
The First Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (65)

author:Dongyue pine

Xirong was the local armed anti-royal family of King Wen of Zhou

"Rong", oracle bone inscription, in the golden inscription, is the shape of a human holding and a shield, or a combination of human Cheng Ge and a shield, which is used to express the meaning of weapons, military brigades, chariots, etc.; As a clan name, it refers to people who are good at fighting bravely and skillfully using the shield. In the ancient documents of the mainland, the prehistoric tribes in the east are generally called "Yi", and the prehistoric tribes in the west are called "Rong", so they are called "Dongyi" and "Xirong". It is generally believed that "Xirong" refers to a collective term for some animal husbandry and nomadic tribes of the same or similar ethnic origin that originated from the western part of Shaanxi Province to the Gansu and Qinghai regions. "In "Poetry", the transformation of King Wen is the domain of Jianghan; Qin Feng sings the same song, so there is a summer sound. Chang Xuan said in "Huayang National Chronicles: Shu Zhi": "Shu is the country, caused by the emperor (Fuxi), and is confined with Ba (Fang Forty Li). To the Yellow Emperor, his son Changyi married the daughter of the Shushan clan and gave birth to a son, Gao Yang, who was the emperor; Seal its branch in Shu, the world is Hou Bo. Lixia, Shang, Zhou, King Wu cut down, Shu and Yan. Its land is bordered by Ba (Bashan) in the east, Yue in the south, Qin in the north, and Dyan in the west. The place is called Tianfu, and it was originally called Huayang. Therefore, its elves are shining brightly, and Jiang Han obeys the stream. ”

According to the "Historical Records of the Qin Dynasty" and other records, the ancestors of the Qin people called their place of residence "West". "Shangshu Yaodian" records: "Divide the life and Zhong, the west of the house, and the valley." "Zhaixi" means to live in the "west" place. For example, there is a place name of "west" in the inscription of Qin Zhuang Gong's "Bu Qi Gui". The Qin Dynasty set up "West County" here, which was also taken from "West",

The "West" recorded in the "Historical Records of Zhou Benji" and "Historical Records of Qin Benji" does not refer to the West, but to the West County and the West. The west refers to the north of Longnan City, Tianshui and part of Longxi. Dayu was born in Xiqiang, and Qiangshui is Jiangshui, ginger water, and Bailongjiang. In ancient times, Diqiang was a place name, not a clan name. "Bamboo Book Chronicle": "Nineteen years into the soup, Qiang guests. "Again" Wuding thirty-four years, Wang Ke ghost Fang, Diqiang guests. "Again" is the time (Yin), and the east of the land is not the river, Huang, the west is not Di, Qiang (in ancient times is the name of the place), the south is not Jingman, the north is not Shuofang. This shows that the boundaries of the Shang Dynasty were no more than Di and Qiang in the west. Qiangshui and Qiangdi are one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. King Wen of Zhou, the founding king of the Zhou Dynasty, was Shang Xibo.

"Historical Records: Qin Benji" records: Zhuang Gong lived in his hometown West Dog Hill and gave birth to three sons, his eldest male father. The father said: "Rong killed my eldest father Zhong, and I didn't dare to enter the city unless I killed King Rong." Then he will attack Rong and let his brother Xianggong. Xianggong is the crown prince. Zhuang Gong forty-four years later, died, the crown prince Xianggong was established. In the first year of the Xiang Dynasty, his female brother Miao Ying was the wife of King Feng. In the second year of Xianggong, Rong surrounded the dog hill, and the father hit it and was captured by the Rong people. After the years, he returned to his father. In the spring of the seventh year, King You of Zhou used the concubine to abolish the prince, and the prince was suitable for the prince, and the princes rebelled. Xirong Dog Rong and Shenhou Vazhou, killed Youwang Li Mountain. And Qin Xianggong's generals rescued Zhou, and the battle was very powerful and meritorious. Zhou avoided the dogs, migrated eastward, and Xianggong sent King Zhou Ping with soldiers. King Ping made Xianggong a prince and gave the land west of Qi. He said: "Rong has no way, invade the land of Qi and Feng, and Qin can attack Rong, that is, there is a land." "With the oath, knighted. Xiang Gong was the first country, and the princes were hired as gifts, and they used three horses, oxen, and sheep, and worshiped God in the west. In the twelfth year, he died in Qi. Sheng Wengong.

Xirong dog Rong, Jiang Rong and Shenhou Vazhou. It was a struggle for armed rights within the rulers of the Zhou Dynasty. Not a foreign invasion.

