
Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

author:Interesting point of view
Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Zhou Zhou Wei glowed, it turned out that in his mind, he had met the love he once envied, like grandparents

My grandmother was born in the 30s, and according to today's words, the love brain is to hand over herself completely and unguarded to my grandfather.

And my grandfather, if you say it in today's terms, it's called, the big male mastery, and he went to carry it himself, so he died,

I just pulled out a copy of the admission letter from Peking University in his drawer, in the locked drawer, and he didn't go to school

Because he carried the whole family and didn't have time to go to school, in their era, the relationship was actually to pick each other's belly

It's okay to give it to your lover on your back.


So sometimes, I'm very grateful, I ran into our family, this little dirt girl, she sometimes

I really don't know what the outside world is like, she can not believe it like this, the world is cruel, I want to protect her, I am quite willing to protect her

Netizens, you all know how to comment, and you really can't laugh anymore

Netizens ridiculed: Zhu Dan: My husband said that I was dirty, and he also said that I had never seen the world, by the way, his machismo was passed down from his grandfather's generation.

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Monday Wai understands machismo is a man who has to carry it all

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Netizen: Zhu Dan really went on the show "talking nonsense", so Zhou Yiwei was misunderstood for many years [tears]

No, Zhou Yiwei and Huo Jianhua's temperament is very similar, they both do what they should do and enjoy the blessings they deserve, rather than just liking to set up people

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Netizen: It is not excluded that there is a script, but some of people's subconscious reactions and expressions are real

honorable 严重受损,小土妞

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Netizen: I never thought that Zhou Yiwei and Wu Jing would reverse [tears]

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Netizen: I don't know how Zhou Zhou Wei is Wu Jing felt so fake when he said it really at the beginning Because he is too similar to my husband

Netizen: I feel that I understand what Zhu Yiwei said, but I really want to know how Zhu Dan will summarize this paragraph.

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Netizen: His machismo also said that I was a love brain

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Wu Jing: Machismo is to suppress the wife, and you can't let the wife climb to the top and don't know who the king is

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

My husband is a lion man, he always says that I am stupid and naïve, and I will help others count money when I suffer losses

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Netizen: I have doubted everything, but I have never doubted Zhu Dan's mouth [tears]

Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

Editor's summary

Oops, when I saw Zhou Zhouwei's words, I remembered the old saying, "Love is blind". But what is the situation in Zhou Zhouwei, he actually described Zhu Dan as a "little earth girl" and said that he wanted to protect her, isn't this the modern version of Prince Charming saving beauty? It's too dramatic! It feels like a plot that has traveled from ancient times, but it has been replaced with a modern version of the background. You say, is this another perfect rendition of "chivalry"?

But then again, the concept of love of his grandfather's generation mentioned by Zhou Yiwei is really a model of "unswerving to death". Grandpa gave up admission to Peking University and chose to shoulder the burden of the whole family, a spirit of sacrifice that seems rare today. I have to say that such stories can always touch people's hearts and make people feel the greatness of love.

Nowadays, we live in a fast-paced, high-pressure society, and it is easy to forget the simplest and purest part of love. Zhou Zhouwei's words are not only an expression of Zhu Dan's desire to protect, but also a reminder to us: in this complex world, sometimes simple love and protection are the most precious. Just like the popular saying on the Internet: "Meeting the right person at the right time is a lifetime of happiness, and meeting the right person at the wrong time is a sigh." ”

However, I can't help but wonder whether this "machismo" type of protection is a kind of warm waiting, or an unnecessary restraint?

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Zhou Zhouwei said that Zhu Dan is a little soil girl, I want to protect her, Zhu Dan burst into tears in front of the screen

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