
It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

author:Tea History Museum

The state of Qin began with Qin Feizi being made a vassal by King Xiao of Zhou, to 771 BC when he was officially ranked as a prince, and then to Qin Mu's public title of hegemony of Xi Rong, ranking among the "Five Hegemons of Spring and Autumn", and after a hundred years of decline, he rose again after Xiao Gong appointed the Shang Martingale Transformation Law, and finally in 221 BC, he attacked the Six Kingdoms and unified the world.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang "fought the sixth Yu Lie" and unified the world, in fact, the Qin State from a small point on the map, the reason why it can finally unify the world, can not be separated from the efforts of the thirty-six generations of the Qin State. In this history of struggle for more than six hundred years, the Qin state has almost few dimwitted lords, whether compared with the Six Kingdoms of Shandong or compared with the later dynasties, it is a miracle.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" >01</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations</h1>

The State of Qin was first sealed in the vassal states of the Western Zhou Dynasty, seeking survival in the cracks between Rong Di and Di, and in the process of fighting for living space, many Qin Juns were killed in battle with Xi Rong. After several generations of Qin Jun's efforts, Qin talents struggled to gain a firm foothold, and finally became the prince of Zhou tianzi because they supported Zhou Tianzi before and after the fall of Western Zhou.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

Qin Feizi

1. Yin Feizi (?) —858 BC)

Achievements: Enfeoffed in Qin, the qin state was first enfeoffed

After Boyi, the Shang Dynasty was the fifth grandson of the Evil Lai, the founding monarch of the Zhou Dynasty princely state of Qin, and the Western Zhou Inuqiu people. Because Qin Feizi was good at raising horses and fulfilling his duties, he was appreciated by King Xiao of Zhou, and was awarded the title of Qin Land, continuing the sacrifice of his ancestor Boyi, and became the first prince of the Qin State, known as Qin Win. However, at this time, the State of Qin was only a vassal state with a fief of less than fifty miles, and was neither a prince nor a secretary or a doctor.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

Marquis of Qin

2. Marquis of Qin (reigned 857 BC – 848 BC)

The second monarch of the Qin state. The "Records of History" only records his reign for ten years, and there is no other record of other deeds in various extant history books, nor can it be verified by his real name. It is only known that he is the son of Yin Feizi, and his son is a gongbo.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

Qin Gongbo

3. Duke of Qin (reigned 847 BC – 845 BC)

The third monarch of the Qin state, there are few records about him in the history books, only that he is the grandson of Yin Feizi, the son of the Marquis of Qin, and his son is Qin Zhong.

4. Qin Zhong (reigned 844 BC – 822 BC)

Achievements: Appointed doctor, attacked Xi Rong, and the Qin state gradually rose

Unknown, son of Duke Qin. In the early period of his reign, due to the cruelty and ruthlessness of The Zhou Li King Ji Hu, which led to the rebellion of the princes, Xi Rong took the opportunity to invade the Zhou Dynasty. In the first year of King Xuan of Zhou (827 BC), Ji Jing the Prince of Zhou, the son of King Li of Zhou, succeeded to the throne, and in the fourth year of King Xuan of Zhou (824 BC), he appointed Qin Zhong as a doctor and ordered him to lead an army to attack Xirong. In the sixth year of King Xuan of Zhou (822 BC), Qin Zhong was defeated and killed in battle with Xi Rong. During the reign of Qin Zhong, the State of Qin received chariots and horses, ritual music, and courtiers, and from then on, the State of Qin began to gradually become stronger, and the State of Qin gradually rose in the Western Province.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

Duke Zhuang of Qin

5. Duke Zhuang of Qin: Yin Qi (reigned 821 BC – 778 BC)

Achievements: Raid the Fox's Lair at night, defeat Xi Rong, and win the title of Doctor of Xi'an

In the seventh year of King Xuan of Zhou (821 BC), King Xuan of Zhou summoned five brothers of the Duke of Qinzhuang and sent them 7,000 soldiers to lead them on a crusade against Xi rong, and the duke of Qin Zhuang defeated xi rong in a battle. King Xuan of Zhou then made Duke Zhuang of Qin the Grand Duke of Xi'an and gave him the land of Inuqiu (around Li County, southwest of Tianshui City, Gansu) where the former Da Luo clan lived. In the fourth year of the Zhou YouWang Palace (778 BC), the Duke of Qinzhuang was killed by Inuyasha.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

