
Three meaningless etiquette, don't go with the flow!

author:Effort is an attitude

These three rites, don't be embarrassed, don't go!

In social situations, we are always bound by the rules of etiquette, but some etiquette is meaningless. Today, we're going to uncover three meaningless rituals, say goodbye to these shackles, and embrace your true self. **


In modern society, we often encounter various etiquette norms and traditional Xi. However, some rituals have lost their original meaning and become a form of hypocrisy. Let's take a look at these three etiquettes and why they no longer need to be followed.

The first type: the etiquette of greeting with false affection

Three meaningless etiquette, don't go with the flow!

We meet many people every day, whether friends or strangers, and usually we greet each other. However, some of the greetings become hypocritical, just to cope with the scene. For example, when we meet strangers, we often ask, "Have you eaten?" or "How was your day?" These questions do not care about the other person's answers, and there will be no real communication and sharing. Why not try a sincere and meaningful greeting such as: "What's new for you today?" or "Is there anything you've been excited about lately?" can spark deeper conversations and allow people to communicate more authentically.

The second type: unnecessary occasion etiquette

Three meaningless etiquette, don't go with the flow!

There are specific etiquette rules for various social occasions, such as weddings, funerals, business banquets, etc. But sometimes, these rituals become too cumbersome and deliberate, making people feel oppressed and constrained. For example, some traditional wedding ceremonies, such as breaking the door and offering tea, have their historical origins, but they no longer have practical significance in modern society. Why not let everyone have a wedding according to their preferences and personality, break the old shackles, and let everyone celebrate and share happiness in the most authentic way possible?

The third type: flashy external etiquette

We are often told to pay attention to our appearance and appearance, such as how we dress, how we behave, how we speak, etc. However, sometimes paying too much attention to these details can make us lose our true selves. Some people overemphasize the external brilliance and ignore their own inner strength and value. We should encourage everyone to pay more attention to the cultivation and development of the heart while pursuing the beauty of the image. True self-confidence and charisma come from inner growth and self-affirmation, not just appearances.


Three meaningless etiquette, don't go with the flow!

Whether in social situations or in everyday life, we should abandon those meaningless etiquettes and be brave enough to be ourselves. Let's say goodbye to hypocrisy and cumbersomeness, and pursue truth and simplicity. Only in real relationships can we establish real interpersonal relationships and find happiness that truly belongs to us.

Note: The views in this article only represent the author's personal and do not represent the position of this platform.


*The above content is for reference only, please flexibly adjust according to the actual situation. *

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