
"Let's Sing the First Gongqing" will start in 2024 to "harvest" the first wave of dividends of online music traffic

author:China Net Entertainment

As of the end of 2023, more than 500 original music have been on the list, and the music launched by "Heating" every year has been played on major music platforms such as Tencent Music, Netease Music, Douyin Music, etc., with huge influence. It is reported that in the recent release of a wave of new songs, a number of works have been perfectly integrated with domestic cultural tourism projects, which has opened a new journey for "heating" music.

"Let's Sing the First Gongqing" will start in 2024 to "harvest" the first wave of dividends of online music traffic

After the Organizing Committee of the Heating Plan and the professional music review team, a number of works were selected for the whole network in December, such as the songs "Dream Home", "Long Water Flow", "Sing the First Gongqing", "Wangpingyao" and other 15 songs will be fully released, and the songs will be planned and released by famous cultural planners, well-known domestic songwriters, singers, and creative and production processes.

The creation of urban pop music has become a phenomenal means of music promotion, using the elements of urban cultural tourism and the creation of contemporary pop style songs. Combined with history, culture, and local factors, the style of the work can be well set the tone: there are majestic and atmospheric shouts, there are also nine songs of singing, there are ancient intangible cultural heritage, there are also echoes of the present life, there are picturesque dream wonderland, there are also exquisite contemporary elegance, and there are also folk songs to tell the small mood.

"Let's Sing the First Gongqing" will start in 2024 to "harvest" the first wave of dividends of online music traffic

Today's recommended works for everyone are from the "heating" plan top judge mentor Deng Ziqiu created the new city folk song "Sing the first Gongqing", Deng Ziqiu, as the first batch of judges of the heating plan, has driven such as "Run", "Fenghua", "Little Fairy", "Yi Pad", "Buddha Said the Breeze Comes", "The Wind in the North Blows Can't Blow in the South" and other original and cooperative works, this time the key recommended song is an urban folk song "Sing the First Gongqing" This song was selected from many songs, because once this song was launched, it was unanimously praised by the industry team within three days.

At the beginning of the prelude of the song, people are brought into the lazy and free expression of American country folk songs in the nineties of the last century, and Deng Ziqiu composed the first sentence very cleverly as the most brainwashing part of the whole song, "Then sing a song to your heart's content, sing a song of Gongqing" Direct and clear, the tune is simple brainwashing, this is a very smart and advanced creative technique, in today's music market with ten seconds of memory, people's sense of hearing often remembers the melody of a song in 20 seconds, and Deng Ziqiu chose the first ten seconds to create the most brainwashing part of the whole song here, which has his own careful thinking, which can also be seen that the musicians themselves have a grasp of the direction of market music, as well as a very familiar understanding and investigation of the music appreciation level of young people nowadays.

"Let's Sing the First Gongqing" will start in 2024 to "harvest" the first wave of dividends of online music traffic

This reminds me of the first song "Run" played by hundreds of millions of people in our "Heating Project" in 2022, this song is also an original work by Mr. Deng Ziqiu, and the chorus part is still praised in the music market. "Running through mountains and seas, running through the galaxy, running through dreams, running through miracles", because the song is in line with the market, making the song one of the must-listen tracks for marathon enthusiasts across the country. And this song "Sing the First Gongqing", whether it is the main song or the chorus, "Say goodbye today, I will come back tomorrow, are you still there, my old friend, the city of Gongqing is becoming more and more beautiful now, it can be a little warm in the cold winter, and we can write our memories into the sea" Simple lyrics, the youth, dreams, nostalgia, warmth, and city silhouettes are all written into it, and the creation of the tune is a must, simple instrument matching, familiar melody, and catchy lyrics, which are bound to achieve the premise of "Sing the First Gongqing" to become a phenomenal song.

lived up to expectations, once "Sing the First Gongqing" was launched, it won 3 million views in three days, and what is even more surprising is that the real reviews of the song and the comments of music critics exceeded 1,000 amazing results, which shows that the song itself has the possibility and success of launching. We say that the promotion of cultural tourism in a city should be closely linked to the trend, and the creation of such a promising cultural work is a proof of a city's cultural heritage. Choosing to promote the city in the form of publishing and distributing songs is one of the ways that Mr. Deng Ziqiu adopts to promote the culture of his hometown. Such as "The Song of the De'an People", "The Great Beauty of Jiujiang Travel", "The Beauty of Jiangxi", a work with rich online traffic, they all have an obvious city symbol, and it happens that these city symbols can represent a kind of urban folk song style of the new city folk song, the above songs are all music works with tens of millions of plays, from a certain aspect, to promote a region to the whole country, to the world, we must choose appropriate propaganda techniques. Facts have also proved that the use of songs as an art form is closely related to the lives of the people, and can integrate the propaganda work with the spiritual life of the people, which has its unique advantages, and in terms of disseminating the cultural image of the region, it is not only low cost, but also has good results. Our "Heating Project" and "Light Wave Action" also advocate this kind of hometown-based creation of a batch of works that praise the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, which is undoubtedly the best choice for the music market.

"Let's Sing the First Gongqing" will start in 2024 to "harvest" the first wave of dividends of online music traffic

Of course, we should have the following grasp of today's popular songs and the style of songs: we also interviewed Mr. Deng Ziqiu, a judge of "making heat", and he told us that one is the integration of multi-ethnic music and art, with the national audience as the communication object, to create a musical work that combines traditional materials and modern pop elements; Delicate music melodies are the mainstay, which is the basic appreciation Xi of the Chinese people. In a word, good is the last word. Fourth, the voices of singers with unique voices and in line with the requirements of the works are appropriately selected to interpret these works, which is also in line with the laws of music communication and the technical requirements of the next development trend of contemporary pop music.

I think the future music market will be rich and colorful, and I believe that in the future, there will be more good works going out of China and going to the world through various channels.


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