6. Duke Xiang of Qin: Yin Qin Kai (reigned 778 BC - 766 BC)

Achievements: Supporting the King of Ping, moving the capital to Wangyi, and listing as a prince

After the death of Duke Zhuang of Qin, his eldest son Shi Father continued to lead an army to fight inuyasha, ceding the throne to his younger brother Yin Qinkai. At the beginning of Qin Xianggong's reign, in view of the dangerous situation in which the Qin state was struggling to survive in the gap between Zhou Tianzi and Inuyasha, under the judgment of the situation, Qin Xianggong married his sister Miao Wei to King Feng of Rongren as his wife in order to divide the Rong people. In the second year of the Reign of Qin Xiang (776 BC), the Duke of Qin Xiang moved his capital to Fengyi (汧邑; present-day Longxian County, Shaanxi). While Qin Xianggong and Inuyasha were friendly, they also strengthened their relationship with the Zhou royal family, thus enabling the Qin state to gain rare space and time for development.

In 771 BC, Shen Hou joined forces with Inu Rong to attack Haojing and kill King You of Zhou under Mount Li, and Duke Xiang of Qin saved Zhou with his troops. King Ping of Zhou moved east, and Duke Xiang of Qin sent troops to escort him, enfeoffed the princes with merit, and gave the land west of Qishan, which the royal family could not control, and from then on the state of Qin began to become the princely state of Western Zhou, and the Duke of Qin Xiang became the first monarch of the State of Qin to be officially listed as a prince. In the twelfth year of the Reign of Qin Xianggong (766 BC), Duke Xiang of Qin died on his way to attack Xi Rong.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

The State of Qin after the princes

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" >02</h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations</h1>

After ranking among the princes of the Zhou Dynasty, the State of Qin began to rapidly enter the fast lane of development, and after several generations of Qin Jun's efforts, the State of Qin not only expanded its territory rapidly, but also its national political construction became more and more perfect, gradually getting rid of the extensive management mode, and finally dominating Xirong during the Qin Mu Gong, becoming one of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

7. Duke Wen of Qin (reigned 765 BC – 716 BC)

Achievements: Expanding the land west of the Qishan Mountains, setting up historical officials, establishing criminal laws, creating the Society of Weiwei, and collecting the remnants of the Zhou Dynasty

Unknown, son of Duke Xiang of Qin. During the reign of Duke Wen of Qin, he ordered the construction of a city at the confluence of Fengshui and Weishui; defeated Xi Rong, collected the remnants of the Zhou Dynasty, and expanded the land to the west of Qi (present-day east of Baoji City, Shaanxi Province); set up a historian to chronicle and formulate a criminal law against the three tribes. After that, the Qin people began to gradually get rid of nomadic customs and began to settle down and engage in agriculture. In the fourth year of King Huan of Zhou (716 BC), Duke Wen of Qin died and was buried in Xishan (present-day Baoji, Shaanxi).

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

8. Duke Xian of Qin: Yingli (reigned 715 BC – 704 BC)

Achievements: Capture of Dangshe, capture of Rui Jun, elimination of the Dang clan, and relocation of the capital to Binh Duong

Qin Xiangong was appointed as the heir by his grandfather Qin Wengong because of the early death of his father Qin Jinggong. Duke Wen of Qin died, and Duke Xian of Qin succeeded to the throne and lived in Xixinyi. Later, in the second year of Qin Xian Gong (714 BC), he moved to Pingyang, and in the same year sent troops to attack the Dangshe of Bo Rong (a branch of Xi Rong), and the following year the leader of Bo Rong, King Bo, was defeated and fled to Xi Rong, and the State of Qin captured Dangshe. In the seventh year of Qin Xian Gong (709 BC), Rui Bowan, the ruler of the state of Rui, was expelled from the state of Rui by his mother because of too many concubines, and Qin Xian Duke took the opportunity to attack the state of Rui the following year, and the Qin army was defeated due to contempt, and in the winter of the same year, with the help of King Huan of Zhou, he captured Rui Bowan. In the twelfth year of Qin Xian Gong (704 BC), he sent troops to destroy the small state of Xi Rong. In the same year, Qin Xiangong died at the age of twenty-one.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

