
Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

Nowadays, children eat more and more abundant food, which also makes children's oral health face a huge challenge, many parents want to clean their babies, children, and children more thoroughly clean their mouths, are thinking of brushing their children with the popular children's electric toothbrush. But at the same time, I also saw some negative comments about electric toothbrushes hurting teeth, and I was very hesitant, whether it was good for children to use electric toothbrushes? As an oral hygienist, I would like to say that if you buy unprofessional products or your child's brushing method is problematic, there is indeed a risk of tooth damage. Some time ago, I happened to be free, so I compiled this article to give you a comprehensive science popularization, so that parents can choose the right products for their children.

Here are some of the product images I've reviewed:

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

1. Is it good for children to use electric toothbrushes?

Is it good for children to use electric toothbrushes? You can see that this kind of product is very hot in the market today, and it must be recognized if it can bring benefits. Nowadays, the rate of tooth decay in children is too high (see the figure below), and it is very important to do a good job of oral cleaning, and the use of children's electric toothbrushes can bring the following benefits far more than manual toothbrushes, which are naturally suitable for children:

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Benefit 1: Super cleaning power, can prevent tooth decay.

First of all, in terms of cleaning power, children's electric toothbrush performance is far better than manual toothbrush, he can often not clean the toothbrush, tooth pit groove, gingival sulcus, tooth back and other high-incidence areas of dental disease can not be cleaned by manual toothbrush, and the prevention effect of tooth decay will be better. (See comparison below)

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Benefit 2: The vibration is stable and uniform, and the force is precise and controllable.

Children generally do not control their hand strength very steadily, and if they use a manual toothbrush to clean with uneven force, there is a great risk of accidentally injuring the mouth. If you use a professional children's electric toothbrush, it is all professionally tuned, the vibration is very stable and uniform, and you can also control the intensity of brushing, and the tooth protection is stronger!

Benefit 3: Save time and effort.

We all know that children have little patience, and brushing their teeth with a manual toothbrush for too long is usually very perfunctory and ineffective. However, it only takes 3 minutes to use a children's electric toothbrush, not to mention the time saving, the cleaning effect is good, and it is more suitable for children.

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Advantage 4: The Xi learning threshold is low, and it is easy to master the correct way to brush your teeth.

For children under the age of 10 whose hand muscles are not yet flexible, using a manual toothbrush requires too much detail and it is difficult to learn the pasteurization method in a short period of time, while changing to a children's electric toothbrush is easier to operate, as long as the switch is pressed, the angle is fixed, and the cleaning position is changed, and it is easier for children to learn the correct brushing method.

Benefit 5: It's more fun.

Brushing with a manual toothbrush is too boring and your child will be reluctant to use it. The children's electric toothbrush is rich in functions, with sound and vibration, it is a toy in the eyes of children, and the enthusiasm for brushing teeth will be higher!

2. Strictly prevent the defects of the three major slots of electric toothbrushes.

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush? Electric toothbrushes can bring these benefits, and it is certainly good for children to use. However, parents need to pay attention here, not all products are safe, and now children's oral quality deviation and low oral tolerance are low, if you use unprofessional products or brush your teeth in the wrong way, there are the following slot defects:

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Slot 1: Aggravate the child's pre-existing dental problems

Most children themselves have oral problems, the mouth is very sensitive, if they are given inferior children's electric toothbrush, because of the unstable performance, poor quality overstimulation of the mouth, will definitely lead to aggravation of the condition.

Slot 2: Bleeding gums and damaged tooth enamel.

This is also the most reacted by parents, children's oral cavity is more sensitive, low tolerance, those unprofessional electric toothbrushes have low bristle roundness, unstable vibration frequency, unstable power and other problems, which can easily lead to tooth injury!

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?
Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Slot 3: Induce chronic tooth injury.

It's not that there will be problems with inferior products just after use, they are basically in chronic tooth damage, and the situation will not begin to be obvious until the child has used it for a long time, such as frequent toothache, oral bleeding and even gum recession, and it will be difficult to cure it at that time.

