
Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

author:Enthusiastic amusement of the fox

In the midst of the bustling and hustle and bustle of the capital, there is a place shrouded in mystery - Rosewood Castle. The plane trees here are mottled with shadows and fragrant flowers, which seem to hide hidden secrets. In a corner of Rongning's two mansions, a teenager named Jia Baoyu was severely punished and bedridden due to a misunderstanding.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

In Baoyu's room, the moonlight outside the window was like water, softly sprinkling on his pale face. There was no one by his bedside, only his own whisper, echoing in the silent night sky. Outside the house, a girl in a light purple dress, Lin Daiyu, stood quietly under the shade of flowers, her eyes passed through the gaps in the leaves, and she silently watched in the direction of Yihong Courtyard. Why didn't she enter Baoyu's room, but chose to pay attention silently in this distant place?

1. Painful Baoyu: Punished by the family

The cold wind was biting, and in the courtyard of Jia's mansion, the bamboo board in Jia Zheng's hand was waved down again, and every time it fell on Baoyu, there was a dull sound. Baoyu curled up on the ground, her face as pale as paper, the corners of her lips trembling slightly, and the pain was unbearable.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

"Father, I was wrong!" Baoyu struggled to spit out these words, her voice choked, and her eyes begged for mercy.

Jia Zheng's face was expressionless, and his voice was cold: "Your actions have ruined our family's reputation and must be punished." ”

Baoyu's body trembled on the cold ground, her hands clutching the dirt tightly, her fingertips white. His waist and back were already scarred, his clothes were torn and bloodstained.

Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, who were beside them, heard the movement and hurriedly walked in. As soon as Mrs. Wang saw Baoyu's situation, her face immediately turned pale, and she stepped forward to stop her.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

"Enough, Brother Zheng, the child is just young and crazy, so there is no need to be so strict. Mrs. Wang's voice was crying, and the handkerchief in her hand was clenched tightly.

Jia Zheng turned to look at Mrs. Wang, with a resolute look in his eyes: "This is the rule of the family, and it cannot be tolerated." ”

Baoyu lay on the ground, tears sliding down her cheeks and converging into a puddle of water. His breath was short, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. The cold ground contrasted with his body, which was shaking with pain.

When the other servants of Jiafu heard the noise, they gathered around the door and whispered. They exchanged worried glances with each other, but no one dared to enter.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

Baoyu lay on the ground, her breathing gradually steady. Tears still welled up in the corners of his eyes, and the wounds on his body ached. Mrs. Wang and Mother Jia stepped forward, gently picked up Baoyu, and held him in their arms. Baoyu's body was weak and weak, leaning on Madame Wang's shoulder, her lips trembling slightly, but she was no longer able to speak.

Seeing this, the servants of Jiafu stepped forward one after another to help carry Baoyu back to the room. Baoyu's face was still pale, her eyes closed, and she only occasionally hummed softly in pain.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

Baoyu was placed on the bed, and Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang were busy dressing him. Mother Jia's hands trembled, her eyes filled with tears, while Madame Wang tried her best to remain calm, carefully tending to Baoyu's wounds.

The atmosphere inside was heavy, and the sound of Baoyu's breathing mingled with the cold wind outside, forming a bleak picture. Baoyu's face gradually blurred in pain, and her scarred body appeared extremely fragile. Madame Wang and Mother Jia kept moistening their handkerchiefs with tears, while Baoyu curled up on the bed like a wounded bird, left to be cared for.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

Second, the concerns of the two governments of Rongning and Lin Daiyu's absence

The news spread like the wind throughout the two mansions of Rongning, and immediately afterward, the outside of Baoyu's room became a gathering place for people who came to visit. Relatives, servants, and even distant relatives with whom they rarely interacted on a daily basis appeared here. They moved around in a hurry, or talked in whispers, and the hallway outside the room was almost full of people.

Madame Wang and Madame Xing were the first to enter Baoyu's room, their faces full of worry. Mrs. Wang's hands were clenched, and Mrs. Xing kept fanning her fan, looking a little anxious.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

Xue Baochai followed into the room, and when she saw Baoyu lying on the bed, her eyes immediately moistened. She walked to the side of the bed and sighed softly, "Brother Bao, why are you so ignorant?" her voice was full of helplessness and concern.

Baoyu turned weakly towards her, and the corners of her mouth barely raised a wry smile: "I did it myself, my sister doesn't have to worry about it." His voice was faint, and he even gasped a little when he spoke.

The air in the room was heavy, and the sunlight outside the window shone in obliquely, stretching the figures in the room long. Other relatives and friends who had come to visit gathered around the bedside, each with varying degrees of worry and reproach on their faces.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

Wang Xifeng walked into the room gently, her steps were light, but they were particularly abrupt in this heavy atmosphere. She leaned over to Baoyu's bed and whispered, "Baoyu, you need to get better quickly." ”

Baoyu struggled to look up, barely answering, but quickly collapsed on the pillow again. His brow furrowed, his face pale, and his breathing slowed down.

Outside the room, Lin Daiyu stood in the shade of flowers, her figure hidden in the mottled shadows of the trees. Her gaze struck through the crowd and fixed on the window of Baoyu's room. She didn't enter the room, but just looked at it from a distance, her eyes showing deep helplessness and sadness.