9. Qin Chuzi: Yin Man (reigned 703 BC – 698 BC)

The youngest son of Duke Xian of Qin (known as duke of Qin Ning in the Chronicle of History). After the death of Duke Xian of Qin, the eldest son of Fu Ji, Wei Lei, and his third father deposed the crown prince Qin Wugong (the eldest son of Duke Xian of Qin) and replaced him with the five-year-old Son of Qin as the monarch. In the twenty-second year of King Huan of Zhou (698), the third father of Dashu Chang and others killed Qin Chuzi and buried him in the Xishan cemetery (present-day Baoji Beilingyuan, Shaanxi), and restored the old crown prince Yingshu (i.e., Duke Wu of Qin).

10. Duke Wu of Qin (reigned 697 BC – 678 BC)

Achievements: Quell the Rebellion of the Three Fathers, expand outwards, and establish a county system

The name is unknown, after Duke Wu of Qin ascended the throne, in the third year of Duke Wu of Qin (695), on the pretext of assassinating Qin's son, he killed the three fathers and others, destroyed his three tribes, and concentrated power on the royal family. During his reign, Duke Wu of Qin successively conquered and annexed the Rong clans such as Mianzhu, Yirong, Jirong, Yiqurong, Di and Tapir, and initially established a county system to manage the conquered lands. Through a series of expansions, the Qin forces reached the Weishui River Basin in Guanzhong. Duke Wu of Qin died in the fourth year of the Zhou Dynasty (678 BC) and was buried in Pingyang after his death, the first to open the system of living burial, accompanied by as many as sixty-six people.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

11. Duke Degong of Qin: Yingjia (reigned 677 BC – 676 BC)

Achievements: Liang Rui paid tribute to the emperor, established Furi, and moved the capital to Yongcheng

After the death of Duke Wu of Qin, his brother Duke De of Qin ascended the throne, and Duke De of Qin enfeoffed Duke Wu of Qin's son Bai Yu at Pingyang (in present-day southwestern Qishan County, Shaanxi Province). In the year of Qin De (677 BC), the State of Qin moved its capital to Yongcheng, and for hundreds of years since then, Yongcheng has always been the capital of the State of Qin, and after the State of Qin moved the capital, the ministers Liang Bo and Rui Bo were forced to come to see Qin Jun under pressure. Although Qin Degong reigned for only two years, the various systems of the Qin state took shape in the hands of him and his brother Qin Wugong, and the national strength began to develop rapidly, which laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of the Qin state during the Qin Mugong period and then the struggle for hegemony with the central plains countries.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

12. Duke Xuan of Qin: Yin Tian (reigned 675 BC – 664 BC)

Achievements: Tao Guang cultivated obscurity and defeated the Jin Dynasty

The eldest son of Duke De of Qin, at the beginning of his reign, encountered a coup d'état of the Zhou royal family, in which Zheng, Yu and other states participated, and Qin Degong chose Taoguang to raise obscurity and not participate in it, thus winning four years of development time for the Qin state. At the same time as the rapid development of the Qin state, the Jin state also entered the fast lane of development, and during the reign of the Jin Xiangong, many invasions of the Qin state led to the increasing resistance of the Qin state, and Qin Xuangong saw that the time was ripe, so he declared war on the Jin state in the fourth year of Qin Xuangong (672 BC) and defeated the Jin army. At this point, after nearly two hundred years of development, the Qin state finally had the strength to fight with the eastern princely states. In the twelfth year of Qin Xuangong (664 BC), Qin Xuangong died, and although he had nine sons, he finally chose to pass on the second brother Yingzai.