3. Avoid the five taboos!

Is it good for children to use electric toothbrushes? If children use unreliable products, it will definitely not be good, and it will bring all kinds of risks mentioned above. You can also take a look at the following negative evaluation chart of children's toothbrushes released by the authoritative forum, and it can be seen that most of the harm is related to improper product purchase. So I've also compiled some common purchase taboos here to give parents a vaccination:

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Taboo 1: Choose influencer brand products.

Many parents and friends like to shop in the live broadcast room, or follow the trend to choose celebrity endorsements and Internet celebrity products with strong publicity, but in fact, most of these Internet celebrity brands are OEM products, the quality is very poor, and there is no professional R&D team of their own, which does not match the oral needs of children, and there are many problems.

Taboo 2: Choose low-priced products.

In order to save money, some parents will use low-cost products for their children, and they feel that they are cost-effective, but they ignore the low production cost of such products, and there will be no technical research and development at all.

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Taboo 3: Choose the big international names.

Many parents and friends will think that European and American international brands are very professional and easier to use than domestic products, but don't forget that these European and American brands are basically designed for European and American children, and are not suitable for the oral needs of domestic children.

Taboo 4: Choose a functional brush head.

In order to sell at a high price, some products will advertise that the bristles have a functional effect, such as the bristles contain fluoride to prevent tooth decay, the bristles can be antibacterial, etc., which are actually IQ taxes, fooling people, and have no practical use at all.

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Taboo 5: Stiff bristles have strong cleaning power

Some parents think that the product cleaning of hard bristles will be more powerful and let their children use it, but in fact, hard bristles are tantamount to violent cleaning, and the wear and tear of children's mouths is very high!

Fourth, 8 ways to choose a high-quality children's electric toothbrush!

Is it good for children to use electric toothbrushes? Like manual toothbrushes, there is a risk of tooth damage if the product is not purchased properly. If you can avoid the taboo of buying and choose a professional children's electric toothbrush for your child, it will still be very beneficial. However, in the face of a variety of brands, it is indeed difficult to do this, so I have also sorted out some purchase tips for you below, and there is no big problem for you to refer to the selection:

1: The size of the brush head must be scientific and reasonable

Don't choose the brush head according to the adult's standard, because the child's mouth is small, the brush head is too large and it is easy to clean the corners, so it is more appropriate for everyone to choose the product: the width of the brush head can clean 2-3 teeth, and the height of the brush head is the same as the teeth!

2: The bristles should be soft and appropriate

The child's mouth is sensitive, can not use hard bristles, otherwise it will damage the child's mouth, but do not use too soft bristles, the cleaning power is very poor, generally young children are recommended to choose soft bristles, and other children are older with moderate and soft bristles.

3: The roundness needs to be more than 80%

It is necessary to choose a product for the child that has rounded the tip of the bristles, so that the bristles will not be sharp and the tooth protection will be strong if the roundness rate is high. The standard is to choose a grinding rate of more than 80%, which is more secure!

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

4: Pay attention to products designed by age.

Children grow up fast, children's electric toothbrushes can be used for a long time, so be sure to choose products with age-specific design, a wide range of vibration frequency, a wide range of matching brush heads, a large sweeping angle, etc., in order to keep up with the changes in children's development and meet children's oral cleaning needs!

5: Rejection of "functional" products.

Don't choose functional products, such as bristles can inhibit bacteria, fluoride and other effects, etc., there is no actual effect, just to raise the unit price, most of the products have no other advantages.

6: Choose a professional brand

It is recommended that you choose a brand with professional technology online, which will have many years of experience in children's oral care, and will optimize relevant performance parameters such as vibration frequency, sweeping angle, etc., which is more suitable for children to ensure high cleaning power and tooth protection power, which Internet celebrity brands cannot do.

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

7: The noise should not be too high.

