
Rare, top logo ideas!

author:Park Joo Chain Design Research Institute

In fact, the logo is important and important, and it is not meaningful to be a brand.

Park believes that the logo is the core of the brand vision and plays a pivotal role in the brand visual system. With the launch of the "National Brand Strategy" at the national level, the "Belt and Road" has made more enterprises pay attention to the role of brands, and more excellent domestic brands have participated in international competition.

Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!

To be a company and a brand, you can't avoid the visual symbol logo.

Seemingly simple graphic symbols are indispensable in the corporate visual system, which can be IP image logo, alphabetic Chinese character logo or geometric graphic logo, etc., which requires the development of corresponding brand visual logo strategy according to the enterprise itself.

Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!
Rare, top logo ideas!

A simple and high-end logo is impressive, the same good logo is a scarce resource, not just design a graphic as it is said at the moment, and even some companies use AI to synthesize a logo, a good logo logo needs to be designed for the enterprise itself and the industry to meet the exclusive visual symbol of the enterprise.

At the same time, a good logo has unique visual attributes, forming a distinct visual differentiation with enterprises in the same industry, and avoiding problems such as low visual recognition caused by visual proximity.

Rare, top logo ideas!

High-end logo, super visual symbol, logo strategic design

Park Joo design collates the editor's point of view

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