
It's about college admissions! The latest reminder from the Ministry of Education →

author:Great Wall Net

It's about college admissions! The latest reminder from the Ministry of Education →

Recently, the results of the college entrance examination have been announced one after another, and the enrollment and admission work of colleges and universities is about to start, and some criminals have also extended their "black hands" to the field of examination and enrollment, taking advantage of the eagerness of candidates and parents, and committing fraud by means of high-tech means by fabricating false information, false and exaggerated publicity, and creating anxiety about applying for the examination. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, in light of some cases that have emerged in some places in recent years, solemnly reminds the majority of candidates and parents that they should understand and confirm the examination enrollment policies and information through official channels, and once they encounter situations such as falsely claiming that they can go to a good university or major by spending money, or that they can go to college if they do not have enough scores, they must keep a clear head and report to the police in a timely manner, and do not believe in the demagoguery of various gangs and individuals so that they are deceived and suffer all kinds of losses.

1. Receive a "suspected cheating" text message, be alert to falling into a scam

【Phenomenon】After the college entrance examination, some candidates received text messages from "an education department" or "an admissions examination agency", in which they said that the candidates were suspected of cheating when the surveillance video playback of the examination room was checked, and the candidates' college entrance examination results would be cancelled, and they were required to leave a phone number in the text message for consultation and confirmation. After making the call, the fraudsters will extract information step by step, induce them to click on the URL link or download the APP, and ask for the payment of fees or deposits, etc., and finally let the candidates and parents transfer money and cause property losses.

【Reminder】Criminals collect candidates' information through illegal channels, send so-called "suspected cheating" notification text messages to candidates, and carry out precise fraud. Once a candidate returns the call, they may be taken advantage of by criminals to collect more personal information or commit fraud on the pretext of "dealing with cheating". Candidates are reminded not to trust any text messages and phone calls related to cheating and violations in the college entrance examination, especially not to click on relevant links. If you receive such a short message, please verify with the education department and the admissions examination agency through official channels as soon as possible to confirm the authenticity of the information, and call the police as soon as possible if you encounter fraud.

Second, "internal channels" are not advisable, and "internal indicators" are not credible

[Phenomenon] In 2022, Mr. Zhou found He, who claimed that he had a way to get a "military academy recruitment quota". After that, He demanded 375,000 yuan from Mr. Zhou on the grounds of errand fees and dotting fees. Until the end of the enrollment process, Mr. Zhou's daughter was not admitted to the school promised by He, and He prevaricated and refused to refund on the grounds that the test score was not enough. In the same year, Liu, the person in charge of an art education and training institution, announced to the parents of candidates that he had been deeply involved for many years and had cooperated with many well-known art colleges in China, which could help candidates who were not within the admission range to enter these art colleges through "reserved places in the plan", and successively defrauded 9 parents of more than 90 yuan.

During the enrollment period of colleges and universities, some lawbreakers take advantage of the eagerness and luck of the candidates' parents, claiming that they have special internal channels, grasp the internal enrollment quota, or can "reduce the score to admit" candidates through the name of "targeted enrollment" and "commission training enrollment", and some even forge official documents and seals, pretending to be staff of military organs or enrollment departments, in order to achieve the purpose of defrauding money. Candidates and parents are reminded that there is a strict workflow for college admissions. The enrollment plan of colleges and universities shall be uniformly announced to the public by the provincial enrollment examination agency, and no enrollment shall be arranged without the enrollment plan announced by the relevant provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities). Colleges and universities that have not completed the enrollment plan in the enrollment province must be admitted through an open solicitation of volunteers, and there is no so-called "internal index" in the college entrance examination admission process. Candidates and parents should be highly vigilant against such fraudulent information that "spending money can buy university places" and do not fall for scams.

3. Recognize different types of education, and don't be careless and "go to the wrong school"

【Phenomenon】Some candidates' college entrance examination scores do not meet the admission requirements of colleges and universities, but candidates and parents still have a strong desire to go to college, thinking that they can take shortcuts by paying more money, so as to be used by criminals to pay high admission fees and handling fees. Candidates and parents spend money to get the admission letter, and only after admission do they know that they have been deceived. Some candidates even find out when they get their graduation certificate that it is not a general higher education diploma at all, but an adult higher education diploma or a certificate of apprenticeship diploma, which wastes time and tuition fees.

At present, in addition to general higher education, higher education in mainland China also has various forms such as adult higher education, distance network education, and self-study examinations for higher education. The admission requirements are different for different enrollment categories, and the graduation diploma obtained and the requirements of the employer are also different. Candidates and parents must carefully distinguish between general higher education and other forms of education, and choose the learning method that suits them.

4. Forge the admission letter and keep your eyes open and look carefully

【Phenomenon】Criminals pretend to be college admissions office staff, send fake admission notices to candidates, send relevant admission text messages, and even forge fake admissions websites to trick candidates into transferring tuition and miscellaneous fees to designated bank accounts, or obtain personal privacy information for other reasons, and then defraud money.

[Reminder] The Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, will thoroughly implement the 2024 college entrance examination escort action, carry out the special action of "lighting up the official website logo of authoritative examination and enrollment institutions", and has coordinated relevant Internet platforms to carry out authoritative identification of the official websites and WeChat public accounts of provincial enrollment and examination institutions and universities. Candidates and parents should look for the "official website" logo, confirm the admission information through the official release and certification website, pay attention to screening when receiving the admission notice information, do not open the website link from unknown sources, and do not easily transfer money without verifying the authenticity of the account.

Source: People's Daily Online

Editors-in-charge: Fang Shujing, Chen Zhaoyue, Zhang Xiaojing

Editor: Zhao Ruoyun

It's about college admissions! The latest reminder from the Ministry of Education →
It's about college admissions! The latest reminder from the Ministry of Education →

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