13. Duke Chenggong of Qin: Yingzai (reigned 663 BC – 660 BC)

Yin Zai reigned for three or four years, but the historical records only record that the kings of Liang and Rui came to see each other in the year of Qin Cheng (663 BC), and no other related deeds were recorded. In the fourth year of Qin Chenggong (660 BC), Qin Chenggong died, and although he had seven sons, he finally chose to pass on the third brother Ying Renhao.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

14. Duke Mu of Qin: Ying Renhao (reigned 659 BC – 621 BC)

Achievements: Dominate Xi Rong, expand the land for more than a thousand miles, and be one of the five hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period

The ninth monarch of the Qin state during the Spring and Autumn Period. After Duke Mu of Qin succeeded to the throne, he appointed Baili Xi (百里奚), Shu Shu (蹇叔), and Yu Yu (由余) as his vassals, defeated the State of Jin, captured the Duke hui of Jin, and destroyed the States of Liang, Rui, and Shui. Duke Mu of Qin helped Duke Wen of Jin return to the Jin state to seize the throne and realize the good of Qin and Jin. After the death of Duke Wen of Jin, the alliance collapsed and Qin and Jin confronted. Qin Mugong originally wanted to expand eastward and dominate the Central Plains, but in the "Battle of Kun" in the thirty-third year of Qin Mugong (627 BC) and the "Battle of Pengya" in the thirty-fifth year of Qin Mugong (625 BC), he was defeated by the Jin army twice, and the eastward advance of the Qin State was firmly controlled by the Jin State, and Qin Mugong had no choice but to continue to develop westward. After that, Qin Mugong successively destroyed 12 states (another 20) established by the Rong people in the west, and then attacked the Shu state and other countries west of Hangu Pass, opening up more than a thousand miles of land. Because of his merits, King Xiang of Zhou appointed Duke Mu of Qin as the uncle of the Western princes, and thus dominated Xi Rong. As one of the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, Qin Mugong made certain contributions to the unification of the Qin state after that, as well as to the development of the Qin state and the national integration of the ancient western region.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

The State of Qin during the Mugong period of Qin

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" >03</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > Qin Kanggong to Qin Chugong: a total of fifteen generations</h1>

Since Qin Mu's hegemony, because the qin state's way out of the east was cut off by the Jin state, the space for the qin state to expand abroad was compressed, coupled with the long years of war with the Jin state and the "four generations of chaotic government", and after the "three families divided into Jin", the Jin state was no longer there, but it ushered in a strong neighbor Wei state, and the Qin state began to enter a period of decline for a hundred years. However, even during the difficult period of keeping the business, although the national strength of the Qin state declined, compared with other princely states, the Lord of the Qin State was still few, which left a glimmer of opportunity for the Qin State to rise again.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

15. Duke Kang of Qin: Yingyan (reigned 620 BC – 609 BC)

Main event: Repeated wars with the Jin Dynasty

The son of Duke Mu of Qin, Qin Kang died in the year 620 BC, the State of Jin was in turmoil due to the selection of a new monarch, and the State of Qin was responsible for escorting Gongzi Yong back to the throne, and was ambushed by the Jin army at Linghu (present-day southwest of Linyi County, Shanxi Province), and was defeated, known in history as the "Battle of Linghu". The following year, Qin Kanggong sent troops to attack the Jin state and seize the City of Wucheng in the Jin state in retaliation for the "Battle of Linghu". In the fourth year of the Duke kang of Qin (617 BC), the State of Jin attacked the State of Qin and captured the Shaoliang of the State of Qin. In the sixth year of the Duke of Qin Kang (615 BC), Qin Kang sent troops to attack the State of Jin and capture the Jin state of Qima (present-day Yongjinan, Shanxi), the State of Jin sent troops to the rescue, the two armies engaged in battle at Hequ (present-day Ruicheng, Shanxi), and the Qin army defeated the Jin army. During the reign of Duke Kang of Qin, due to the many wars between the Qin state and the Jin state, the Qin state began to gradually decline from the hegemon of the Western Rong.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

16. Duke Gong of Qin: Yingdao (reigned 608 BC – 605 BC)

Main event: Saving Chongguo and sending troops to attack Jin

Duke Gong of Qin, the "History of Suoyin" records the name of the cat, the "Zuo Chuan" name Dao, the son of Qin Kanggong, reigned for four years (the "History" mistakenly wrote five years). In the year 608 BC of the Qin Dynasty, the Jin state of Zhao Pu attacked the Qin ally Chongguo, and the following year the Qin Communists sent troops to besiege the Jin state of Jiao (present-day Shaanxi County, Sanmenxia City, Henan Province) to relieve the siege of Chongguo, and the Jin state had to send Zhao Pu back to the rescue.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

Battle of Ma Tunnel

17. Duke Huan of Qin: Yingrong (reigned 604 BC – 577 BC)

The main event: the "Battle of Ma Tunnel" was defeated by the combined forces of the princes