The reasons for Xirong Dog Rong and Shenhou to fight Zhou: First, King Zhou You used his wife to abolish the prince. The queen of King Zhou You is the daughter of Shenhou, who is the father-in-law of Inuqiu Da Luo's son-in-law, and King Zhou You is the brother-in-law of Inuqiu Da Luo's son-in-law. Can Xijon Dog Rong and Shenhou agree? The second is to be suitable for the son. In the third year (779 BC), the king of Youwang favored Bao Xi (sì, like). Bao Xisheng's son is called Bofu, and King You wants to abolish the prince. The crown prince's mother was the daughter of Shenhou and the queen of King You. Later, King You got Bao Xi and was very favored, so he wanted to abolish Empress Shen and abolish the prince Yijiu together, so that Bao Xi could be the queen and Bofu would be the prince. Zhou Taishi Boyang read the historical classics and said with emotion: "The Zhou Dynasty is about to fall." "The third is to bully the princes, and the princes rebel against them. Qin Zhongli was established for three years, King Zhou Li had no way, and the princes rebelled; Xirong is against the royal family and exterminates the clan of Dog Hill and Daluo; Xirong was against the royal family, and King Zhou Xuan, the clan of Dog Hill Daluo, ascended the throne, and Qin Zhong was the doctor, punishing Xirong; Zhao Gong and Zhou Gong were auxiliary to each other in managing the government and were known as the "Republic" (841 BC). In the fourteenth year of the Republic (828 BC), King Li died in the land of Yu; After a battle in Qianmu, King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong.

From the above, it can be seen that Xijon does not represent the foreign races in the west

Xirong dog Rong Jiang Rong was an armed group that opposed the royal family on behalf of different regions of the Western Zhou Dynasty. West stands for specific places.

According to the "Historical Records of the Qin Dynasty" and other records, the ancestors of the Qin people called their place of residence "West". In Xu Shen's "Shuowen Jie Zi" in the Eastern Han Dynasty, "west", the pictogram means "the bird is on the nest". The Qin people were originally a bird tribe, and took the bird as a totem, "the bird is on the nest", which means the place where the bird tribe lives. At the same time, there is another layer of significance, "Shangshu Yu Gong" recorded the historical facts of "Hezhong Mansion West", that is, there was a clan called "Hezhong Clan" during the period of Emperor Yao, who was good at astronomical observation technology, and was sent to the west by Emperor Yao to conduct long-term astronomical observations, and the place where they lived was called "West", that is, the later "West Dog Hill" and "West Fall", specifically the West Han River Valley in the north of Xihe County and Li County today. The "Hezhong clan" is one of the ancestors of the Western Zodiac Qin people. Later ancestors of the Qin people have always called their ancestral land "West". There are their temples, cemeteries, and capitals. Therefore, in the second year after Qin Shi Huang unified the world, he first came to the land of the ancestors of Longyou Xitui, the purpose was to worship the ancestors, and then, the Qin Dynasty set up "Xixian" in this ancestral land to govern. The land of "West County" is also known as "West Dog Hill" and "West Fall". It is to trace these histories that the Southern Song Dynasty court added the word "west" in front of the "Hezhou" changed by Minzhou, which was called "Xihezhou", which was distinguished from "Hezhou" in Huaixi. This is where the name "Xihe" comes from. The relationship between "Xi", "Xixian" and "Xitui", "Dog Hill", "West Dog Hill" and other names

In the historical books, there are many names for the name of the hometown of the Qin State in the west of Longyou. For example, Xichui, Dog Hill, West Dog Hill, West, West County, etc. Also in the "Historical Records of Qin Benji", it is also inconsistent, sometimes it is called "Xitui", sometimes it is called "Dog Hill", sometimes it is called "West Dog Hill", and some places are also called "West", and the temple set up by Qin Xianggong in Xitui is called "Xiqiu". What is the reason for this? After analyzing the historical data, the author believes that the original name of this place in Xitui is "West". For example, there is a place name of "west" in the inscription of Qin Zhuang Gong's "Bu Qi Gui". The Qin Dynasty set up "Xixian" here, which is also taken from "west", not called "dog hill" or "west chui". According to the "Historical Records of Qin Shi Huang Benji", when Qin II, the ministers reported to the II: "The temple of the first king is either in Xiyong or in Xianyang. The "Xiyong" here, that is, the two places of "West" and "Yong", the West, that is, the "Xituo Hometown", Yong, that is, Yongdu. However, in the Han Dynasty, Sima Qian, Ban Gu and others called the land of Xixian "Xichui" or "Dog Hill, West Dog Hill" in the history books, and did not directly call it "West". What is the reason for this? The author deduces that "Xi" and "Xixian" are the geographical names of the Qin people themselves, and "Dog Hill", "West Dog Hill" and "Xi Chui" are the names of other ethnic groups for "Xi" land. From the above examples, it can be seen that from the time of Zhuang Gong to the second emperor, the Qin people always called their ancestral land of Xitui "Xi" and "Xixian", not "Dog Hill" and "Xitui". However, other ethnic groups called the "west" land "Xitui", not only Sima Qian and Ban Gu in the Han Dynasty, but also as early as the time of King Xiao of the Western Zhou Dynasty. "Historical Records of Qin Benji" recorded that the non-son raised horses meritorious, and the king of filial piety wanted to be rewarded, and the king of Shenguo, who was adjacent to the Daluo tribe of Inuqiu, "Shenhou" and the king of filial piety directly said in the conversation with "Bao Xitui, Xitui is therefore harmonious". Therefore, it is certain that "Xi" and "Xixian" are the names of the Qin people themselves for the ancestral land of Xitui, and "Dog Hill", "West Dog Hill" and "Xitui" are the names of other tribes for this place.

