
Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

Nowadays, children's electric toothbrushes are generally popular, due to the prevalence of children's oral problems, the prevention of caries and tooth decay needs to start from basic cleaning, which is why children's electric toothbrushes are becoming more and more popular. However, there are also many parents who are worried that after choosing an electric toothbrush for their baby, their child may damage his teeth because of the strong vibration. In order to let you better understand children's electric toothbrushes, I, as a dentist, will combine my own experience today to popularize relevant knowledge to you. The image below is a sample of a small selection of children's electric toothbrush products that I have studied.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

1. Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual?

Nowadays, children's oral health problems are becoming more and more serious, and according to statistics, the caries rate has reached more than 70%. To address this, many dentists recommend using a children's electric toothbrush for children over the age of 4. Now the caries rate of children is as high as 71%, so children's electric toothbrushes with good cleaning effect are more popular with parents, and the benefits of using professional children's electric toothbrushes are as follows:

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Advantage 1: Stronger cleaning power and prevention of tooth decay

Children's electric toothbrushes have stronger cleaning power than traditional manual toothbrushes. Electric toothbrushes can vibrate thousands of times per minute, far exceeding the effect of manual brushing. This allows for a more thorough cleaning of the tooth surface and between the teeth, effectively removing plaque and food debris and preventing tooth decay. Especially for children, an electric toothbrush with a stronger cleaning power can better protect their dental health.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Benefit 2: The vibration frequency is uniform and stable, and the brushing force is more accurate

The vibration frequency of children's electric toothbrushes is precisely designed and tuned to maintain a uniform and stable vibration frequency. This precise brushing effort allows for better cleaning of teeth without causing excessive irritation to the teeth and gums. Compared to manual brushing, it cleans every tooth more precisely, reducing leakage and dead spots. This is essential for children's oral health and is effective in preventing tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Benefit 3: Save time and effort

Using an electric toothbrush for children can save you the time and effort of manual toothbrushing. The electric toothbrush completes the brushing action by automatic vibration, which does not require too much hand operation, which is simple and convenient. Especially for younger children, using an electric toothbrush can reduce the discomfort and resistance when brushing their own teeth, improve the effectiveness of brushing, and save time, making brushing a more relaxing and enjoyable process.

Benefit 4: The threshold for brushing teeth is lower, and the operation of the child is easier

Children's electric toothbrushes are relatively simple to operate, and the design of the brush head is also more suitable for children. Compared to manual toothbrushes, which require the correct brushing methods and skills, children's electric toothbrushes can automatically complete vibrating brushing at the push of a button. This lowers the threshold for brushing teeth, making it easier for children to accept and master the skills of brushing.

Benefit 5: It is fun and can stimulate children's initiative in brushing their teeth

Electric toothbrushes usually have some interesting designs and features, such as cute cartoon characters, music, and timers, etc., which can attract children's attention and make them more willing to brush their teeth and keep brushing for a long time, and this positive experience can help establish a good brushing Xi.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

2. The three major tooth hazards of inferior children's electric toothbrushes

The above summarizes the advantages of children's electric toothbrushes, which are only available with high-quality children's electric toothbrushes, so parents should choose professional products for their children. In addition, due to the child's delicate mouth and high rate of tooth decay, if the child uses inferior products or brushes his teeth in the wrong way, it will bring the following harms:

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

1: Aggravate the child's pre-existing dental problems

Many children have some degree of oral diseases, especially dental caries. If you use an inferior electric toothbrush, it will bring more stimulation to the mouth, which will make it worse and aggravate the original dental disease!

2: Wear away your child's tooth enamel and cause bleeding gums

Some children's electric toothbrushes are not stable enough to cause excessive wear and tear on your child's tooth enamel, increasing the risk of tooth sensitivity and tooth decay, which can wear your child's tooth enamel excessively and cause bleeding in the mouth.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields
Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

3: Hidden chronic tooth damage.

When children use children's electric toothbrushes, they may cause chronic tooth damage due to excessive brushing time and excessive brushing force. This injury may not be noticeable at first, but over time, it can cause damage to the teeth and periodontal tissues, triggering problems such as loose teeth.