At this time, Jiang Yuhan hurriedly walked into Baoyu's room. Her steps were a little faltering, and she was clearly in a hurry. Jiang Yuhan couldn't help but sobbed in a low voice when he saw Baoyu's appearance: "Baoyu, how can you allow yourself to be so seriously injured." ”

When Baoyu heard Jiang Yuhan's voice, she turned her head with difficulty, and a trace of warmth flashed in her eyes: "Sister Yuhan, I'm fine, I'll be fine soon." ”

The atmosphere in the room became more solemn, and everyone's expressions were extremely serious. Baoyu's bedside is surrounded by people who care about him, but their concern doesn't seem to alleviate Baoyu's pain.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

As time passed, the crowd of visitors gradually dispersed, and Baoyu's room returned to calm. Baoyu's eyes closed slightly, her breathing was steady, and she seemed to have fallen asleep. And outside the window, Lin Daiyu was still standing quietly under the shade of the flowers, she didn't walk into the room, just waited silently, why didn't Lin Daiyu go into the room to see Jia Baoyu, this has a deep relationship with Rosewood Castle.

3. Baoyu's explanation and the mystery of Rosewood Castle

The chief historian of the Zhongshun Palace, dressed in official uniforms, walked calmly into Baoyu's room. His brows tightened, and his gaze fell directly on Baoyu on the bed. Although Baoyu was weak, under the gaze of the chief historian, he could barely support his body and sit up.

The air in the room seemed to be frozen, and the chief historian slowly spoke, with official authority in his voice: "Baoyu, I'm here to inquire about the whereabouts of Qi Guan'er." ”

Baoyu took a deep breath and kept her voice as calm as possible: "Lord Changshi, Qi Guan'er is now in the Rosewood Fort in the eastern suburbs, where there are the fields and houses she has placed. His voice was a little low, but he did his best to keep it clear.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

The chief historian frowned, obviously a little surprised by this answer: "Rosewood Castle? His tone was inquiring.

Baoyu's body trembled slightly when he heard Lin Daiyu's name, but he quickly calmed down and didn't explain much. His gaze only briefly rested on the face of the chief historian, and then lowered his head.

Seeing that Baoyu didn't say anything more, the chief historian turned to ask, "Do you have any definite information to prove that Qi Guan'er is there?"

Baoyu shook his head: "I also heard about it, so I don't dare to assert it." His voice was weak, but as firm as he could.

The chief historian was silent for a moment, as if weighing something, and then nodded: "I understand, you have a good rest." ”

With that, the chief historian slowly got up and left the room with heavy steps. His back stood unusually long in the sunlight outside the door.

Baoyu lay back on the bed quietly, his eyes looking out the window. The sunlight outside the window shines through the window screen, and Baoyu's face reflects dappled light and shadow. His eyes closed slightly, as if lost in thought.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

4. The Secret of Rosewood Castle: Lin Daiyu's Grave

Located on the eastern outskirts of the capital, Rosewood Fort is a secluded place surrounded by ancient trees. The purple bead grass here sways in the wind, as if telling an unfinished story. Purple petals glow faintly in the sun, while the ancient sandalwood trees stand silently, their bark carved with the marks of time.

Since Baoyu's conversation with the chief historian, her memory of Rosewood Fort has become clearer. He remembered that Daiyu had mentioned this place in a dream, and that it was a secret she had told him. In that dream, Daiyu's figure was ethereal, as if it would dissipate in the wind at any moment.

Daiyu's grave is located in a quiet corner of Rosewood Castle. The air here is filled with a faint scent of flowers, which contrasts with the surrounding greenery. The tomb is not conspicuous, just an ordinary stone tablet with the words "Lin Daiyu's Tomb" engraved on it.

Early one morning, Baoyu secretly left the mansion and went to Rosewood Fort alone. He walked through the path through the woods, his steps light, as if he were afraid of disturbing the tranquility of the place. Sunlight penetrates the gaps in the leaves and sprinkles on Baoyu's body, forming a dappled light and shadow.

When Baoyu came to the tomb, he knelt down gently, folded his hands, and whispered, "Sister Daiyu, I have come to see you." His voice was soft, as if he was having a silent conversation with Daiyu.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

Baoyu took out a bunch of purple bead grass from her bosom and carefully placed it in front of the tombstone. The beaded grass swayed gently in the breeze, as if in response to Baoyu's arrival.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

"You must be lonely here. Baoyu continued in a low voice, his gaze falling on the tombstone, his eyes revealing deep pity.

Baoyu knelt there for a long time, until the sun climbed into the center of the sky, and the sun became hotter and hotter. Beads of sweat began to form on his back, but he still didn't get up.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

At this moment, a breeze blew, and purple petals gently fell on Baoyu's shoulder. Baoyu looked up at the falling petals, and seemed to feel Daiyu's presence.

Finally, Baoyu slowly stood up and bowed deeply to the tombstone: "Sister Daiyu, I am leaving, and you must rest in peace." With that, Baoyu turned to leave, and his figure gradually disappeared into the path of the forest.

Baoyu was beaten in bed, why did Lin Daiyu only stand under the shade of the flowers and look around, to see what place Rosewood Fort was?

After Baoyu left, Rosewood Castle returned to its former tranquility. Sunlight shines through the treetops, illuminating the lonely tombstone. The purple petals swayed gently in the breeze, as if telling a story of love and sorrow.

Dream of Red Mansions

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