As the hometown of the Qin people and the former capital of the Qin State, the history of the Qin people's activities here can be traced back to the "west of the Hezhong Mansion". From the reliable account of the Yin Shang period, "Zhongwei" and "Baoxi Chui", to the unification of the world by Qin Shi Huang, at least 800 years, basically including the late Yin Shang period and the entire Zhou Dynasty (Western Zhou to Eastern Zhou). In the early Western Zhou Dynasty (including the late Yin Shang period), although the ancestors of the Qin people were not named after the "Qin State", there was already a country of tribes surnamed Ying. In the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Feizi was named "Qin", and before Qin Wen moved the capital, it was a veritable capital of "Qin". After Duke Wen, although it was not the capital, it was still the place of the old capital, the cemetery and the temple. Mr. Liu Rui said in the article "Qin Xin Palace Examination" that Qin Xidu "until the time of Qin Shi Huang, his position was still important, and the reason was related to the temple and tomb of the first king." (According to the "Historical Records of Qin Shi Huang Benji", until the second century, there were still ancestral temples in the former place of the Western Capital (Xitui), and their status was still important.) About the geographical location of the "Western Capital". Mr. Zhu Zhongxi said: "Xitui is also known as Inuqiu, that is, the 'west' of the house of the Hezhong clan who shouldered the mission of 'Yin Na Day' in the Yao and Shun eras. Its location, scholars from the Han Jin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty unanimously believe that it is the West County of Longxi County in the Han Dynasty. "Historical Records: The Five Emperors' Collected Explanations" Xu Guang said: "I thought that the West County of the West of the Water is also today." "The case: Zheng Xuan said: "The west, the west of Longxi, is called the mountain today." According to the record of "Water Jing Note", the "Ancient City of Xixian County" is in the territory of Honghe Township, Jinli County. "Jin Shu Tunnel" also recorded: "Tianshui Shichang County, so the west city also." The "Notes on the Book of Water" also states that the location of "Shichang Gorge" and "Shichang City" is not in today's Honghe Township, but between today's Changdao Town and Yanguan Town. After a lot of research, Mr. Zhu Zhongxi said, "The western county town should be between Xihe Gorge and Qishan, and it will never be in the northwest as mentioned in the "Notes on the Water Classic" to Yanglian River, that is, near the Red River in present-day Li County. He believes that Yongxing Township in Jinli County was called "Dianzishang" in ancient times, and it was the location of "Tianjia County" in ancient times, that is, the location of the western county seat in the Qin and Han dynasties. Professor Zhao Kuifu's article "A Brief Discussion on the Existence of the "Empty City Plan" and the Hope of the West City" believes that the "West County Town" of the Qin and Han dynasties to the Three Kingdoms is in the present-day Changdao Town. Mr. Zhang Xiren's article "On the Long Road and the "Empty City Plan" Xicheng" also believes that the location of Xixian (Xicheng) is in today's Changdao Town. The above views are not contradictory, because Yongxing Township of Li County and Changdao Town of Xihe County are connected as a whole, belonging to two counties and two towns, but they are actually one place.