In the twenty-third year (581 BC), Duke Huan of Qin formed an alliance along the Yellow River with the newly succeeded Duke Li of Jin, but after the Duke of Qin Huan returned to the country, he immediately betrayed the alliance and conspired with the Zhai and Chu states to attack the Jin state, resulting in the King of Chu not only refusing to send troops, but also selling the Qin state back. In the 25th year of the Duke huan of Qin (579 BC), the State of Jin declared that it had broken off diplomatic relations with the State of Qin, and united with the princely states of Qi, Lu, Song, Wei, Zheng, Cao, Yi, and Teng to attack the State of Qin, and the Qin army was defeated.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

18. Duke Jing of Qin: Yin Shi (reigned 576 BC – 537 BC)

Achievements: Two defeats of the Jin army, peace talks between the princes

In the early days of the reign of Duke Jing of Qin, the State of Qin and the State of Jin were still at war from time to time. Qin Jinggong defeated the Jin army in the thirteenth year (564 BC) and the fifteenth year of Qin Jinggong (562 BC). In the eighteenth year of qin jinggong (559 BC), the Jin army united the state of Lu, the state of Qi, the state of Song, the state of Wei, the state of Zheng, the state of Cao, the state of Ju, the state of Qi, the state of Teng, the state of Xue, the state of Qi, and the state of Qi to attack the state of Qin, resulting in the victory of the Jin army and the undefeated qin army. After the death of duke mourning of Jin, in view of the long war between the two countries, the state of Qin and the state of Jin were weakened, so the two countries negotiated peace, and finally in the thirtieth year of Qin Jinggong (547 BC), Qin and Jin formed an alliance.

Off-topic: Qin Jinggong's Qin Palace No. 1 Tomb is the largest ancient tomb excavated in China so far, and it openly adopts the Tianzi funeral rite

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

19. Duke ai of Qin: Ying (reigned 536 BC – 501 BC)

Achievements: Send troops to rescue Chu and defeat the Wu army

The Book of Qin refers to Qin Bigong, and the Shiji Suoyin refers to Qin Jinggong, the son of Qin Jinggong and the father of Meng Ying, the wife of King Zheng of Chuping. Since 546 BC, when the Jin and Chu states held the "Council of Soldiers", there was no large-scale war between the princely states. Until the outbreak of the "Battle of Baiju", the Wu army, led by Wu Zixu and Sun Wu, defeated the Chu army and captured the Chu capital. Later, shen Baoxu, the grand master of the State of Chu, asked the State of Qin for help, and the Duke of Qin gave him "No Clothes", sent troops to rescue Chu, defeated the Wu army, and helped King Zhao of Chu restore the country.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

20. Former Qin Huigong: Yin Ning (reigned 500 BC – 492 BC)

Achievements: Stable development of the Qin State

Yin Ning was the grandson of Duke Ai of Qin, because his father had died of illness before he ascended the throne, so after the death of Duke Ai of Qin, Yin Ning took the throne. During the ten years of the reign of Duke Ai of Qin, the State of Qin developed steadily, and no major events or large-scale wars occurred.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

21. Duke of Qin: Yingpan (reigned 491 BC – 477 BC)

Achievements: Tsukuto City Yong

The Chronicle of The Chronicle of Qin and the Chronology of the Twelve Princes were mistaken for 14 years. During the reign of Duke Mo of Qin, he built a city at Yongcheng (雍城, in present-day southern Fengxiang County, Shaanxi).

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

22. Duke Li of Qin: Yingjing (reigned 476 BC – 443 BC)

Achievements: Sent troops to attack Weicheng, Vaxi Rong Dali

The son of the Duke of Qin, he was called Qin Bo Thorn. "History of Qin Benji" is the Qin Thorn Gonggong, and "History of Justice" is the Qin Li Gonggong. During his reign, the princely states of Shu, Chu, and Yiqu paid tribute one after another, and then sent troops to build a moat along the Yellow River, and sent 20,000 troops to attack Xirong Dali (西戎大荔, in modern Dali County, Weinan, Shaanxi) and seize its royal city. In the 20th year of Li Gonggong (457 BC), Yingzhi personally led an army to attack Mianzhu, and then in the 33rd year of Li Gonggong (444 BC), he sent troops to attack Yiqu and capture his king. During his reign, another major event occurred, that is, the "three families are divided into jin".