3. Be wary of the five common IQ tax products

Is it better to use a children's toothbrush electric or manual? The above summarizes the three main hazards of using a children's electric toothbrush, in fact, a high-quality children's electric toothbrush is easy to use, otherwise there would not be such a high sales volume today. However, if parents accidentally choose inappropriate inferior products, it will bring the above harms, so parents must learn to buy products scientifically. The following is a summary of the negative evaluations of children's electric toothbrushes collected by relevant oral forums, and the children's toothbrush market is now more complex, and there are many IQ tax products, which make it easy for people to fall into the pit. Here I also sorted it out for parents to see, pay attention to avoid when purchasing.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

1. U-shaped electric toothbrush

The U-shaped electric toothbrush has soft bristles but almost no vibrations, which makes it impossible to fully adapt to the oral structure of different children. Because children's teeth and oral structure are different from those of adults, an electric toothbrush that can adapt to different children's oral structures is needed. The design of the U-shaped electric toothbrush does not meet this need, so it is not recommended to choose this type of product.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

2. The so-called international big names

Some of the so-called international big-brand electric toothbrushes are actually not suitable for children in our area. This may be because these products are not designed to take into account the oral characteristics and needs of mainland children. Choosing a children's electric toothbrush that is suitable for our children should pay more attention to the professional strength and age-specific design of the product, rather than just pursuing the name of an international brand.

3. Support for 7 days without reason

Some electric toothbrushes claim to support 7 days of no reason to return or exchange, but in fact, the after-sales service is not good. This means that in the event of product quality problems or other usage problems, consumers may face difficulties in returning and exchanging goods.

4. Low-cost and low-quality products

Some low-priced electric toothbrushes may be inferior products, and their quality and performance are often not guaranteed. Using such an electric toothbrush may have an impact on your child's oral health and even pose a safety hazard. For the sake of your child's health, it is very important to choose an electric toothbrush of reliable quality.

5. Only high-value products

Some electric toothbrushes only focus on appearance design and pursue good looks, but they are not outstanding in terms of performance and quality. Although the appearance can improve the attractiveness of the product, for children's electric toothbrushes, its professional strength and age-specific design are more important. Therefore, when purchasing, do not only look at the appearance, but also pay attention to the professional strength and age-specific design of the product.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Parents should go to professional forums to see the professional index evaluation of the cleaning power and tooth protection power of mainstream children's electric toothbrushes (as shown in the figure below) before choosing electric toothbrush products.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Among the many children's electric toothbrush brands, the professional old brand FILIX is the pioneer in the field of "no tooth damage" in China, recognized as the highest degree of professionalism in this field, and is one of the very few brands that have been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology, etc., has been tested by authoritative testing institutions to achieve top-notch cleaning power and reduce 90% brushing damage, and rarely obtained certification from the European Union and other countries! There are no redundant functions, no redundant models, just a product for several years, iterating more than 20 versions, and optimizing more than 300 details!

Huile is known as a children's electric toothbrush with a high fault tolerance rate, even if you brush your teeth wrong, it will not hurt your teeth. The first is a strict definition of "six types of segmented care" for children aged 3-15 at different stages of their teeth. We have created a number of "tooth-friendly" technologies and hundreds of technical tuning indicators, which can achieve a performance deviation of no more than 0.1% for more than 6 years. Develop a variety of brush heads suitable for different children's stages! Almost no advertising focuses on research and development, but it is recommended by dentists to bring fire, and offline channels are also selling well. Some celebrities are worried that their children's brushing will hurt their teeth and choose their home! Its professional, high-performance, and safe concept has recognized the electric toothbrush as a medical product, and dentists generally recognize that it is super protective of the oral cavity!

As an international brand, the quality of their children's toothbrushes is acceptable, as a European and American brand, it is relatively more suitable for European and American children, after-sales, Philips does not support trial, the brush head needs about 150 yuan a year, Huile not only supports the trial, but also gives away the brush head for 5 years for a limited time.