According to Mr. Zhu Zhongxi's point of view, the time when the ancestors of the Qin people lived in the west of Longyou (Xitui) should also be traced back to the "west of Hezhong House". "Shangshu Yaodian" records: "Divide the life and Zhong, the west of the house, and the valley." "Zhaixi" means to live in the "west" place. By the beginning of summer, the Qin tribes were widely distributed, "either in China or in Yidi". Yidi, including the "Western Capital" area. During the Shang Dynasty, the ancestor of the Qin people, the Zhongwei tribe, was "in Xirong, Baoxitui". By the time of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Da Luo and Feizi lived in the dog hill. From this point of view, the ancestors of the Qin people lived in the western Longyou region for a very long time. "Notes on the Book of Water" records: Yang Lianchuan water, a tributary of the Western Han Dynasty, flows southeast and passes through the north of the ancient city of Xixian County. Qin Zhuang Gong cut down Xirong and broke it. King Xuan of Zhou and his ancestors are the land of Luo Daqiu, which is the doctor of the west and the palace of the west. The reason why the former place of the Western Capital is called "West" is a reflection of the totem of the Qin people's birds. "West", from the literal analysis of the glyph, refers to the place where the Qin people lived. Xu Shen of the Eastern Han Dynasty said in "Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "In the west, the bird is also on the nest." "The small seal is in the shape of: , much like a bird perched on a nest. This is the original meaning of "west". As a place name, it means "a place where birds roost." "West Dog Hill and West Hang, how is it a place where birds roost? Because, the Qin nation is a bird nation and a bird nation. It means that this is the place where the Qin people of the bird tribe live. Mr. Zhu Zhongxi believes that the Qin people are a tribe of yang birds and worship birds or the sun. "West" or "West Mountain" is the place where the sun sets, so the word "West" in later generations evolved into "West" of "East, West, North and South". There is also information that "Xishan" is also called "Duishan" or "Kuanyun Mountain", which is the place where the sun sets. Because the Qin people worship the yang bird (sun), they like to use "yang" in their place names, such as Pingyang, oak yang, Xianyang, and there is a place name called "yang". In ancient times, the inhabitants of Guanzhong and the Central Plains felt very mysterious about the sun's setting in the west, so they gave rise to myths such as "Kuafu chasing the sun". According to historical records, the places where the sun sets are "West", "West Mountain", "Dui Mountain", and "Kuanrong Mountain". "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" also says: "The mountain of Changyang is entered by the sun and the moon." According to the research of Professor Zhao Kuifu and his father and son, Mr. Xian, Changyang Mountain, that is, Qiuchi Mountain, where Xingtian was buried, is in the south of Xihe County, Longnan City, adjacent to Xidu (Xitui), the hometown of the Qin people. West Dog Hill, West Fall, later as the capital of the Qin State, the Qin people themselves called "West". The tribe surnamed Ying who lived in the "Western Capital" of the Qin State was the authentic clan of the Qin people, and the other tribes with the surname Ying could only be regarded as collateral relatives. The Qin people lived in Longyou Xitui (Western Capital) for a long time, and moreover, the technology and culture were also developed. Musical instruments such as chimes and chariots and horses unearthed from Dabaozi Mountain in Lixian County are very exquisite. The first four poems of "The Book of Songs: Qin Feng", according to the interpretation of "Mao's Preface", are the works of Xitui Qindi, and they are also the earliest literary works in Tianshui and Longnan in Longyou.

Due to the long period of time, historical materials have an account of Qin's history in the Western Capital, but there are no architectural relics to be found in the actual place, which can only be confirmed through underground cultural relics. The "Historical Records" record is clearer that Xianggong and Wengong were buried in Xitui, and the "Historical Records" also recorded that Wengong "buried Xishan", "Ning (Xian) Gong buried Xishan", "Xian (Ning) Gong lived in Xixinyi, died, and was buried. In the above record, Xianggong was buried in the west, without ambiguity; Duke Wen was buried in both Xitui and Xishan, which shows that "Xishan" is the "Xishan" of the place of "Xitui"; Ning (Xian) Gong lived in "Xixinyi", and buried both "Xishan" and "Ya", indicating that "Ya" and "Xishan" are the same place, and the "Xixinyi" where he lives is also in the hometown of Xidu. The mausoleums of Da Luo, Feizi, Qin Zhong and Zhuang Gong are not clearly described, but they will not go beyond the land of the Western Capital. According to the above situation, there is more than one city in the land of the Western Capital, there are Dog Hill, West Dog Hill, West, Xitui Palace and West Xinyi, etc., and the Qin cemetery is not limited to one. The name of the cemetery, according to the above-mentioned "Historical Records", also has several names, such as, "Xishan", "Xitui", "Ya", "Xiling" and so on. Whether they are different names for one place, or the names of several different places, needs to be further studied. According to the record of Li Daoyuan's "Notes on the Book of Water", the Qin State was all in the area of the Red River and the Salt Palace in the upper reaches of the Western Han Dynasty, but in recent years, the Qin cemetery has been found in the area of Dabaozi Mountain in the upper reaches of the Western Han Dynasty, and the cemetery of Dabaozi Mountain is also widespread, including Dabaozi Mountain, Dome Mountain, Zhaoping, Jiedi, Changdao and many other places, all of which have been unearthed. In addition, judging from the naming of mountain names such as Lingzun Mountain, Qi Mountain, Dui Mountain (West Mountain) and Kui Rong Mountain, the Qin cemetery will not be limited to one place, and may be distributed in a large area in the upper reaches of the Western Han Dynasty, and the Qin cemetery of Dabaozi Mountain is only one of them. "Mound", according to the literal meaning, is also a mausoleum.

