
Gongdao Special Topic | 2023 labor hot words are coming, which one do you pick?

author:China Industry Network

Original title: Gongdao Special Topic | 2023 labor hot words are coming, which one do you pick?

Gongdao Special Topic | 2023 labor hot words are coming, which one do you pick?


Labor buzzwords

In 2023, we have walked together.

In the past year, the broad masses of laborers have made a good start for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way with an indomitable attitude of struggle, "relying on labor to create and solidly promote Chinese-style modernization"; workers from all walks of life and thousands of enterprises have worked together for common ideals and development goals, and have made efforts to achieve "two-way running."

This year, new technologies have driven new changes, bringing opportunities and challenges to the labor field. Accelerating the formation of "new quality productivity" requires us to continuously smooth the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talents, and create a new type of workforce; driven by the technology of "AI (artificial intelligence)", some people are anxious about whether their jobs can be secured; more and more people are adapting to "digital labor" and enjoying the freedom and convenience it brings, but at the same time, they are also "trapped" by digital and systems.

This year, the protection of workers' rights and interests has been continuously concerned and responded. The All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) has launched the "Double 15 Project" for trade union service stations, and nearly 160,000 service stations have been built to provide intimate services to outdoor workers; promoted the full implementation of the "paid leave" system to effectively protect employees' rights to rest and vacation; and focused on the "35-year-old crisis", the deputies and members of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress called for breaking the threshold of the workplace and allowing workers of all ages to have a stage to display their talents.

This year, the choices of people in the workplace are more open and diverse. Many young people are looking for like-minded "partners" to establish new connections and grow and progress together, while some young people are moving around the question of whether they should take off Kong Yiji's "long shirt" and think about how to make their self-development more fulfilling and colorful.

On the occasion of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, we have selected 10 hot words to leave a mark on the labor life of the past year. In the new year, let us start with struggle and create a better future with labor.

"Rely on labor to create

Solidly promote Chinese-style modernization"


On the occasion of the International Labor Day in 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping extended holiday congratulations and sincere condolences to the working masses across the country: "I hope that the working masses will vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers, labor spirit and craftsman spirit, work honestly, work diligently, be determined to innovate, dare to be the first, rely on labor creation to solidly promote Chinese-style modernization, and give full play to the role of the main force in the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation." ”


"Relying on labor to create and solidly promote Chinese-style modernization", issued a mobilization order to the broad masses of laborers, and pointed out the direction of struggle: unswervingly listen to the party, follow the party, consciously integrate life ideals and family happiness into the great cause of national prosperity and national rejuvenation, based on their own posts, enhance their sense of innovation, cultivate innovative thinking, learn Xi advanced technology, practice excellent skills, play the glory of labor, create a great strong voice of the times, and create new brilliance.

New quality productivity


In September 2023, when General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era in Heilongjiang, he stressed that actively cultivate strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing, and electronic information, actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and enhance new momentum for development. Subsequently, the new word "new quality productivity" jumped into the public eye and spread.


Different from traditional productivity, new quality productivity involves new fields and high technology content, and relying on innovation drive is the key, representing a kind of productivity leap. In the process of accelerating the cultivation of new quality productivity, on the one hand, we should focus on building a new type of workforce, and on the other hand, we must adhere to the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, master key core technologies, accelerate the cultivation and expansion of strategic emerging industries, and provide effective support and lasting impetus for high-quality development.

Gongdao Special Topic | 2023 labor hot words are coming, which one do you pick?

Double 15 project


In July 2023, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions held the press conference and launching ceremony of the Double 15 Project of "Trade Union Small Stations, Intimate Love" trade union service stations, making it clear that the construction of service stations will be vigorously strengthened across the country, and the work goal of 150,000 service stations nationwide by the end of 2023 and 15-minute service circle cross-coverage in major cities and key urban areas across the country will be basically realized.


As of mid-December 2023, nearly 160,000 service stations have been built across the country, covering more than 100 million employees and serving more than 3 million outdoor workers every day.

Go both ways


Two-way rush refers to the relevant parties working together towards a common goal, close to each other, and is mostly used between people. In the actual expression, two-way travel is no longer limited to people and people, enterprises and employees can be, talents and villages can be, cities and cities, countries and countries can also be, and the scope of use continues to extend and expand.


