
The man said that he was detained on the return trip from pulling earthquake relief materials, and the truth surfaced, and he was tired!


On December 18, 2023, Jishishan County, Gansu Province, was shaken by a 6.2-magnitude earthquake. In the face of the disaster, all sectors of society have reached out to help, including the generous donations of many celebrities and Internet celebrities. However, behind this disaster, a small controversy is quietly fermenting.

The man said that he was detained on the return trip from pulling earthquake relief materials, and the truth surfaced, and he was tired!

While everyone was working hard to fight the earthquake and provide relief, a video came out and detonated the Internet. In the video, an emotional truck driver claims that he was stopped by law enforcement officers on his way back from delivering relief supplies, accusing him of trying to "sell dog meat on the head of a sheep." The sudden accusation attracted widespread public attention at a sensitive moment.

The man said that he was detained on the return trip from pulling earthquake relief materials, and the truth surfaced, and he was tired!

As time passed, the details of the incident gradually surfaced, and the truth began to slowly be revealed. It turned out that the truck driver was hired by a well-known Internet celebrity "Xiaofei of Pakistan Starlight Village" to transport disaster relief materials worth 620,000 yuan to the disaster area in Jishishan County. From the banner hanging on the front of his car, the words "Xingguang Village Xiaofei Gallop to Aid Gansu Earthquake" are conspicuous and proud.

The man said that he was detained on the return trip from pulling earthquake relief materials, and the truth surfaced, and he was tired!

However, the story is not as simple as the driver describes. After completing the distribution of relief supplies, the driver did not return immediately. Instead, he chose to stay local and look for the return cargo to avoid empty sailing. And when he was about to leave, he was intercepted by law enforcement officers.

The man said that he was detained on the return trip from pulling earthquake relief materials, and the truth surfaced, and he was tired!

There were two main reasons for the interception: First, the driver had a dispute with law enforcement officers over the issue of highway fees. While rescue vehicles are usually free of charge, they are not allowed to take on other tasks after completing the rescue. The driver, still hanging a disaster relief banner, was suspected of trying to evade the highway toll.

The man said that he was detained on the return trip from pulling earthquake relief materials, and the truth surfaced, and he was tired!

Secondly, the sanitation of the loading yard has also become a point of contention. Law enforcement officers ask drivers to clean up the garbage around them, or pay a certain sanitation fee. But the driver chose to ignore the request and instead put up the disaster relief banner again in an attempt to prove his disaster relief status.

The man said that he was detained on the return trip from pulling earthquake relief materials, and the truth surfaced, and he was tired!
The man said that he was detained on the return trip from pulling earthquake relief materials, and the truth surfaced, and he was tired!

As the facts came to light, public attitudes began to shift. On the one hand, there are those who believe that the driver should be held responsible for his actions, and on the other hand, there are those who sympathize with the driver and believe that his efforts in the disaster area should be respected.

In the end, this little turmoil subsided with the intervention of Internet celebrity Xiaofei. He expressed his understanding of the driver's plight and stressed the hardships of working in the disaster area. Although this incident is small, it reflects the complexity of human nature and the importance of social rules in the face of disaster. We should remember that both the rigor of law enforcement officers and the hard work of drivers deserve our understanding and respect. Most importantly, rules and facts are always the key to resolving disputes.