As for the Zongmiao of the Qin State in the Western Capital area, there are records of it, only "Xiqi", which is the only Zongmiao in the Western Capital that can be seen in the historical books. "Historical Records: Qin Benji" records: "King Ping made Xianggong a prince,...... Xiang Gong is the first country, and the princes are hired to enjoy the gift, which is to use three horses, oxen, and sheep, and worship God in the west." "Historical Records: The First Emperor's Benji" also contains: "Xianggong, enjoy the country for 12 years, at the beginning of the West. "Historical Records: Feng Zen Book" also contains: "Qin Xianggong attacked Rong to save Zhou, and was listed as a prince. Qin Xianggong is both a marquis, living in the west, thinking that he is the god of the main young people, as the west and the white emperor. "Bangu's "Hanshu Suburban Ritual Chronicles": "Qin Xianggong attacked Rong to save Zhou, listed as a prince, and lived in the west, thinking that he was the god of the main Shaohao, and was the emperor of the West and the White Emperor. From these records, it can be inferred that Xiqi must be a large-scale sacrificial place in the land of the western capital of Qin, and the scale is not too small. In addition, the "Historical Records and Feng Zen Book" contains: "There are also dozens of shrines in the west. Sima Qian's "Suoyin" in the Tang Dynasty said: "The west is the west county of Longxi, the old capital of Qin, so there is an ancestral hall." From this, it can be seen that Qin had more than one sacrificial place in the Western Capital (Xitui). In recent years, five joint archaeological teams have discovered ancient large-scale sacrificial sites in Luanting Mountain, the county seat of Jinli County; There are also sites of worshipping heaven in Tiantai Mountain in the Red River Basin of Lixian County, are there any other places? To be archaeological and studied.

Danchang County, Longnan City, is the source of Qiangshui (Jiangshui, Danchang River, Minjiang River, Qianjiang River, Qiangshui (Jiangshui), Bailongjiang). The source is in the ditch of Awu Town, Danchang County, the Qiang people and the sect god of the Qiang people are Dayu, and Dayu's pseudonym is Yu Zhu. Dayu controls the water Minshan guide the river, Minshan is Minshan Mountain, strong (ginger) Taishan, Xiling, Shu Mountain, Bashan, Yushan, Maoyu Mountain, Chongshan. Dayu's father is called Kun, Kun is not effective in water control, was killed by Shun in Yushan (Tangchang Mao Yu Mountain), the body of Kun died for three years without decay, and Dayu was cut out of the abdomen Dayu, Dayu controlled the water, stone drums, turned into stones, turned into bears (bears less than one foot for energy), turned into a mole. Dayu was born in Xiqiang Shinew, the Qin Dynasty set up Longxi Qiang Road in Xiqiang in Nanhe Township, Danchang County, Tang is the meaning of Shinew. Kunyuan is the sect god of the Jiang clan in the Xia tribe, living in Chongshan (that is, Minshan, that is, Maoyu Mountain), and the fief is in Chongguo, also called Chongbo. "Lü's Spring and Autumn Period" said: The emperor was born like water, and the place was empty, and he ascended to the throne. According to the record of "Historical Records of Xia Benji": "The father of Yu is called Kun, the father of Kun is called Emperor Zhuan, the father of Zhuan is called Changyi, and the father of Changyi is called the Yellow Emperor." According to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas, the Book of the Sea", it is recorded: "The Yellow Emperor gave birth to Luo Ming, Luo Ming gave birth to a white horse, and the white horse is for the Kun (white horse is the white horse Diqiang)." "At the end of the Warring States Period, in the twenty-seventh year of King Qin Zhao (280 BC), Qin sent troops from Longxi to destroy Xiqiang and set Longxi County. In the twenty-eighth year (279 years ago), after the Longxi County, there was a Qiang Road. Longxi County (Zhimin County Didao) Qiang Road, the place of governance is in Lugu Village, Nanhe Town, Danchang County.

According to the "Fang and Minutes" [Duyi Examination] in the ninth year of Zhao, King Jing made Zhan Huan resign from Jin and said: I have been in Ji since Xia, and Wei and Xiao are Tai. Hou Ji Shi Feng, Rui, Qi, Bi, I West Tu also. and Wuwang Keshang, Pugu, Shang, and Xiang.

According to the record of "Historical Records of Yin Benji": into a soup, from the deed to the soup eight moves. Tang Shi Ju Bo, the first king's residence, as "The Emperor". It means to say: the first king: refers to the ancestor of Yin, Emperor Yu. Emperor Yu once set his capital in Bo, and then migrated and returned to Bo when he became a soup. The "Pedigree" in the "Historical Records: Three Generations of the World Table" records: "When the first cause of Shu was born in the human emperor, the Yellow Emperor and Zi Changyi married the daughter of the Shushan clan, gave birth to the emperor, and established. Seal its branch in Shu Li, Liyu, Xia, Shang. Zhou declined, first called the king of silkworms. "The king of Shu opened the silkworm from the rule in Qu (read di) pile, Qu pile is Qiu Chi Mountain. At the foot of Qiuchi Mountain is Luoyu. In Longxi West County