Many friends say that there is no low-cost product recommendation, cost-effective Shuke, Bayer can try, the basic functions and configuration are up to standard, they do not support trial, unpacking does not return, the brush head costs about 80 yuan a year.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Fourth, 8 ways to choose a professional children's electric toothbrush

Is it better to use a children's toothbrush electric or manual? There are many advantages to using a professional children's electric toothbrush, so there are so many categories of children's toothbrushes now, how to choose it? The following are 8 selection methods that I have sorted out for you, and it is recommended to collect:

Tip 1: Pay attention to products designed by age. High-quality brands will pay attention to the age-specific design of the product, because in the 4-12 years old period, the child's oral development changes significantly, so the product is required to have an age-specific design, the frequency range should be large enough, and the types of brush heads should also be diverse, so that children of different ages can use it.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Tip 2: Choose a brand with reliable professional technology. Only brands with strong technical strength will have rich oral care experience as support, and the tooth protection ability and cleaning power of the products will meet the standards, and will also better match the oral characteristics of Chinese children, while those Internet celebrity brands or cross-border brands that are prone to tooth injury cannot do this.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Tip 3: Choose a product with a sweeping angle of 3-6 degrees. The size of the scanning range actually has a lot to do with the user experience, and the reason why it is recommended to choose products in the range of 3-6 degrees is because it not only has online cleaning power, but also plays a role in protecting teeth and gums.

Tip 4: Choose a U-shaped children's electric toothbrush carefully. CCTV has already reported this style, in essence, this style of products can not fit the child's tooth shape well at all, so it will not have a good cleaning effect, and the key is to hide a high rate of tooth damage.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Tip 5: Reject "functional" products. Now, whether it is antibacterial or fluoride and other functions, it can basically be said to be a publicity gimmick of the business, and it is also a means to attract customers to buy, but the cleaning and tooth protection of the product has almost no effect, and it has been confirmed that it is an IQ tax.

Skill 6: Optimize products with a roundness rate of more than 80%. Professional brands will pay attention to the problem of roundness, only the roundness of children's electric toothbrushes is higher than 80%, in order to play a good role in tooth protection, once below this value, it will cause excessive wear and tear on the teeth, so parents are reminded to choose products with a roundness rate of more than 80% for children.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

Tip 7: Choose products that are comfortable for children to hold. Many children's electric toothbrushes have handles that are about the same thickness as adult models, and such handles are very difficult for children to hold. Over time, they will begin to resist brushing, and the final cleaning effect is not ideal, so choose a children's electric toothbrush for your child that feels comfortable to hold.

Tip 8: Choose a brand that supports unpacking and trial. Priority is given to brands that support a seven-day trial and a warranty of more than 1 year, and the price of replacing brush heads should also be noted, because you need to buy at least four brush heads a year, and if the price of replacing brush heads is too expensive, it will cost a lot more.

5. Which children are not suitable for children's electric toothbrushes?

Is it better to use a children's toothbrush electric or manual? At this point, I believe everyone should know the answer, there are more advantages to using a children's electric toothbrush for children, but not all children are suitable for use, and the following children are not suitable for using children's electric toothbrushes:

1. Too young: Children's electric toothbrushes are usually recommended for children aged 4 and above. Because at a younger age, the oral tolerance is not enough, and the vibration of children's electric toothbrushes in use will overstimulate children's tender mouths, which can easily lead to tooth and gum injuries.

2. Tooth sensitivity or bleeding: If your child's teeth are sensitive and often have bleeding gums or other dental problems, using a children's electric toothbrush may aggravate tooth sensitivity or irritate the gums, causing discomfort or even aggravating symptoms.

Is it better to have a children's toothbrush electric or manual? Beware of the five minefields

3. Tooth damage or restoration: If your child's teeth have any damage, restoration, or devices (such as braces, aligners, etc.), you should be cautious when using a children's electric toothbrush. Improper use may result in the expansion of the damage or the detachment of the restoration.

4. Incomplete tooth development: During the development of children's teeth, there are differences in tooth size, enamel weakness, periodontal connective tissue sensitivity, etc. If your child's teeth are not fully developed, you should carefully choose the right toothbrush when using a children's electric toothbrush to avoid accidental injury.

After reading so much content, I believe that parents will no longer think that choosing children's electric toothbrushes and toothbrushes for their children is a trivial matter. Children's mouths are very immature, in the daily brushing also need to add more care, only to choose a strong professional strength, age-specific design products, in order to truly maintain children's oral health!

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