
The Bureau of Veterans' Affairs of Gaoping District of Nanchong City held a lecture on the theme of party history education

author:Information News

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, in order to further promote the study and education of party history, we should guide the vast number of party members and cadres and the masses to know the history of the party, listen to the party, follow the party, learn from advanced models, and firmly establish red faith. On June 4, the Bureau of Veterans' Affairs of Gaoping District of Nanchong City invited two veterans, Yang Shiqing and Li Tiangen, to tell the history of the party and the military and share the story of the battle, and all the party members, cadres and workers of the bureau and the directly subordinate units participated in the study.

The Bureau of Veterans' Affairs of Gaoping District of Nanchong City held a lecture on the theme of party history education

Li Tiangen, who joined the army in January 1952 and joined the DPRK in May 1952, served in a regimental headquarters communications company and participated in the Korean central line regional defense war and the Kimseong counterattack.

Yang Shiqing, who joined the army in December 1952 and entered the DPRK in March 1953, served in the anti-aircraft artillery battalion of the 1st Tank Division and participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

At the report meeting, li Tiangen, in connection with the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea in which he had participated, used vivid and simple language to tell the story of fighting in firm ideals and convictions, not fearing hardships and dangers, and bravely forging ahead; he showed the persistence and adherence of a veteran soldier to his ideals and convictions; and vividly interpreted the profound connotation of a communist who felt gratitude to the party, listened to the party, and followed the party.

Combining his own study experience, growth experience, experience in the war, and work experience after being transferred to a local area, Yang Shiqing vividly restored the thrilling spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, profoundly expounded the fearless spirit of the Communist Party members who are willing to dedicate themselves, and let everyone feel as if they were immersed in history and feel the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese communists who are indomitable and heroic and fearless at close range.

The Bureau of Veterans' Affairs of Gaoping District of Nanchong City held a lecture on the theme of party history education

The party members and cadres who participated in the study said that through listening carefully to the old man's stories, they have further deepened their understanding of party history and strengthened their ideals and convictions; in their future work, they should further inherit and carry forward the red gene, strive to promote the high-quality development of the work of veterans in Gaoping District, and present the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

The relevant responsible comrades of the Veterans Affairs Bureau of Gaoping District of Nanchong City pointed out that as veterans affairs workers, it is our original intention and mission to provide high-quality service guarantees for veterans. In the next step, the Gaoping District Veterans Affairs Bureau will continue to carry out activities such as veterans talking about party history into campuses, units, and troops, so that heroic deeds can be vivid, party history will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the high-quality development of veterans' affairs work will be promoted with strong positive energy.