
How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Doctor reminds: Eating 3 kinds of breakfast every day is one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

author:Life is a bit of a material

Uncle Xu is recognized as a warm-hearted person in the community, and he is always the first to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Recently, he has had problems with his health.

In the morning, while walking as usual, he suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground all at once. After being taken to the hospital, the doctor told him that it was because of a cerebral infarction.

In the ward, the doctor inquired in detail about Uncle Xu's eating habits. After some understanding, the doctor shook his head and said, "Uncle Xu, most of the cerebral infarctions are eaten, especially the breakfast you eat every day. ”

Why are there more and more cerebral infarction patients in China?

In recent years, the number of cerebral infarction patients in China has shown an upward trend, mainly due to the following reasons. With the improvement of living standards, people's dietary structure has changed significantly, and fast food, high-sugar, high-salt, and high-fat eating habits have gradually become popular, and these unhealthy eating habits have greatly increased the risk of cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Doctor reminds: Eating 3 kinds of breakfast every day is one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

The fast-paced life and work pressure of modern society make many people lack enough exercise, and sedentary life has become the norm, resulting in an increase in the incidence of obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other diseases, which are important causes of cerebral infarction.

Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol are also widespread in China, which exacerbates the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, with the advent of an aging society, the proportion of middle-aged and elderly people has increased, and they themselves are a group with a high incidence of cerebral infarction.

Doctor reminds: Eat these 3 kinds of breakfast every day, and be careful that cerebral infarction finds you!

1. Bread, desserts

Uncle Xu has always had a sweet tooth, especially breakfast with bread and various desserts.

Doctors explain that these seemingly delicious foods often contain a lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Long-term intake of too much sugar will lead to an increase in blood sugar, leading to obesity, which is one of the important causes of cerebral infarction.

What's more, a high-sugar diet will increase the inflammatory response in the body, accelerate the process of arteriosclerosis, and lay the foundation for cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Doctor reminds: Eating 3 kinds of breakfast every day is one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

2. High-salt foods

Every morning, Uncle Xu also likes to eat pickled vegetables and a variety of high-salt foods.

The doctor told him that a high-salt diet can increase blood pressure, and high blood pressure is one of the direct causes of cerebral infarction. Too much salt can damage the lining of blood vessels, increasing the risk of blood clots, making blood vessels more fragile and prone to rupture or blockage.

3. High-fat, high-calorie foods

Uncle Xu often eats high-fat and high-calorie foods such as pancakes and fried dough sticks for breakfast.

Doctors point out that these foods are not only high in calories, but also contain high amounts of trans fatty acids and saturated fatty acids, which can increase blood levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). This "bad" cholesterol can be deposited on the walls of the arteries, forming atherosclerotic plaques that eventually lead to cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Doctor reminds: Eating 3 kinds of breakfast every day is one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

Do 4 things to stay away from the trouble of "cerebral infarction".

Uncle Xu nodded again and again when he heard this, but he was also worried in his heart: "Doctor, then what should I eat for breakfast in the future?" How can cerebral infarction be prevented? ”

The doctor patted Uncle Xu on the shoulder and comforted him: "In fact, it is not difficult to prevent cerebral infarction, as long as you do the following four things, you can greatly reduce the risk." ”

1. Eat a balanced diet

The doctor advised Uncle Xu to eat a balanced diet and choose whole grains such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, etc., with some fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast. Not only are these foods highly nutritious, but they also provide a stable source of energy and avoid large fluctuations in blood sugar.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Doctor reminds: Eating 3 kinds of breakfast every day is one of the triggers of cerebral infarction

2. Control salt intake

Reducing the intake of high-salt foods is an important means of controlling blood pressure. The doctor advised Uncle Xu to put less salt in cooking, and use some natural spices to enhance the flavor of the food. At the same time, choose more natural, unprocessed ingredients and avoid the intake of pickled foods and fast food.

3. Healthy fat intake

Choosing healthy sources of fat, such as olive oil, nuts, fish, etc., can help lower the "bad" cholesterol and increase the "good" cholesterol. Try nut oatmeal for breakfast, which is delicious and nutritious, and also provides a wealth of healthy fats.

4. Exercise moderately

Maintaining a moderate amount of exercise every day can help control weight, improve blood circulation, and lower blood pressure and blood lipids. The doctor recommended that Uncle Xu do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day, such as brisk walking and swimming. Not only that, but morning sunlight also helps maintain cardiovascular health.

After being discharged from the hospital, Uncle Xu adjusted his diet and lifestyle habits according to the doctor's advice. Whenever he wants to eat dessert or fritters, he always thinks of the cerebral infarction that almost killed him, and he consciously chooses healthier foods. Gradually, his physical condition improved significantly, and he seemed to be much more energetic.

I hope that everyone will choose more healthy breakfasts in the future life and start the day with a healthy and delicious breakfast.

Note: All images in this article have been awarded by Visual China

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