
The expert also offered a clever plan: ordinary people can borrow money to have children!

The expert also offered a clever plan: ordinary people can borrow money to have children!

The expert also offered a clever plan: ordinary people can borrow money to have children!

Recently, an expert became popular.

Why is it on fire?

Because the expert mentioned in a public speech that some young people are not as willing to have children as before in the face of the multiple pressures of life. These pressures mainly come from education, elderly care, medical care, childbirth and childcare, which are difficult for many young couples to bear. I would like to express my understanding and regret for this phenomenon. Therefore, he suggested that when facing the problem of raising a baby, you can seek help and support from relatives and friends to alleviate your predicament.

The expert also offered a clever plan: ordinary people can borrow money to have children!

Do you understand what this expert means? The implication of this expert is that when you reach the childbearing period but have no money to raise a child, you should borrow money from relatives and friends to have a child......

In the face of such an expert, at this moment, I only have one sentence in my mind - this is really a knife cut on the butt and opened my eyes.

So, who is this amazing big guy?

A search shows that this big man is a professor at the School of Sociology and Ethnicity of the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, director of the World Social Security Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a doctoral supervisor, a recipient of special government allowances, and a member of the Advisory Expert Committee of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security......

The expert also offered a clever plan: ordinary people can borrow money to have children!

Looking at this series of identities, I have to say that people with identities say different things.

A big guy with so many identities can say such a thing, and I don't know what this big guy grew up eating from childhood to adulthood.

In fact, the fertility rate is not something that you can force the masses to have children by using all kinds of "clever schemes".

The fertility rate is actually linked to the "happiness" of the masses.

In a society, if housing prices are low, people's wallets are bulging, work pressure is reduced, children's safety and education are guaranteed, and everyone has a full sense of happiness in life, then who doesn't want to extend this happiness to the next generation and share it with the next generation?

Therefore, as long as people live happily, they don't need to force them to give birth, and they will consciously return your children and grandchildren.

Anyway, nowadays, some so-called experts are really getting more and more bizarre.

And these so-called experts, the remarks and opinions they throw out can be seen by normal people at a glance are very unreliable, but why do these experts still issue such strange opinions in front of everyone?

Do they really just want to get along with ordinary people?

Actually, no.

Because when they make such remarks, they only take into account the interests of a small group of their own people, and for the majority of the common people, their speeches will not take into account the interests and feelings of these ordinary people.

And this kind of speech in the public arena, which only considers the interests of a small number of people and ignores the interests of the majority, is, to a certain extent, a kind of "language corruption".

What is "language corruption"?

Language corruption refers to the fact that some people who have the right to speak, for their own interests or the interests of the group, make some remarks that please the same kind of people, and say some things that make their own people feel comfortable. These words can indeed make a small number of people comfortable, but they will chill the hearts of most ordinary people.

For example, there is a brick family who said that traffic congestion is because housing prices are not high enough;

There are also brick families who say that the ticket price is too low, which makes it difficult to find a ticket for the Spring Festival;

There are also bricks who say that we can't just raise the wages of workers, low wages are our advantage;

There is also a brick family who said that receiving red envelopes can make the doctor-patient relationship more harmonious...

These words of these "experts" are, to a certain extent, a kind of linguistic corruption.

And this kind of linguistic corruption does not seem to involve money or power trading, but in fact, this kind of covert curry favor should not be underestimated.

In fact, every young person is a living person, every young person is a person with feelings and thoughts, everyone is a human being, so ignoring people's emotions and trying to fool young people to give birth just through a few good words or a few words of propaganda, which is very funny.

For example, if Zhou Gongzi's unit needs experts to publicize this unit, what are the benefits of needing experts to publicize this unit, and everyone will sign up to enter? No?

Zhou Gongzi himself said that most of his units can only be entered by acquaintances - because this kind of unit that can enjoy various benefits will be given priority in their internal circle of acquaintances. If something is beneficial to everyone, it never needs to be promoted, because even if no one says this kind of thing, there will be a bunch of people who want to cut off their heads to do it.

Therefore, if childbirth can really benefit young people without considering all kinds of pressure, let alone borrowing money, they will give birth even if they smash the pot and sell iron!

At the end of the article, I want you to see the comments from netizens about this expert - I have to say that the current netizens are really talented:

The expert also offered a clever plan: ordinary people can borrow money to have children!
The expert also offered a clever plan: ordinary people can borrow money to have children!

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