
The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

author:Warm sadness
The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

With the rapid development of information technology, cyberspace security has become a hot topic that has attracted much attention. In the context of digitalization and intelligence, all walks of life have an increasing demand for cyberspace security, but there is a relative lack of relevant talents, which also makes cyberspace security a "sweet spot" and attracts social attention.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

Recently, the Ministry of Education released the latest talent demand forecast report, which shows that by 2027, there will be a talent gap of 3.27 million in the fields of cyberspace security and governance, cyberspace data application, and network multimedia technology, of which there will be a gap of 970,000 in the field of cyberspace security and governance, 1.45 million in the field of cyberspace data application, and 850,000 in the field of network multimedia technology.

Such a huge talent demand gap also provides a broad employment space for college graduates in related majors, and at the same time, more and more candidates and parents have set their sights on popular majors such as cyberspace security, hoping to seize the opportunity in the future job market.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

1. Cyberspace security has become a popular major

With the rapid development of a new generation of information technology such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing, the scale of the digital economy in the eastern countries has been expanding, and digitalization and intelligence have profoundly affected and changed the production, management and service methods of all walks of life, and also provided new momentum for the sustainable development of social economy.

At the same time, cyberspace security problems are becoming increasingly prominent, and problems such as cyber attacks, cyber infringements, and personal privacy leaks emerge one after another, which have brought great security risks to people's production and life, and also brought severe challenges to the country's network security and informatization construction.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

In order to better respond to the challenges of cyberspace security, China has continuously increased investment in talent training and scientific research in the field of cyberspace security, and has also actively promoted international cooperation in cyberspace security to jointly maintain the global cyberspace security order, which has also made cyberspace security a popular employment direction and research field.

Second, the cyberspace security profession is highly favored

With the increasing demand for talents in the field of cyberspace security, related majors have also become the "sweet spots" pursued by candidates and parents, and are highly favored.

Recently, the Ministry of Education has issued a college enrollment charter, which clearly states that it is necessary to continue to expand the enrollment scale of majors in short supply such as cyberspace security, and encourages colleges and universities to reasonably determine the enrollment scale and major settings according to social needs and discipline characteristics in the enrollment plan, and increase the enrollment plan of cyberspace security and other majors in a targeted manner.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

It is understood that when colleges and universities expand the enrollment of cyberspace security majors, the main courses include cyberspace laws and regulations, network information security technology, network attack and defense training, network public opinion analysis, etc., aiming to cultivate students with a solid theoretical foundation and practical ability of network security, and become compound and application-oriented network security professionals.

In addition, in order to better meet the diversified needs of the society for cyberspace security talents, colleges and universities also encourage the interdisciplinary training of cyberspace security majors, introduce multidisciplinary knowledge such as law, management, and psychology, and cultivate cybersecurity professionals with interdisciplinary vision and comprehensive literacy.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

3. Colleges and universities have multi-level network security majors

In the context of the current expansion of cyberspace security majors in colleges and universities, colleges and universities have also increased the enrollment of cybersecurity majors, and attracted outstanding candidates to apply for the examination through different enrollment policies and professional settings.

According to the understanding, the current layout of cyberspace security majors in colleges and universities can be divided into different levels, including Tsinghua University, Peking University and other universities as the first level, other double first-class universities as the second level, and some local characteristic universities and application-oriented universities as the third level.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

For first-level universities, their cyberspace security majors often have strong faculty and scientific research strength, which can provide students with a broader development platform and richer academic resources, as well as better employment and further education security, so they are favored by candidates.

For other universities, although their cyberspace security majors are relatively new, they also have unique advantages in professional construction and talent training, and can provide strong support for students' employment and career development through school-enterprise cooperation and practice base construction, which has also attracted the attention of the majority of candidates.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

4. How do students choose a major in cyberspace security?

With the popularity of cyberspace security majors, more and more candidates have begun to set their sights on this major, and in the process of choosing a major, how should they make a reasonable choice?

Cyberspace security involves computer technology, network communication, information security and other fields, students need to have a solid mathematical foundation and strong logical thinking ability, have a strong interest and enthusiasm for network security technology, and be interested in network security attack and defense, security operation and maintenance, security assessment, etc.

With the rapid development of the digital economy, the employment prospects of cyberspace security majors are very broad, and they can be employed in various units such as government departments, Internet companies, financial institutions, and communication enterprises, engaged in network security technology research and development, information security management, network security operation and maintenance, etc., and can also open up more career development space through independent entrepreneurship.

Students can also gain an in-depth understanding of the professional characteristics and teaching conditions of different colleges and universities by visiting the campus and participating in open day activities of the cyberspace security major, communicate with professional teachers and students, and have a comprehensive understanding of the cyberspace security major from multiple perspectives, so as to provide a strong reference for their professional choice.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

V. Challenges and opportunities for cyberspace security

At present, with the continuous development of the field of cyberspace security, related majors are also facing some challenges and tests, and how to better cope with these challenges and seize the opportunities for development has become an important topic in front of universities and students.

Cyberspace security is a comprehensive and cutting-edge discipline, which requires a team of teachers who understand both theory and practice, have an international vision and innovative spirit, and also need to have perfect laboratories and training bases to provide strong support for the cultivation of students' practical ability.

Cyberspace security is a very specialized and technology-intensive field, students need to have solid professional knowledge and technical ability, and they also need to continue to learn and practice to keep up with the latest developments in the industry and lay a solid foundation for their career development.

All sectors of society also need to pay attention to and support the development of the field of cyberspace security, which is related to the core interests of the country and the nation, and more talents need to devote themselves to it to provide intellectual support for the research and development of cybersecurity technology, the formulation of policies and regulations, international cooperation and exchanges, etc., and at the same time, there is also a need for more social resources and platforms to provide strong support for cyber security innovation and entrepreneurship, and jointly maintain the security and stable development of cyberspace.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!


As a popular major and research field, cyberspace security not only carries the expectations and needs of the society for network security, but also provides a broad career development space and practice stage for the majority of students.

In the field of cyberspace security in the future, we believe that more and more outstanding talents will come to the fore, who will inject new vitality and impetus into the cause of cyberspace security with full enthusiasm and solid professional ability, and jointly write a better future for cyberspace security.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the gap of these three types of professionals is 3.27 million, and graduates do not have to worry about employment at all!

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