23. Duke Of Qin: Yin Xin (reigned 442 BC – 429 BC)

Achievement: Repelled the Righteous Canal

Also known as the Duke of Qin, in 430 BC (the thirteenth year of the Duke of Qin), Yiqu launched a large-scale attack on Qin, up to the Weishui Artemisia domain, which was repulsed by the Qin army. In 429 BC, Duke Mo of Qin died, and his younger brother Gongzi Feng returned from the Jin Dynasty to succeed to the throne as Duke Huai of Qin.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

24. Duke Huai of Qin: Yingfeng (428 BC – 425 BC)

After the death of Duke Qin, Shu Chang welcomed him back from the Jin Dynasty. At that time, the state administration was manipulated by the old nobles, and Qin Huaigong had no real power and no political achievements. In the fourth year of The Duke of Qin Huai (425 BC), Qin Shu and other nobles forced Qin Huaigong to commit suicide. Due to the early death of Crown Prince Qin Zhaozi, the next year the chancellor Li Huaigong's grandson was made the Prince of Qin Ling.

25. Duke Ling of Qin: Yin Su (reigned 425 BC – 415 BC)

Main event: Fighting against Wei at Shaoliang

Also known as Qin Su Linggong, unknown name, a name Su. During his reign, the Jin state of Wei built a city at Shaoliang (少梁, southwest of present-day Hancheng, Shaanxi Province), and the State of Qin sent troops to attack, and the two armies fought in Shaoliang for two years. In the eighth year of the Duke of Qin (417 BC), the Wei army defeated the Qin army and again built a foothold in Shaoliang. The Qin army built fortifications along the Yellow River to prevent the Wei army from advancing westward. In the tenth year of the Reign of Qin Linggong (415 BC), he sent troops to repair Fanpang (southeast of present-day Hancheng, Shaanxi Province) and built a city in Jigu (present-day north of Hancheng, Shaanxi).

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

27. Duke Jian of Qin: Eun Seol (reigned 415 BC – 400 BC)

Achievements: Reforms were introduced, allowing officials and people to carry swords and recognizing the legitimacy of "private land"

Also known as "Mourning Son", some people suspect that he is the Prince of Mourning of the Qin State and has not become a monarch at all. It is generally believed that he is the son of Duke Huanfeng of Qin Huai, the younger brother of Qin Zhaozi, and the uncle of Duke Ling of Qin. Qin Jiangong had certain political and economic reforms, he allowed officials and ordinary people to carry swords, breaking the privilege that only nobles could carry swords; the implementation of the policy of collecting taxes according to the number of acres of land was to recognize the legitimacy of "private land" and indicate that the Qin state began to transform into a feudal system. At the same time, in the face of the attack of the powerful neighbor Wei State, in order to ensure domestic reform, Qin Jian organized the military and civilians to build the Great Wall in the east.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

28. Later Qin Huigong: Yin Ren (reigned 399 BC – 387 BC)

Main events: The loss of the land of Hexi and the capture of the Shu state of Southern Zheng

In order to distinguish it from the Duke Hui of Qin in the Spring and Autumn Period, he is generally referred to as the Duke Hui of Qin, the son of Duke Jian of Qin. During the Qin Huigong period, the "four generations of chaotic government" in the Qin state entered the end. In the eleventh year of Qin Huigong (389 BC), Qin Huigong led an army of 500,000 to attack Hexi, intending to retake the land of Hexi from the State of Wei, and as a result, Yu Yin and Jin were defeated by the Wei general Wu Qi, after which the State of Wei built a fortress in Hexi to suppress the State of Qin, and until Wu Qi left the State of Wei, the State of Qin never had the opportunity to retake the land of Hexi. In the thirteenth year of Qin Huigong (387 BC), Qin launched an attack on the Shu state and captured Southern Zheng.