When applied to different subjects, under different circumstances, and in different backgrounds of different times, the connotation of two-way running is constantly sublimated, and the situation of striving to create a better life and working together for a common goal is all in it. Two-way running expresses harmonious symbiosis. You think about me, I will also contribute to you, you and I have an incomparably broad future.

Gongdao Special Topic | 2023 labor hot words are coming, which one do you pick?

AI (Artificial Intelligence)


At the beginning of 2023, ChatGPT, a chatbot powered by AI (artificial intelligence) technology, took the internet by storm. Subsequently, many domestic and foreign technology companies have released artificial intelligence models. These large models are machine-Xi models with a large number of parameters and complex structures, capable of processing massive amounts of data and completing a variety of complex tasks.


Will my job be replaced by AI? In 2023, this seems to be the hottest topic for professionals. AI will have an impact on certain professions, but it will also inevitably create new jobs. For workers, adapting to new technologies and developing the skills to work with them is the only way to make AI "work for me".

Paid time off


In July 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued 20 measures to restore and expand consumption. Among them, the full implementation of the paid leave system, the encouragement of off-peak leave, flexible work and rest and other measures related to leave, rushed to the top of the hot search list, sparked widespread discussion.


Rest and vacation are for better work. The full implementation of the paid leave system requires the joint efforts of relevant departments, enterprises and workers, to gather the consensus of the whole society, and to form a joint force of co-governance, so that workers dare to take vacations, can take vacations, and take good vacations.

Digital Labor


With the acceleration of a new round of technological revolution and digital transformation, digital labor is gradually penetrating into everyone's life. New forms of employment such as food delivery workers and ride-hailing drivers, as well as online anchors, UP hosts, and online novel writers, are all engaged in digital labor.


Digital work has made the way people work online, flexible, and immediate, but it has also blurred the boundaries between work and rest. How to achieve science and technology for good, and truly let labor create happiness? This requires all parties in society to work together to continuously optimize the digital labor environment, establish reasonable and standardized digital labor rules, and improve the digital literacy and digital skills of the whole people, so as to promote the healthy and orderly development of the digital economy.

35-year-old crisis


During the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2023, some deputies and members proposed to break the 35-year-old threshold and allow workers of all ages to enjoy fair employment opportunities, which attracted widespread attention.


Behind the anxiety of age in the workplace is people's expectation of a friendly working environment and fair employment opportunities. Therefore, in addition to establishing and advocating a scientific and rational outlook on employment in the whole society, it is also necessary to explicitly prohibit age discrimination at the legal level to ensure the full and free flow of labor force and achieve better development. At the same time, workers should constantly update their knowledge and skills in order to remain competitive in the workplace.



Nowadays, with the popularity of the Internet and social media, the culture of hitchhikers is becoming more and more popular among young people, and the scope of use has also expanded, and peers who engage in certain activities together are generally called hitchhikers. Dry rice pairing, sports pairing, learning Xi pairing, travel pairing...... Through social platforms, as long as you have similar interests, everything can be "rided".


The main focus of the social fire is a companion, a like-minded partner, a friend who struggles together, and a partner who makes progress together. It can be said that hitchhikers are a useful complement to fixed relationships. By participating in the hitchhiking culture, young people continue to enhance their sense of belonging and self-worth.



"Education is not only a stepping stone, but also a high platform that I can't get off, and it is a long shirt that Kong Yiji can't take off. Kong Yiji is a literary character written by Lu Xun, and in the novel he is the only one in the wine shop who stands and drinks, but always wears a long shirt that identifies himself as a "scholar". In March 2023, some highly educated young people who were unable to get their dream jobs began to laugh at themselves with "can't take off their long shirts", and the derived "Kong Yiji literature" became popular on the Internet.


The meaning of reading is that young people can get the right to choose "to wear or not to wear"; at a time when "360 lines, the best in the line" has been endowed with the meaning of the new era, compared with the momentary action of "putting on" or "taking off", to a large extent, the success or failure is still determined by the old truth: whether a person can take his work seriously and steadily for a long time.

策划 | 郭强 陈晓燕 罗娟 李丹青

Reporter | Chen Junyu, Luo Xiaoxiao, Zhu Xin, Xu Xinxing, Li Danqing

Video Production | Shi Hongyu

Source: Workers' Daily WeChat public account