Children are very sensitive to sound, can not choose high noise products, will make them refuse to brush their teeth, low noise products internal structure design is stable, the quality will be more reliable!

8: After-sales should be reliable

It is necessary to choose a reliable brand after sale, and there will be no after-sales risks, such as support for trial, long warranty period, etc.

In addition to the above tips, we should also be wary of the brand's false publicity, many people emphasize that the product can be efficient in cleaning and protecting teeth, but the situation of tooth injury has not been rare. Here we also recommend that you also refer to the data chart of children's toothbrush cleaning power and tooth protection power released by authoritative forums to choose reliable products for children. Here I also share with you a few products that have performed well after evaluation as a reference:

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

Among many children's electric toothbrush brands, the old professional technology brand Huile VIIV is recognized as the pioneer in the field of "no tooth damage" in China, and it is also the best brand in the field of professionalism and technical adjustment, and it is also the only brand that has been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology, etc., in a large number of data experimental institutions evaluation results show that the cleaning power is strong and reduces 90% of brushing damage, and it is rare to obtain certification from the European Union and other countries!

Their ability to achieve this level stems from the fact that they have been researching and developing for many years, without redundant functions and without redundant models, and a product has been stubborn for more than seven years and has iterated more than 20 versions. The first to propose the "six-type segmented care" for children's dental care, which carries out segmented care of the changing dental characteristics of children's teeth, which is very professional! In order to "high-performance without hurting teeth", a number of original technologies have been created and optimized for more than 100 technologies such as motor and vibration frequency, so as to achieve a comprehensive performance deviation value of no more than 0.1% for more than 6 years! Huile, which I know about in professional dental magazines, is famous for claiming to use 300% technical quality to defeat the high tooth injury rate of international brands.

Although it never advertises, it has been recommended by many dentists, and offline sales have skyrocketed. And many celebrities are worried that their children are also using their homes when brushing their teeth is hurting! In the industry, the chaos of tooth injury is serious, and all kinds of beauty and low prices are fighting, Huile has recognized the research and development of electric toothbrushes as medical supplies with professional, rigorous and safe characteristics, and the majority of dentists generally believe that it is super protective of the oral cavity!

In addition, the cost performance of Bayer, Shuke, and Libode is also okay, the basic configuration parameters and functions are passable, and the quality and performance are decent. Among the beauty models, the Usmile design is indeed OK, in terms of after-sales, the brush head is more expensive, and it is not returned when unpacked, Huile supports 7-day trial, and recently gave away 5-year brush head for a limited time.

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?

5. Which children can't use an electric toothbrush?

Is it good for children to use electric toothbrushes? It is of course great to let children use professional, high-quality children's electric toothbrushes. However, I would like to remind you that not all children are suitable for using electric toothbrushes, and if the following children use them, it will cause tooth damage!

1: Children under 4 years of age or children with slow development

In this case, the children's oral cavity is still developing, and the tolerance is relatively poor, and they cannot withstand the stimulation of children's electric toothbrushes, and it is easy to hurt their teeth if they are not careful.

2: Children with severe tooth decay

Some children's tooth decay has reached a very serious level, such as a large area of black teeth, injury to the root of the tooth, etc., so you can no longer use this kind of product, you have to see a doctor!

Is it good for children to use an electric toothbrush?


If the child has bleeding gums, toothache, inflammation and other conditions when brushing his teeth, he should not use an electric toothbrush to stimulate the oral cavity, otherwise it will lead to aggravation!

Is it good for children to use electric toothbrushes? That's all for the popular science content shared with you around this topic. It is naturally good to use electric toothbrushes for babies, children, and children, but parents need to pay attention to the scientific purchase of products, and do not follow the trend to choose Internet celebrities and low-cost products, otherwise it is easy to damage the child's mouth. Only by choosing an electric toothbrush with a high degree of professionalism and age-specific design can you ensure that your child does a good job of oral hygiene and does not hurt his teeth!

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