29. Duke of Qin: Yin Chang (reigned 386 BC – 385 BC)

Qin Chugong, also known as Qin Shao Lord, "Shi Ben" as Qin Shao Lord, "Lü Shi Chunqiu" as Qin Xiao Lord, also known as Qin Chuzi in history. In 387 BC, After the death of Duke Hui of Qin, Qin took the throne, when Fang was two years old, his mother presided over the government, reusing eunuchs and foreign relatives, and the Qunxian did not say that they were hidden, and the people were depressed. In 385 BC, Zuo Shu Changshi launched a coup d'état, killing Qin's son and his mother, and welcoming The Prince of Qin Lingsu to China.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

The State of Qin during the Reign of Duke Jian of Qin

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" >04</h1>

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > Qin Xiangong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations</h1>

From the assassination of Qin Li gong to the qin out of gong yingchang, the minister had monopoly power, the number of monarchs, the state was unstable, and the qin state was declining. It was not until Qin Xiangong took the throne that the State of Qin was officially returned to the right track, and after the appointment of the Duke of Qin Xiaogong to the Shang Martingale Transformation Law, through the two generations of King Huiwen of Qin and King Zhaoxiang of Qin, the State of Qin rose rapidly, and until Qin Shi Huang took the throne, the State of Qin finally unified the world.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

30. Duke Xian of Qin: Yin Shiyi (reigned 384-362 BC)

Achievements: Abolished the martyrdom system, recovered Hexi, and moved the capital to Liyang

Qin Xiangong, Shiben as Qin Yuanxian Gong, Yue Zhi Shu as Qin Yuan Wang, Shi Ji Suo Yin records the famous Shi Shi Yi, and Lü Shi Chunqiu records his name Lian. Qin Xiangong went into exile in the State of Wei in his early years, and after returning to the throne, he implemented reforms in the weakening State of Qin, including abolishing human martyrdom, moving the capital, expanding commercial activities, compiling household registration and promoting the county system, while encouraging the reward of the people to have children, and attracting neighboring countries and tribes to move into Qin land to cultivate land and graze cattle, treating them no different from their own people. In addition, Qin Xiangong launched several wars to regain lost land in Hexi (the area west of the southern section of the Yellow River between present-day Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces). Although the reform during the Qin Xiangong period was not thorough, it laid the foundation for the Shang martingale transformation method during the Qin Xiaogong Andualiang period.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

31. Duke Xiao of Qin: Yingqu Liang (reigned 361 BC – 338 BC)

Achievements: Enabling the Martingale, Changing the Law and Strengthening, and Moving the Capital to Xianyang

The Book of Yue Jie is written as King Ping, and the Shi Ji Suo Yin records the famous Qu Liang. During the reign of Duke Xiao of Qin, he reused the Shang martingale to implement the change of law, rewarded farming, and moved the capital to Xianyang (present-day northeast of Xianyang, Shaanxi), established a county administration, opened up the mo, and continuously improved agricultural production while strengthening the centralization of power. Externally, Qin made peace with Chu, made a pact with Han, and attacked the Wei capital anyi (present-day northwest of Xia County, Shanxi) with Qi and Zhao, expanding the territory to the east of Luoshui, and since then the national strength has become stronger and stronger, laying the foundation for Qin's unification.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

32. King Huiwen of Qin: Yingsi (reigned 338 BC – 311 BC)

Achievements: Changed the title of king, attacked Wei in the east, destroyed Shu and defeated Chu, and cut down the Yiqu

He ascended the throne at the age of nineteen, and with many grievances in the clan, the clan destroyed the martingale and did not abolish its law. In the forty-fourth year of The Zhou Dynasty (325 BC), he proclaimed himself the King of Qin and became the first king of the Qin State. During his reign, Wen had Zhang Yilian across the Six Kingdoms, Wu had Gongsun Yan and Sima Cuo, Northern Expedition Yiqu, Xiping Bashu, East Out of Hangu, and South To Shangyu, laying a solid foundation for Qin to unify China.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

33. King Wu of Qin: Yingdang (reigned 311 BC – 307 BC)

Achievements: Ping Shu chaos, set up Cheng Xiang, Ba Yiyang, set sanchuan

Tall and strong, Kong Wu is belligerent. Politically, he set up a chancellor, expelled Zhang Yi, allied with the State of Wei, and even made a pact of Chu. Militarily, it attacked Yiyang, set up Sanchuan, and quelled the Shu rebellion. Economically, we revised the feudal territory, repaired the law of the fields, dredged the river channel, and built embankments and bridges. King Wu of Qin liked to compete in martial arts, and appointed Hercules Ren Yi, Wu Yue, Meng Shuo and others as high-ranking officials. In the fourth year of King Wu of Qin (307 BC), King Wu of Qin entered Luoyang and expelled King Zhao of Zhou from the palace, and later competed with Meng to raise the "Long Wen Chi Ding", which resulted in Da Ding disengaged, smashed his shin bone, and died of exhaustion, at the age of 23.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