Xibochang is the king of Zhou Wen, the west of Xibo is not the direction, but the place, referring to the west of Longxi County, near Dabao Mountain in the west of the Qin Mausoleum Palace. Prisoner Xibo Jinli, Jinli is in Wen County, also called Tianjiao Mountain, the Tang Dynasty built a Confucian Temple in Wen County, set up a literary altar, and sacrificed to King Wen. Siber's dedication to the land of Losi shows that King Wen owned the land of Losi and offered Losi to the king. The land of the King is in Lotsi. The nine marquis is the enemy, the marquis of the nine places, and the birthplace of Fuxi in Qiu Chi Mountain. Ehou, now Hubei is referred to as Hubei

"The Biography of Mu Tianzi" records: Zhou Tianzi - Man, in Kunlun Mountain (in Chengxian County) Huixi Queen Mother is the mother of King Xibowen. "Annals" "In the seventeenth year of King Mu, he marched west to Kunlun Hill and saw the Queen Mother of the West. See you in the Zhao Palace"). It is to hold the white Gui Xuanbi to see the Queen Mother of the West. The Son of Heaven then drove up to Yishan (Yishan, Tizi Mountain, the day into the place also), which is the stone (inscription) and the tree of the locust that Ji traces in the Yishan Mountain. Mei said: The mountain of the Queen Mother of the West (it is said that the Queen Mother of the West lives).

"Historical Records Feng Zen Book" said: "Qin Xianggong is both a marquis, living in the west, thinking that he is the god of the main Shaohao, making the west and worshiping the White Emperor." "Because the West is the main white, the White Emperor is the emperor of the West, referring to the ancestor of the Qin people. Therefore, when Liu Bang took the world, he created the myth of beheading the white snake to confuse the public, which means that his destiny is to destroy Qin. The west is the West Dog Hill, Lixian Dabaozi Mountain. Da Luo Feizi sacrificed a horse to seal Qinyi. Fuxi was born in Qiuchi Mountain, also known as Taihao, Shaohao, also called Shaohao, surnamed Ying, Mingzhi (also made as an owl, is a kind of bird), called Jin Tianshi, Shaohao is also a tribal title, this tribe takes birds as totems, there are wind birds, Xuanwu, Qingwu, a total of twenty-four kinds. This could be a large tribe of twenty-four clans combined. It's all the White Emperor.

"In "Poetry", the transformation of King Wen is the domain of Jianghan; Qin Feng sings the same song, so there is a summer sound. ”

Chang Xuan said in "Huayang National Chronicles: Shu Chronicles": "Shu is a country, caused by the emperor (Fuxi), and is confined with Ba (Fang Forty Miles is confined). To the Yellow Emperor, his son Changyi married the daughter of the Shushan clan and gave birth to a son, Gao Yang, who was the emperor; Seal its branch in Shu, the world is Hou Bo. Lixia, Shang, Zhou, King Wu cut down, Shu and Yan. Its land is bordered by Ba (Bashan) in the east, Yue in the south, Qin in the north, and Dyan in the west. The place is called Tianfu, and it was originally called Huayang. Therefore, its elves are shining brightly, and Jiang Han obeys the stream. ”

Zhou, Ying, and Shen are all in the west. And they marry each other.

Xirong is against the royal family and exterminates the clan of Dog Hill and Daluo. Xijon was not an invasion of the Zhou Dynasty, but an anti-royal family of Xirong. It shows that Xirong was a dependency of the Zhou Dynasty. Xijon was against the royal family, not the Zhou dynasty.

King Li fled to 彘 (zhì, zhi). He opened the second auxiliary of Zhao Gong and Zhou Gong to manage the government together, known as the "Republic" (841 BC). In the fourteenth year of the Republic (828 BC), King Li died in the land of Yu. Prince Jing is already calling the father-in-law's family to grow up, and the two auxiliary ministers will support him as the king together, this is King Xuan. After King Xuan ascended the throne, he was assisted by the two ministers, repaired the political affairs, and learned the legacy of King Fawen, King Wu, King Cheng, and King Kang, and the princes all respected the Zhou royal family.

Xirong is against the royal family and exterminates the clan of Dog Hill and Daluo. Indicate that Sijon is close to the royal family, or that the royal family is in Sijon. Xirong is against the royal family and exterminates the clan of Dog Hill and Daluo. One is Inuhill in the royal family. Dog Hill is historically recorded as the capital of Zhou. East Dog Hill is in Huaili County, Shaanxi, and will be called Waste Hill County in the future. The other is that the clan of Inuqiu Daluo is close to the Zhou royal family. Either it is the clan of Inuqiu Daluo and "After the death of King Yi, his son Li Wang Hu succeeded to the throne." King Li has been on the throne for 30 years, greedy for money and profit, and close to Rong Yigong. "Related.

