
Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

author:Twilight said
Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Text: Dusk Yu said

Edit|Twilight said

"Seeing the truth in adversity, seeing people's hearts in distress"

These words exhaust the "interests" between people.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

But in fact, adversity does not necessarily mean that there will be true feelings, but the "human heart" must be seen clearly in adversity.

In the entertainment industry, some couples will break up because they encounter difficulties and are afraid of being dragged down by each other.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

There are also couples who stick to each other even if they encounter difficulties.

Shao Feng and his wife are such a couple who "see the truth in adversity".

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Sudden illness

In 1999, Shao Feng's wife, Zhao Xia, often felt unwell, and they didn't pay attention to it at first, thinking it was just overwork.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

As time passed, Zhao Xia's condition did not improve, on the contrary, it became more and more serious, and her body could barely stand.

Shao Feng began to realize the seriousness of the problem and decided to take his wife Zhao Xia to the hospital for further examination.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

When Zhao Xia arrived at the hospital, her body had already begun to become very weak, and she even needed Shao Feng's support to stand firm when she was queuing.

The doctor knew at a glance that Zhao Xia's condition was serious, and immediately took her to the treatment room.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

After a series of tests, doctors determined that Zhao Xia had a worrying immune system disease, known as "lupus erythematosus".

This serious diagnosis made Shao Feng and Zhao Xia feel heavy and shocked.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

The doctor told them that it would cost 100,000 yuan to treat the disease, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the couple, who only had a family fortune of 3,000 yuan.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

But Shao Feng immediately decided to raise money for his wife's treatment no matter what.

In order to raise 100,000 yuan, Shao Feng began to borrow money from relatives and friends, and even sold some valuable items.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

He also began to actively look for opportunities to make money and entered the entertainment industry to seek development.

During this time, Shao Feng was often busy working to make money, and at the same time, he had to take care of his wife Zhao Xia wholeheartedly, which made him physically and mentally exhausted.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

During Shao Feng's extremely hard work and fundraising, Zhao Xia looked at her husband who was physically and mentally exhausted and felt very distressed.

In order not to cause a greater burden on Shao Feng, she took the initiative to ask for a divorce from Shao Feng.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Shao Feng rejected her without hesitation, and comforted her to treat her well and not to think nonsense.

Shao Feng's encouragement and companionship made Zhao Xia strong, and she decided to fight hard for the sake of her family and treatment.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

In Shao Feng's work, he gradually showed his potential, and participated in a very popular Spring Festival Gala sketch with Guo Donglin, which made his popularity soar.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

In the following years, Shao Feng appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times and participated in many TV series.

At the same time, he also worked hard to pay off the debt he had borrowed for his wife's treatment and gave his wife and son a better life.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

With the growth of fame and career, Shao Feng's work has become more and more busy, often needing to go out to film, and at the same time, he can rarely stay at home, but as long as he has free time, he will call his wife Zhao Xia and son attentively.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

After years of treatment, Zhao Xia's condition was effectively controlled and she lived a relatively stable life.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Shao Feng is actually already a very good man, and for the current young couples, a little bit of the wind and grass, a large part of them are unwilling to be responsible.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

This is a real man, and similarly, Shao Feng's character is inseparable from the education of his parents since childhood.

From cooks to performing artists

Shao Feng was born in an ordinary family in Jinan, Shandong Province.

His parents were ordinary workers, and no one in the family was engaged in the art industry.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Shao Feng has shown a love for singing since he was a child, and although his parents did not support it, they did not oppose it, but his parents just thought that boys should find a stable job to support their families.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

After graduating from high school, Shao Feng enlisted in the army and became a literary soldier in the Jinan Military Region.

Due to his lively, clever personality, he was assigned to work in the propaganda team.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Unexpectedly, he was assigned to the cooking class as a cook, responsible for cooking for the fighters.

Although he was placed in the cooking class, Shao Feng did not give up his love for literature and art.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

He used his spare time to watch his comrades-in-arms rehearse sketches and secretly learn Xi on his own.

He has a high level of perception and is very sensitive to lines, often memorizing them by heart after just a few watches.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

In 1987, Shao Feng ushered in an opportunity to change his fate.

At that time, the comrades-in-arms were rehearsing the sketch "Talking to the Heart", but due to various reasons, the performance effect was never satisfactory.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Seeing this, Shao Feng recommended himself and said that he could be qualified for this role.

At first, the leaders didn't believe in his ability, but at Shao Feng's insistence, they decided to let him give it a try.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Shao Feng's performance exceeded everyone's expectations, his cooperation with his comrades-in-arms was tacit, his language was witty and humorous, and his body movements were exaggerated.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

The audience was amused by his performance, and at the same time, they were deeply moved.

This successful performance allowed Shao Feng's acting talent to be displayed, and he was also transferred to the avant-garde art troupe of the Jinan Military Region as an actor.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

After entering the art troupe, Shao Feng worked harder to improve his acting skills, he participated in various sketches and dramas, and accumulated rich stage experience.

In the days that followed, Shao Feng continued to work hard, and his acting career gradually improved.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

He not only shined on the drama stage, but also participated in many TV series, such as "The Young King".

With the stability of his career, Shao Feng has also reached the time to talk about marriage, but he has always been single.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Acquaintance and love

Under the introduction of a friend, Shao Feng met Zhao Xia.

They first met at a small restaurant.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Shao Feng was wearing a simple but neat suit that day, exuding confidence and stability, Zhao Xia was attracted by his appearance and conversation, and felt that he was different from ordinary blind dates.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

The atmosphere in the restaurant was a little quiet, and they had a good conversation, but Shao Feng was full of attention to Zhao Xia, looking at her smile and eyes from time to time.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

In the days that followed, Shao Feng and Zhao Xia often kept in touch, and they went to the movies together, went shopping, and had dinner together.

Gradually, they discover that they share common interests and hobbies, which further deepens their relationship.

Half a year later, Shao Feng and Zhao Xia decided to enter the palace of marriage.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Shao Feng tried his best to earn money to support his family, and Zhao Xia never counted the hard work she put into the family. They firmly believe in love and strive for a better future.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

In the winter of 1994, they tied the knot, but their lives took a huge hit. Unfortunately, Zhao Xia suffered from a serious illness that required prolonged medical attention and rehabilitation.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

He did not hesitate to accompany her and did everything in his power to find a cure and provide psychological support.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Watching his wife suffer from illness day by day, Shao Feng was extremely distressed in his heart. Despite the difficulties and pains ahead, he never slackened.

Shao Feng often cooks delicious nutritious meals for his wife and gently helps her through the physical suffering.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

He also gave her endless encouragement and support, and firmly told her: No matter what difficulties you encounter, I will be by your side and never leave you.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

Finally, the illness was almost cured, but within a few years, it relapsed.

At that time, Shao Feng sold cars and houses, worked hard to make money, even if his wife was riding on a wheel, he had become famous, and he never thought of abandoning her.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

On the contrary, they have been accompanying each other and helping each other to go on together.

In fact, Shao Feng's behavior has also caused a lot of controversy, some people think that he did not hesitate to sell his house and car for his wife, and such behavior is worthy of respect;

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

But others believe that he did it only to win the favor of the public and increase his popularity.

Selling cars and houses to treat his wife, refusing to divorce and accompanying his wife to fight cancer for 23 years, Shao Feng is a real man in the entertainment industry

But in the past 23 years, Shao Feng has always been by his wife's side, never abandoned, and treated her, which is touching.

This is the responsibility and responsibility that a real man should have.

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