34. King Zhaoxiang of Qin: Eun Ji (reigned 306–251 BC)

Achievements: Defeated three Jin Dynasties in a row, the Five Kingdoms conquered Qi, captured the Chu capital, destroyed the Western Zhou Kingdom, and laid the foundation for unification

Also known as King Qin Zhao, he reigned for the longest time in Chinese history, reigning for fifty-six years, during which the famous battles such as the Battle of Yique, the Five Kingdoms of Faqi, the Battle of Yanying, the Battle of Huayang and the Battle of Changping took place. During the reign of King Qin Zhao, he reused Bai Qi as a general, defeated the Three Jin Dynasties, attacked the capital of Chu, defeated the State of Qi, captured hedong And nanyang commandery of the State of Wei, Qianzhong County and Yingdu of the State of Chu, launched the Battle of Changping, defeated the Zhao army, captured the Principality of Western Zhou, captured the King of Zhou and the King of Western Zhou, and moved Jiuding to Xianyang, ending the eight-hundred-year rule of the Zhou Dynasty. After that, the Six Kingdoms of Shandong could no longer resist the Qin State, laying the foundation for the Qin State to unify the world.

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

35. King Xiaowen of Qin: Yingzhu (reigned 251 BC – 250 BC)

Achievements: Amnesty for sinners, kindness to the heroes of the previous kings

Also known as Shi, also known as An Guojun, the second son of King Zhaoxiang of Qin. In the fifty-sixth year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin (251 BC), King Zhaoxiang of Qin died, and the crown prince Yingzhu took the throne, known in history as "King Xiaowen of Qin". In October of the first year of The Reign of Qin Xiaowen (250 BC), King Xiaowen of Qin completed his mourning period and officially ascended the throne, and three days later he died during the funeral of his father, King Zhaoxiang of Qin, and was buried in Shouling (northeast of present-day Lintong District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province).

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

36. King Xiang of Qinzhuang: Yin Yiren (reigned 250 BC – 247 BC)

Achievements: Destroying the Eastern Zhou Kingdom

Also known as King Zhuang of Qin, his real name was Yiren, and later changed his name to Chu, the son of King Xiaowen of Qin and the father of Qin Shi Huang. Yiren was a hostage in the Zhao state of Handan in his early years, and later became the monarch of the Qin state with the help of Lü Buwei. During his reign, Lü Buwei led an army to attack the Eastern Zhou state, eradicating the remnants of the Zhou Dynasty's royal family, and then continued to encroach on the Three Jins and occupy large areas of land. King Zhuang Xiang died of illness in May 247, three years ago, at the age of Chinese New Year's Eve five.

After The Empress Dowager Xiang of Qinzhuang, Qin Shi Huang took the throne, quelled the rebellion of Marquis Changxin, removed the chancellor Lü Buwei, concentrated great power on himself, and then attacked the Six Kingdoms of Shandong to the east, finally unified the world, established the first centralized unified multi-ethnic state in Chinese history, and was also the first monarch in Chinese history to use the title of "emperor".

It is said that Qin Shi Huang was "Yu Lie of the Sixth Dynasty", in fact, the thirty-sixth generation of Qin Jun almost did not faint Jun 01.The initial stage of Qin Feizi to Qin Xianggong: a total of six generations 02.The entrepreneurial stage of Qin Wengong to Qin Mugong: a total of eight generations 03.Shouye stage Qin Kanggong to Qin Outgong: a total of fifteen generations 04.The rise stage of Qin Xianggong to Qin Shi Huang: a total of seven generations

The State of Qin before the beginning of the Unification War

In summary, the Qin state lasted for more than 600 years and thirty-six generations of ancestors, and finally made the Qin state grow from a small vassal state of less than fifty miles in the western border to a powerful country that unified the world, although it also experienced setbacks during this period, compared with the Six Kingdoms of Shandong and later dynasties, there were very few faint lords, which was simply a miracle.

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