
What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure?Reminder: 2 times or better, many people still don't know

author:Longnan Xi and released

It is a very common condition that blood pressure is in a relatively high state nowadays, and such a condition can easily put our blood vessels in a sub-healthy state.

Do I measure my blood pressure with both my left and right hands?

When measuring blood pressure, it is very possible to measure both the right hand and the left hand, but from a medical point of view, when measuring blood pressure, it will be more accurate to choose the left hand, under normal circumstances, when measuring blood pressure for the first time, the blood pressure of the left hand and the right hand twice need to be measured and recorded, and the blood pressure measurement on the higher side is compared as the corresponding result of the blood pressure measurement.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure?Reminder: 2 times or better, many people still don't know

In general, blood pressure is slightly higher in the right upper arm than on the left, due to the different anatomical characteristics of the brachial arteries on the left and right sides.

The right brachial artery is relatively large and closer to the heart, and measuring the blood pressure level in this area can better reflect the blood pressure level in the heart.

In addition, it is recommended that you must measure the blood pressure of the right upper arm when measuring blood pressure, generally the blood pressure of the right upper arm and the left upper arm is about 10~20mmHg higher than the right side.

Anything above this range indicates that the patient is likely to have multiple Takayasu'eritis or another condition.

What are the symptoms of blood pressure?

1. Headache and dizziness

The dizziness and headache mentioned here are throbbing headaches or throbbing headaches in the back of the head, and the headache during the day is particularly intense, and many patients with high blood pressure generally feel dizzy and headache after waking up in the morning.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure?Reminder: 2 times or better, many people still don't know

2 limbs hemp

Patients with early hypertension will often feel numbness in their limbs due to vasoconstriction and diastolic imbalance, and they cannot control the movement of their fingers freely.

Sometimes other parts of the body are prone to numbness, and it is also necessary to be alert to whether it is high blood pressure.

3. Obesity and snoring

If people who are obese and snoring have symptoms such as cervical spine tightness, dizziness, headache, etc., they must seek medical attention in time.

4 Chest

Patients with early hypertension will have a feeling of chest tightness during the compensatory phase of the heart, and this chest tightness is basically neurological, which is very similar to neural tubeability.

When is the best time to measure blood pressure?

Doctors advise you that the best time to measure blood pressure levels is 8:00~9:00 in the morning and 16:00~18:00 in the afternoon.

1. I haven't gotten up in the morning

When you just get up in the morning and don't get up, measuring your blood pressure is the most accurate state.

This is due to the fact that the state of people's blood pressure is different in each time period of the 24-hour period, and there will also be blood pressure fluctuations.

After waking up in the morning, people are not controlled by factors such as exercise, diet and mood, so measuring blood pressure in this state can better get close to the basic state of the body.

Therefore, when measuring blood pressure, you can measure it in the morning when you get up in the morning, which can help us better obtain a standard blood pressure level.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure?Reminder: 2 times or better, many people still don't know

2:16:00-18:00 p.m

At 16:00~18:00 in the afternoon, it is a peak blood pressure in the body, and generally after 18:00, the blood pressure level in people's bodies will be in a state of slow decline.

Therefore, when people are measuring blood pressure, they need to pay attention to the above two peak blood pressure periods.

It is not only necessary to record the blood pressure value, but also to record the time, place, time and activity status, and also to record the time and dosage of the medication, so that when you have a follow-up visit, the doctor can communicate with you, and the doctor can judge whether your blood pressure lowering status is reasonable.

How many of these common misconceptions about high blood pressure have you fallen into?

1. Myth 1: High blood pressure is exclusive to middle-aged and elderly people

In fact, although most of the people with hypertension are mainly middle-aged and elderly, this does not mean that hypertension is the exclusive domain of middle-aged and elderly people.

In fact, young people, adolescents and children can all have high blood pressure problems, but it is more common in the elderly.

2. Myth 2: Antihypertensive drugs will produce drug resistance, and they should be changed every few years

Drug properties refer to the ineffective effects of some drugs, such as antibiotics, and the object of taking antihypertensive drugs is not a certain substance in the body, so it does not exist drug resistance.

Many people with high blood pressure take the same antihypertensive drug for many years, and the effect gradually decreases, which may be due to the increase in blood pressure levels due to age, unhealthy lifestyle Xi habits, and Xi dietary habits.

Under the influence of this problem, it is necessary to take it together with other antihypertensive drugs, and if necessary, you can also seek the guidance of a professional doctor to choose a more suitable form of medication for yourself.

3. Myth 3: Measuring blood pressure, there is no difference between the left arm and the right arm

In fact, when measuring blood pressure, there is a certain difference between the left arm and the right arm, generally the blood pressure of the right upper arm will be about 5~10mmHg higher than the left upper arm, but this is not necessarily, and some people will have a higher blood pressure value in the left upper arm than the right upper arm.

Therefore, when measuring blood pressure, it is best to measure blood pressure in both arms for the first time, and then take an average value to the higher side, and choose the same arm when measuring again next time.


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