Xirong is against the royal family and exterminates the clan of Dog Hill and Daluo. King Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne, and Qin Zhong was the doctor, and Xirong was punished. Xirong kills Qin Zhong. Qin Zhongli was twenty-three years old and died in Rong. There are five sons, and their elders are called Zhuang Gong. King Xuan of Zhou summoned five disciples of Zhuang Gong Kundi, and 7,000 soldiers, to make Xirong and break it. So after reverting to Qin Zhong, he and his first big Luodi dog mound were also there, and they were doctors in the west.

The clan of the Dog Hill Da Luo refers to the family of the Dog Hill Da Luo. The daughter of Shenhou is the wife of Da Luo, and it is suitable to give birth to a child

And the clan of Inuqiu Daluo. The people of Inuqiu said that King Xiao of Zhou, King Xiao summoned the main horse between Wangwei. The Qin of Yi made the resumption of the Ying family's ritual, called Qin Ying. The family is safe and sound. King Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne, and Qin Zhong was the doctor, and Xirong was punished. Xirong kills Qin Zhong. Qin Zhongli was twenty-three years old and died in Rong. There are five sons, and their elders are called Zhuang Gong. King Xuan of Zhou summoned five disciples of Zhuang Gong Kundi, and 7,000 soldiers, to make Xirong and break it. So after reverting to Qin Zhong, he and his first big Luodi dog mound were also there, and they were doctors in the west.

King Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne, and Qin Zhong was the doctor, and Xirong was punished. Zhao Gong and Zhou Gong were auxiliary to each other in managing the government and were known as the "Republic" (841 BC). In the fourteenth year of the Republic (828 BC), King Li died in the land of Yu. Prince Jing is already calling the father-in-law's family to grow up, and the two auxiliary ministers will support him as the king together, this is King Xuan. Zhao Gong and Zhou Gong took Qin Zhong as the doctor and punished Xirong. Break. So after reverting to Qin Zhong, he and his first big Luodi dog mound were also there, and they were doctors in the west.

In the second year of Xianggong, Rong surrounded the dog hill, and the father hit it and was captured by the Rong people. After the years, he returned to his father.

King Xuan went to cultivate the land of Jiè (borrowing) less than 1,000 acres, which was a field for the Son of Heaven to take the lead in personally plowing to show his importance to farming. In the thirty-ninth year (789 BC), a battle was fought in Qianmu, and King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong.

King Xuan lost the troops in the southern Jiang and Huai areas, and counted the population in Taiyuan for conscription. Nakayama advised: "The population cannot be counted. King Xuan did not listen to the dissuasion, and finally counted it.

In the forty-sixth year (782 BC), King Xuan died

King Xuan had less than 1,000 acres to cultivate the Jiè (borrowed) field, which was a field for the Son of Heaven to take the lead in personally plowing to show his importance to farming. It shows that thousands of acres are the ancestral land of the Zhou people.

After a battle in Qianmu, King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong. It shows that thousands of acres are Jiang Rong's place. It should be in Sijon.

History shows that Jiang Rong is Shenhou. After a battle in Qianmu, King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong. Rong encircled the dog hill, and the father hit it and was captured by the Rong people. After the years, he returned to his father. All of this makes sense.

After a battle in Qianmu, King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong. King Xuan lost the troops in the southern Jiang and Huai areas, and counted the population in Taiyuan for conscription. It shows that Jiang Rong is Shenhou. The location of the activity is in the southern river and Huai area. The West Dog Hill is in the Bailongjiang River (river) and the West Han River.

According to the Records of the Zhou Dynasty, in the forty-sixth year (782 BC), King Xuan died, and his son Youwang Gong 湦 (shēng, born). and "Nirvana") succeeded to the throne. In the second year of Youwang (780 BC), earthquakes occurred in the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the areas of the nearby Jingshui, Weishui, and Luoshui rivers. Bo Yangfu said: "Zhou is about to perish. The yin and yang qi between heaven and earth should not be without order; If it disrupts the order, someone else makes it chaotic. The yang energy sinks down and cannot come out, and the yin energy oppresses it so that it cannot rise, so there will be earthquakes. Nowadays, there is an earthquake in the Sanchuan area because the yang energy has left its original position and is pressed down by the yin energy. If the yang energy is not above but is below the yin energy, the water source will be blocked, and if the water source is blocked, the country will perish. Only by aerating the soil and water can the people engage in production. If the land is not nourished, the people will be starved of money, and if it reaches this point, what awaits the country if it does not perish! Once upon a time, Yishui and Luoshui dried up and the Xia Dynasty perished; When the Yellow River dried up, the Shang Dynasty perished. Now the qi of Zhou is also the same as that of the last two dynasties of Shang and Zhou, and the flow of the river source is blocked again, the water source is blocked, and the river must be exhausted. The survival of a country must depend on mountains and rivers, and the collapse of mountains and the drying up of rivers are signs of the collapse of a country. When the rivers dry up, the mountains will collapse. In this way, it will not take ten years for the state to perish, because ten happens to be a cycle of numbers. What Heaven will abandon will not exceed ten years. "This year, sure enough, the three rivers dried up and Qishan collapsed.

