture, farming culture, and industrial culture, develop industries such as "culture +" and "tourism +", and create new formats and new highlights of cultural tourism.

During this year's "One Competition, One Section", Wenxian County held the Tai Chi Rap Finals of "Big Coffee Gathering Honey Snow Attack", in the form of "Tai Chi + Rap" and "Tai Chi + Street Dance", integrating Honey Snow Ice City, Tai Chi culture, "Four Great Medicines" and modern elements, promoting the superposition and resonance of characteristic brands, and creating a new Tai Chi IP of "cultural tourism + music + consumption", attracting many tourists of different ages. During the event, there were more than 8,000 on-site visitors every day, attracting more than 30,000 tourists, with a comprehensive income of more than 1,100 yuan and more than one million online attention.

With the super IP of the world's cultural tourism brand, deepening the strategy of integrating culture, tourism, culture and creativity, and striving to build a "Taiji Cultural City", Wenxian Taiji's cultural industry is moving towards a new stage of development with more and more sonorous steps.

The project is an important support for the development of Tai Chi cultural industry. Wenxian County has planned the Chenjiagou Taijiquan Cultural Tourism Industrial Park with a control area of 20 square kilometers, and used the resources of "Taiji + Water", "Taiji + Culture" and "Taiji + Agriculture" to promote the construction of the project, create an ecological, humanistic and pastoral tourism belt, and form a pattern of "one core and three belts". If the China Taijiquan Museum, Impression Taijiquan and other projects are attracting the world's attention because of the integration of historical context and training and competition, then Henan Taijiquan College, a full-time undergraduate college under construction, will become a high-end platform for the dissemination of Chinese martial arts culture with Taijiquan as the main feature.

In order to do a good job in Taijiquan articles, Wenxian County closely focuses on the representative list of human intangible cultural heritage of Taijiquan and the characteristic resources of the birthplace of Taijiquan, enlivens the inheritance and protection of cultural heritage, extends the tourism industry chain, integrates small scenic spots into large scenic spots, carries out in-depth integration of culture and tourism in multiple dimensions, all fields, all directions, and the whole chain, actively builds a new pattern of all-for-one tourism, continues to enhance the influence of Taijiquan in the world, and strengthens the construction of Taijiquan inheritance lineage, and implements the "National Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Inheritor Inheritance Hall". The project promotes national-level non-genetic inheritors to return to their hometowns to build martial arts colleges, Xi halls, training institutes, etc., and continue to build a highland for Taijiquan inheritance.

Meet "More Beautiful Tai Chi"

This year, the Henan Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Intelligence Center, together with Baidu, used Baidu's big data capabilities, combined with Baidu search, Baidu Encyclopedia, Baidu Information Index and other data, to release the "Henan Cultural Heritage Representative Project Hot Search List" and "Henan Cultural Heritage Representative Inheritors Hot Search List", Taijiquan and Taijiquan representative inheritors Chen Zhenglei and Wang Xi'an frequently ranked in the top 10 with the highest comprehensive index.

This is just a vivid portrayal of Tai Chi making cultural heritage more vibrant in the present and in the future. In the next step, Wen County will also have a package of practices to strive to achieve the high-quality development of Taijiquan.

Develop Tai Chi culture. Establish professional research institutes, set up Taijiquan laboratories, and carry out basic theory and key technology research in the fields of Taijiquan fitness function assessment, Taijiquan cultural creativity, and Taijiquan health care. Dig deep into local cultural resources, strengthen the protection and development of historical and cultural buildings such as Chenjiagou Taijiquan Ancestral Temple, Donggou, Yanglu Zen Boxing Office, fully excavate the historical stories, cultural values and spiritual connotations of Taijiquan, and comprehensively display and promote Taiji culture. Carry out international exchanges and cooperation, promote Tai Chi culture to the world, tell Chinese stories well, and show Chinese wisdom.

Cultivating Tai Chi talents. Implement the project of the National Representative Inheritor of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and regularly hold Taijiquan competitions, seminars and other activities to provide opportunities for Taijiquan Xi practitioners to communicate, learn Xi and improve, and cultivate more high-level Taijiquan inheritors. Improve the talent training system, prepare for the establishment of Taijiquan professional colleges, systematically teach the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of Taijiquan, and cultivate Taijiquan talents with professional level. Implement the "Six Advances" project of Taijiquan, popularize Taijiquan, promote Taijiquan, and cultivate more Taijiquan enthusiasts, Xi practitioners, and disseminators.

Strengthen the Taijiquan industry. Develop the health care industry, highlight the "integration of fist and medicine" and the "four major medicines" of Taijiquan medicine and food, and accelerate the creation of a health and wellness holy place featuring beautiful ecology, characteristic culture, nutritious diet, and traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy around the heart, body, nature, spirit, and elderly care. Develop the research industry, and carry out the parent-child research activity of "Heroes from Ancient Times, Practicing Tai Chi with Children", so that the children participating in the activities can fully appreciate and feel the breadth and profundity of Taijiquan, the intangible cultural heritage of mankind, and carry forward and inherit the excellent traditional culture. Develop the cultural and creative industry, reshape the design of the public cultural brand of Taijiquan, develop a series of cultural and creative products of Taijiquan, develop a series of animated picture books and sports and fitness tutorials of Taijiquan, carry out the digitization and rejuvenation of Taijiquan, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Taijiquan, so that this world cultural heritage can be "lived", "brightened" and "trendy".

In the future, Wenxian County will further improve the long-term mechanism with a newer concept, so that the golden sign of Taijiquan will shine more brightly, and glow with more moving charm and brilliance in the new era!

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