
Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

author:Pearl River Channel
Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

The snail is quite a few families

However, have you ever thought that the "snail" you eat in your stomach may be a snail?

Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

On the afternoon of the 28th

Issued by Hunan Hanshou County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau

Regarding the investigation and punishment of the use of Fushou snails by two enterprises in accordance with the law

Briefing on the sale of snail meat under false pretenses


On June 28, the surging news reported that after the two enterprises of Hanshou County Xiangyuan Special Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. and Hongtai Food Factory used Fushou snails to pretend to be snail meat sales, Hanshou County attached great importance to it and acted quickly, and immediately set up a joint law enforcement team led by the County Market Supervision Bureau and composed of county public security, environmental protection and other departments rushed to the scene. Follow-up handling in accordance with laws and regulations will be promptly reported to the public.

Hanshou County will consciously accept the supervision of public opinion, learn lessons, draw inferences from one case, and immediately carry out a special action related to the illegal sales of Fushou snails in the county, comprehensively investigate hidden dangers, fill loopholes, severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations, further standardize the production and operation behavior of practitioners, and effectively ensure the food safety of the people.

Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

Previously reported

According to The Paper, at a processing plant in Huanglushan Village, Yanwanghu Township, Hanshou County, Hunan Province, a fishy smell permeated the factory built of color steel tiles, and several female workers sat around to quickly sift through piles of snail meat on the table, some with pink soft body fragments. Workers shovel the sifted snail meat into plastic baskets, weigh it, and then send it to the cold storage, waiting for the manufacturer's truck to pull away the whole box.

Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

Near the Peace Bridge in Hanshou County, the frozen meat of Fushou snails displayed by "snail dealers".

"Fushou snails, how many or how many you want. Ten tons, twenty tons, whatever you want. The person in charge of the processing plant said that in recent years, the number of snails has decreased, and there are more and more snails in wild waters, and the shelled snails are easy to see.

Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

Some of the snail meat skewers sold in a spicy hot shop on Mercury Street in Changde City can be identified as suspected to be Fushou snails.

In early June, the surging news went to Hunan and other places to investigate and found that the price of Fushou snails caught from the wild is extremely low, and the price difference between snails and ring snails is several times.

The hazards of snails

Fushou snail is an alien species

Extremely reproductive

It has a destructive effect on the ecological environment

May ~ August every year

It is the peak period for spawning and hatching of snails

According to statistics

A snail contains parasites

There are as few as 3,000 and as many as 6,000

Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

Expert Reminder:

Eating snails by mistake

This is especially true when the processing is not thorough enough

Parasites that have not been completely killed

It will drill all over the human body

It even has an effect on the brain

What is the parasite in the snail?

Angiostrongylus cantonensis!

Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

Canton strongyloidiasis

It is a disease caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis

Also known as eosinophilic meningoencephalitis

It is usually due to raw or semi-raw food of snails, freshwater fish and shrimp

or eat raw water or lettuce contaminated with infected larvae

And infection

Occurs when a person is infected

fever, severe headache,

Nausea, vomiting,

Symptoms of meningoencephalitis such as nuchal rigidity

In severe cases, neurological abnormalities may occur

It can even cause coma and death

Fushou snails are similar in appearance to field snails

How to identify them?


  • Judging from the appearance, usually the size of the snail will be much larger than the snail, and the color is yellowish.
  • The tail of the snail is relatively short and flat, and the shell is thin and brittle, while the tail of the snail is longer and pointed, and the shell is hard.
  • The eggs of the snail are bright red or pink.
Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

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Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

Source | Nanfang Daily, CCTV, Red Net, The Paper, Guangzhou Health Commission, Guangdong CDC, Guangzhou CDC i Health

Edit | Xiaoyu

Don't eat indiscriminately! There are up to 6,000 parasites... Latest Bulletin: Sealed! Urgent reminder →

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