In the third year (779 BC), the king of Youwang favored Bao Xi (sì, like). Bao Xisheng's son is called Bofu, and King You wants to abolish the prince. The crown prince's mother was the daughter of Shenhou and the queen of King You. Later, King You got Bao Xi and was very favored, so he wanted to abolish Empress Shen and abolish the prince Yijiu together, so that Bao Xi could be the queen and Bofu would be the prince. Zhou Taishi Boyang read the historical classics and said with emotion: "The Zhou Dynasty is about to fall." In the past, when the Xia Hou clan was in decline, two dragons landed in the court of Emperor Xia and said, "We are the two ancestors of the Bao Kingdom. "Emperor Xia didn't know whether to kill them, drive them away, or keep them, so he carried out divination, and the result was unlucky. He also told them to hide their saliva, and the result was auspicious. So he set up a coin and silk sacrifice, wrote a simple policy, and prayed to the two dragons, but the two dragons disappeared, leaving saliva. King Xia asked him to bring a wooden box to collect the dragon's saliva. After the fall of the Xia Dynasty, this box was transmitted to the Yin Dynasty, and after the fall of the Yin Dynasty, it was transmitted to the Zhou Dynasty. For three generations, no one has ever dared to open the box. But in the last years of King Zhou Li, he opened the box and looked at it. The dragon's saliva flowed on the temple, and it could not be swept away. King Zhou Li ordered a group of women, naked and shouting loudly at saliva. The saliva turned into a large black lizard and crawled into King Li's harem. There was a little maid in the harem, six or seven years old, who had just changed her teeth, and ran into the big lizard, and when she reached adulthood, she became pregnant, and gave birth to a child without a husband, and she was very scared, so she threw the child away. In the time of King Xuan of Zhou, the little girls sang such a nursery rhyme: "Mountain mulberry bow, Kei wooden bag, the scourge of destroying the Zhou country." When King Xuan heard this song, there was a husband and wife who happened to be selling mountain bows and quivers made of wood, and King Xuan ordered them to be captured and wanted to kill them. The couple fled to the main road, found the baby who had been thrown away by the little palace maid, and listened to her crying in the middle of the night, and took her in very pity, so they took her in. The couple continued to flee and fled to the country of Bao. Later, the people of Bao Guo offended the Zhou Dynasty, so they wanted to sacrifice the girl who was thrown away by the little palace maid to King Li in order to atone for their sins, because the girl who was thrown away was sacrificed by Bao Guo, so she was called Bao Xi. In the third year of King You of Zhou, King You went to the harem, and when he saw this woman, he loved it very much, and gave birth to his son Bofu, and finally abolished Empress Shen and the prince, so that Bao Xi became the queen, and Bofu became the prince. Tai Shi Boyang said with emotion: "The disaster has been caused, there is no way to think of it!" ”

Bao Xi doesn't like to laugh, and in order to make her laugh, Youwang used various methods, but Bao Xi still didn't laugh. King Zhou You set up beacon fires, wolf smoke and drums, and lit beacon fires when enemies came to invade. King Zhou You in order to make Bao Xi laugh, lit the beacon fire, the princes saw the beacon fire, all rushed to come, after arriving, but there was no enemy, Bao Xi saw it and laughed. The King of Darkness was very happy, so he lit the beacon fire many times. Later, the princes didn't believe it, and they gradually stopped coming.

King You of Zhou appointed 虢 (guó, country) Shifu as secretary, and he was in power in the country, and the people were angry. Shi's father is a deceitful and well-behaved person, a good man who flatters and is greedy for money, but King Zhou You reuses him. King You abolished Empress Shen and the crown prince again. Shenhou was very angry, and united with the kingdom of 缯 (zēng, increase) and the dog Rong to attack the king of You. The King of Darkness lit a beacon fire to summon the rescue troops of the princes. The princes did not send any more helpers. Shenhou killed King You at the foot of Li Mountain, captured Bao Xi, and took all Zhou's treasures before leaving. So the princes all * gathered together with the Marquis of Shen, and jointly established the former prince Yijiu of King You as the king, this is King Ping, and he will inherit the sacrifice of the Zhou Dynasty.

After King Ping ascended the throne, he moved the capital to the eastern capital of Luoyi to avoid the incursion of the dogs. During the reign of King Ping, the Zhou royal family declined, the princes were strong and weak, and the power of Qi, Chu, Qin, and Jin began to become stronger, and all political affairs had to pass through the leaders of the princes of all parties.

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